public-inbox (server-side) installation --------------------------------------- This is for folks who want to setup their own public-inbox instance. Clients should see instead if they want to import mail into their personal inboxes. TODO: this still needs to be documented better, also see the scripts/ and sa_config/ directories in the source tree It should also be possible to use public-inbox with only IMAP (or even POP(!)) access to a mailbox. standard MakeMaker installation (Perl) -------------------------------------- perl Makefile.PL make make test make install # root permissions may be needed Requirements (server MDA) ------------------------- * git * ssoma - * SpamAssassin (spamc/spamd) * MTA - postfix is recommended * lynx (for converting HTML messages to text) * Perl and several modules: (Debian package name) - Date::Parse libtimedate-perl - Email::Address libemail-address-perl - Email::Filter libemail-filter-perl - Email::MIME libemail-mime-perl - Email::MIME::ContentType libemail-mime-contenttype-perl - Encode::MIME::Header perl - File::Path::Expand libfile-path-expand-perl - IPC::Run libipc-run-perl Optional modules: - Plack[1] libplack-perl - Mail::Thread (2.5+)[1] libmail-thread-perl - URI::Escape[1] liburi-perl - Search::Xapian[3] libsearch-xapian-perl - IO::Compress::Gzip[3] libio-compress-perl - DBI[3] libdbi-perl - DBD::SQLite[3] libdbd-sqlite3-perl - Danga::Socket[4] libdanga-socket-perl [1] - Only required for serving/generating Atom and HTML pages. [3] - Optional for HTML web interface and NNTP server [4] - Optional for NNTP server Copyright --------- Copyright 2013-2015 all contributors License: AGPLv3 or later