schwabrak -- simple flat file based issue tracker I want relatively simple issue/ticket tracker. Something like Trac, Redmine or Fossil. But they require heavy dependencies (Python, Ruby), database and they are centralised. You can not work with them offline and it is relatively complicated to replicate data to locally running copy of any of those trackers (well, except for Fossil I believe). And does web-interface necessary at all? What is a ticket/issue? Just some plain text descriptions, that have attached enumerations (statuses, assignments, priorities, projects, subsystems, severities, resolutions, etc) and a pile of append-only comments, possibly with another file attachments. Can all of that live in a directory with several plain text files? Can it be linked with other issues just by making a symbolic links in deps/ subdirectory? Are not Git commits provide supplementary metainformation about when and by whom any of the change is made with that directory? Definitely yes! And because of DVCS you get ability to keep the whole distributed copy of the tracker on each developer's machine. You can send changes to it asynchronously as a patch or bundle. Basically schwabrak is mainly about a convention how to keep issues in files, loosely similar to, where I borrowed idea of replacing spaces with dashes in issue names. Issues are kept in issues/ directory. Each issue can be a part of projects hierarchy: main-project/sub-proj/issue-name. Directory's name is the issue's brief name. Dashes should be interpreted as spaces and n > 1 dashes should be interpreted as n-1 dashes when converting directory name to a human readable issue title, as PoormanIssueTracker suggests. "about" file contains the description of the issue. "result" (initially empty) contains the closed issue resolution information. "created" issue's file contains the datetime it was created. It is used to help sort issues by date. Unfortunately Git does not keep and restore mtimes, that probably can eliminate the need of separate files with the timestamps. Each issue can have attached tags. For keeping their set in consistent well-defined state, tags/ directory above the issues/ contains available tags for you projects. $ for tag in status:open status:done assigned:alice assigned:bob doc db test:integration severity:high severity:low ... ; do touch tags/$tag done It is your choice how to name and deal with them. Want to find all issues in done state? for i (issues/**/tags/status:done) print $i:h:h. All of that kind of information are just enumerations. deps/ subdirectory in each issue can contain symbolic link to another issue, referencing it. Create another kind of links between them as you wish. Want to search among the issues? Just use git grep, or ordinary grep! Want to search through attached PDFs or other kind of documents? You are free to index issues/ directory with something like recoll. Want to see the whole history of changes related to specific issues? Just run git log issues/issue-name! You can add a tag by simply touching issues/issues-name/tags/tag, but "tag-add" included in schwabrak creates symbolic links to tags/tag and checks if the tags is known beforehand, to keep tags set consistent. Want to remove tag? (git) rm issues/issues-name/tags/tag! "comment" issue's file is intended to keep the last comment related to the issue. By committing it you automatically accompany it with your (commit's author) name and the time it was added. $ cat > issues/issues-name/comment <