%ifaction sub%Subject: Subscribed to $listaddr$: $subaddr$%endif% %ifaction unsub%Subject: Unsubscribed from $listaddr$: $subaddr$%endif% %wrap%Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the $listaddr$ mailing list. %wrap% %ifaction sub% The address $subaddr$ has been subscribed to %iftype normal%%endif% %iftype digest% the digest version of %endif% %iftype nomail% the no-mail version of %endif% the list %ifreason request% because a request to join was received. %endif% %ifreason confirm% because a request to join was confirmed. %endif% %ifreason admin% because an administrator commanded it. %endif% %ifreason permit% because a gatekeeper permitted it. %endif% %endif% %ifaction unsub% The address $subaddr$ has been unsubscribed from %iftype normal%%endif% %iftype digest% the digest version of %endif% %iftype nomail% the no-mail version of %endif% the list. %ifreason request% because a request to unsubscribe was received. %endif% %ifreason confirm% because a request to unsubscribe was confirmed. %endif% %ifreason admin% because an administrator commanded it. %endif% %ifreason bouncing% because it has been bouncing for too long. %endif% %endif%