# Copyright (C) 2014, Eric Wong and all contributors # License: AGPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) package PublicInbox::Config; use strict; use warnings; use File::Path::Expand qw/expand_filename/; # returns key-value pairs of config directives in a hash # if keys may be multi-value, the value is an array ref containing all values sub new { my ($class, $file) = @_; local $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} = defined $file ? $file : default_file(); my @cfg = `git config -l`; $? == 0 or die "git config -l failed: $?\n"; chomp @cfg; my %rv; foreach my $line (@cfg) { my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $line, 2); my $cur = $rv{$k}; if (defined $cur) { if (ref($cur) eq "ARRAY") { push @$cur, $v; } else { $rv{$k} = [ $cur, $v ]; } } else { $rv{$k} = $v; } } bless \%rv, $class; } sub lookup { my ($self, $recipient) = @_; my $addr = lc($recipient); my $pfx; foreach my $k (keys %$self) { $k =~ /\A(publicinbox\.[A-Z0-9a-z-]+)\.address\z/ or next; my $v = $self->{$k}; if (ref($v) eq "ARRAY") { foreach my $alias (@$v) { (lc($alias) eq $addr) or next; $pfx = $1; last; } } else { (lc($v) eq $addr) or next; $pfx = $1; last; } } defined $pfx or return; my %rv; foreach my $k (qw(mainrepo description address)) { my $v = $self->{"$pfx.$k"}; $rv{$k} = $v if defined $v; } my $listname = $pfx; $listname =~ s/\Apublicinbox\.//; $rv{listname} = $listname; \%rv; } sub get { my ($self, $listname, $key) = @_; $self->{"publicinbox.$listname.$key"}; } sub default_file { my $f = $ENV{PI_CONFIG}; return $f if defined $f; my $pi_dir = $ENV{PI_DIR} || expand_filename('~/.public-inbox/'); "$pi_dir/config"; } 1;