public-inbox (server-side) installation
This is for folks who want to setup their own public-inbox instance.
Clients should see instead
if they want to import mail into their personal inboxes.
TODO: this still needs to be documented better,
also see the scripts/ and sa_config/ directories in the source tree
It should also be possible to use public-inbox with only IMAP
(or even POP(!)) access to a mailbox.
standard MakeMaker installation (Perl)
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install # root permissions may be needed
Requirements (server MDA)
* git
* SpamAssassin (spamc/spamd)
* MTA - postfix is recommended
* lynx (for converting HTML messages to text)
* Perl and several modules: (Debian package name)
- Date::Parse libtimedate-perl
- Email::Filter libemail-filter-perl
- Email::MIME libemail-mime-perl
- Email::MIME::ContentType libemail-mime-contenttype-perl
- Encode::MIME::Header perl
- File::Path::Expand libfile-path-expand-perl
- IPC::Run libipc-run-perl
Optional modules:
- Plack[1] libplack-perl
- Mail::Thread (2.5+)[1] libmail-thread-perl
- URI::Escape[1] liburi-perl
- Search::Xapian[3] libsearch-xapian-perl
- IO::Compress::Gzip[3] libio-compress-perl
- DBI[3] libdbi-perl
- DBD::SQLite[3] libdbd-sqlite3-perl
- Danga::Socket[4] libdanga-socket-perl
- Net::Server[4] libnet-server-perl
[1] - Only required for serving/generating Atom and HTML pages.
[3] - Optional for HTML web interface and HTTP/NNTP servers
[4] - Optional for HTTP and NNTP servers
When installing Search::Xapian, make sure the underlying Xapian
is patched against the index corruption bug documented in:
For Debian 8.0, this means installing from jessie-backports
until the fix lands in jessie.
# Ensure the following line is in your apt sources.list(5)
# (typically /etc/apt/sources.list):
deb jessie-backports main
Then run:
apt-get update
apt-get install -t jessie-backports libxapian22
to install the package.
public-inbox will never store unregeneratable data in Xapian
or any other search database we might use; Xapian corruption
will not destroy critical data.
Copyright 2013-2016 all contributors
License: AGPL-3.0+