# Copyright (C) 2013-2019 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
# Note: some GNU-isms present and required to build docs
# (including manpages), but at least this should not trigger
# warnings with BSD make(1) when running "make check"
# Maybe it's not worth it to support non-GNU make, though...
RSYNC = rsync
RSYNC_DEST = public-inbox.org:/srv/public-inbox/
MAN = man
# same as pod2text
dtxt := design_notes.txt design_www.txt dc-dlvr-spam-flow.txt hosted.txt
dtxt += marketing.txt
dtxt += standards.txt
dtxt := $(addprefix Documentation/, $(dtxt))
docs := $(txt) $(dtxt)
INSTALL = install
PODMAN = pod2man
PODMAN_OPTS = -v --stderr -d 1993-10-02 -c 'public-inbox user manual'
PODMAN_OPTS += -r public-inbox.git
podman = $(PODMAN) $(PODMAN_OPTS)
PODTEXT = pod2text
PODTEXT_OPTS = --stderr
podtext = $(PODTEXT) $(PODTEXT_OPTS)
# MakeMaker only seems to support manpage sections 1 and 3...
m1 =
m1 += public-inbox-compact
m1 += public-inbox-convert
m1 += public-inbox-edit
m1 += public-inbox-httpd
m1 += public-inbox-index
m1 += public-inbox-mda
m1 += public-inbox-nntpd
m1 += public-inbox-watch
m1 += public-inbox-xcpdb
m5 =
m5 += public-inbox-config
m5 += public-inbox-v1-format
m5 += public-inbox-v2-format
m7 =
m7 += public-inbox-overview
m8 =
m8 += public-inbox-daemon
man1 := $(addsuffix .1, $(m1))
man5 := $(addsuffix .5, $(m5))
man7 := $(addsuffix .7, $(m7))
man8 := $(addsuffix .8, $(m8))
all:: man html
man: $(man1) $(man5) $(man7) $(man8)
prefix ?= $(PREFIX)
prefix ?= $(HOME)
mandir ?= $(prefix)/share/man
man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
man5dir = $(mandir)/man5
man7dir = $(mandir)/man7
man8dir = $(mandir)/man8
install-man: man
$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)
$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(man5dir)
$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(man7dir)
$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(man8dir)
$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(man1) $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)
$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(man5) $(DESTDIR)$(man5dir)
$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(man7) $(DESTDIR)$(man7dir)
$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(man8) $(DESTDIR)$(man8dir)
doc_install :: install-man
%.1 %.5 %.7 %.8 : Documentation/%.pod
$(podman) -s $(subst .,,$(suffix $@)) $< $@+ && mv $@+ $@
manuals :=
manuals += $(m1)
manuals += $(m5)
manuals += $(m7)
manuals += $(m8)
mantxt = $(addprefix Documentation/, $(addsuffix .txt, $(manuals)))
docs += $(mantxt)
dtxt += $(mantxt)
all :: $(mantxt)
Documentation/%.txt : Documentation/%.pod
$(podtext) $< $@+ && touch -r $< $@+ && mv $@+ $@
txt2pre = $(PERL) -I lib ./Documentation/txt2pre <$< >$@+ && \
touch -r $< $@+ && mv $@+ $@
Documentation/standards.txt : Documentation/standards.perl
$(PERL) $< >$@+ && touch -r $< $@+ && mv $@+ $@
Documentation/%.html: Documentation/%.txt
%.html: %
docs_html := $(addsuffix .html, $(subst .txt,,$(dtxt)) $(txt))
html: $(docs_html)
gz_docs := $(addsuffix .gz, $(docs) $(docs_html))
rsync_docs := $(gz_docs) $(docs) $(docs_html)
# external manpages which we host ourselves, since some packages
# (currently just Xapian) doesn't host manpages themselves.
xtxt :=
xtxt += .copydatabase.1
xtxt += .xapian-compact.1
xtxt := $(addprefix Documentation/.x/, $(addsuffix .txt, $(xtxt)))
xdocs := $(xtxt)
xdocs_html := $(addsuffix .html, $(subst .txt,,$(xtxt)))
gz_xdocs := $(addsuffix .gz, $(xdocs) $(xdocs_html))
rsync_xdocs := $(gz_xdocs) $(xdocs_html) $(xdocs)
xdoc: $(xdocs) $(xdocs_html)
@-mkdir -p $(@D)
$(PERL) -w Documentation/extman.perl $@ >$@+
mv $@+ $@
Documentation/.x/%.html: Documentation/.x/%.txt
doc: $(docs)
%.gz: %
gzip -9 --rsyncable <$< >$@+
touch -r $< $@+
mv $@+ $@
gz-doc: $(gz_docs)
gz-xdoc: $(gz_xdocs)
# /usr/share/doc/rsync/scripts/git-set-file-times{.gz} on Debian systems
# It is also at: https://yhbt.net/git-set-file-times
-git set-file-times $(docs) $(txt)
$(MAKE) gz-doc gz-xdoc
$(RSYNC) --chmod=Fugo=r -av $(rsync_docs) $(rsync_xdocs) $(RSYNC_DEST)
$(RM) $(man1) $(man5) $(man7) $(man8) $(gz_docs) $(docs_html) $(mantxt)
$(RM) $(gz_xdocs) $(xdocs_html) $(xdocs)
clean :: clean-doc
pure_all ::
@if test x"$(addprefix g, make)" != xgmake; then \
echo W: gmake is currently required to build manpages; fi