#!perl -w
# Copyright (C) all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
use strict;
use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET);
my $have_search = eval { require PublicInbox::Search; 1 };
my $addr = 'meta@public-inbox.org';
for my $pod (@ARGV) {
open my $fh, '+<', $pod or die "open($pod): $!";
my $s = do { local $/; <$fh> } // die "read $!";
my $orig = $s;
$s =~ s!^=head1 COPYRIGHT\n.+?^=head1([^\n]+)\n!=head1 COPYRIGHT
Copyright all contributors L
License: AGPL-3.0+ L
$s =~ s!^=head1 CONTACT\n.+?^=head1([^\n]+)\n!=head1 CONTACT
Feedback welcome via plain-text mail to L
The mail archives are hosted at L and
$have_search and $s =~ s!^=for\scomment\n
$s =~ s/[ \t]+$//sgm;
if ($s eq $orig) {
my $t = time;
utime($t, $t, $fh);
} else {
seek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "seek: $!";
truncate($fh, 0) or die "truncate: $!";
print $fh $s or die "print: $!";
close $fh or die "close: $!";
sub search_terms {
my $help = eval('\@PublicInbox::Search::HELP');
my $s = '';
my $pad = 0;
my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < @$help; $i += 2) {
my $pfx = $help->[$i];
my $n = length($pfx);
$pad = $n if $n > $pad;
$s .= $pfx . "\0";
$s .= $help->[$i + 1];
$s .= "\f\n";
$pad += 2;
my $padding = ' ' x ($pad + 4);
$s =~ s/^/$padding/gms;
$s =~ s/^$padding(\S+)\0/" $1".(' ' x ($pad - length($1)))/egms;
$s =~ s/\f\n/\n/gs;
$s =~ s/^ //gms;
substr($s, 0, 0, "=for comment\nAUTO-GENERATED-SEARCH-TERMS-BEGIN\n\n");
$s .= "\n=for comment\nAUTO-GENERATED-SEARCH-TERMS-END\n";