# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # Contains common daemon code for the httpd, imapd, and nntpd servers # and designed for handling thousands of untrusted clients over slow # and/or lossy connections. package PublicInbox::Daemon; use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long qw/:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev/; use IO::Handle; # ->autoflush use IO::Socket; use POSIX qw(WNOHANG :signal_h); use Socket qw(IPPROTO_TCP SOL_SOCKET); sub SO_ACCEPTFILTER () { 0x1000 } STDOUT->autoflush(1); STDERR->autoflush(1); use PublicInbox::DS qw(now); use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(SFD_NONBLOCK); require PublicInbox::Listener; use PublicInbox::EOFpipe; use PublicInbox::Sigfd; use PublicInbox::GitAsyncCat; my @CMD; my ($set_user, $oldset); my (@cfg_listen, $stdout, $stderr, $group, $user, $pid_file, $daemonize); my $worker_processes = 1; my @listeners; my %pids; my %tls_opt; # scheme://sockname => args for IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL my $reexec_pid; my ($uid, $gid); my ($default_cert, $default_key); my %KNOWN_TLS = ( 443 => 'https', 563 => 'nntps', 993 => 'imaps' ); my %KNOWN_STARTTLS = ( 119 => 'nntp', 143 => 'imap' ); sub accept_tls_opt ($) { my ($opt_str) = @_; # opt_str: opt1=val1,opt2=val2 (opt may repeat for multi-value) require PublicInbox::TLS; my $o = {}; # allow ',' as delimiter since '&' is shell-unfriendly foreach (split(/[,&]/, $opt_str)) { my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $_, 2); push @{$o->{$k} ||= []}, $v; } # key may be a part of cert. At least # p5-io-socket-ssl/example/ssl_server.pl has this fallback: $o->{cert} //= [ $default_cert ]; $o->{key} //= defined($default_key) ? [ $default_key ] : $o->{cert}; my %ctx_opt = (SSL_server => 1); # parse out hostname:/path/to/ mappings: foreach my $k (qw(cert key)) { my $x = $ctx_opt{'SSL_'.$k.'_file'} = {}; foreach my $path (@{$o->{$k}}) { my $host = ''; $path =~ s/\A([^:]+):// and $host = $1; $x->{$host} = $path; } } my $ctx = IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_Context->new(%ctx_opt) or die 'SSL_Context->new: '.PublicInbox::TLS::err(); # save ~34K per idle connection (cf. SSL_CTX_set_mode(3ssl)) # RSS goes from 346MB to 171MB with 10K idle NNTPS clients on amd64 # cf. https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=129463 my $mode = eval { Net::SSLeay::MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS() }; if ($mode && $ctx->{context}) { eval { Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_mode($ctx->{context}, $mode) }; warn "W: $@ (setting SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS)\n" if $@; } { SSL_server => 1, SSL_startHandshake => 0, SSL_reuse_ctx => $ctx }; } sub daemon_prepare ($) { my ($default_listen) = @_; my $listener_names = {}; # sockname => IO::Handle $oldset = PublicInbox::DS::block_signals(); @CMD = ($0, @ARGV); my ($prog) = ($CMD[0] =~ m!([^/]+)\z!g); my $help = < \@cfg_listen, '1|stdout=s' => \$stdout, '2|stderr=s' => \$stderr, 'W|worker-processes=i' => \$worker_processes, 'P|pid-file=s' => \$pid_file, 'u|user=s' => \$user, 'g|group=s' => \$group, 'D|daemonize' => \$daemonize, 'cert=s' => \$default_cert, 'key=s' => \$default_key, 'help|h' => \(my $show_help), ); GetOptions(%opt) or die $help; if ($show_help) { print $help; exit 0 }; if (defined $pid_file && $pid_file =~ /\.oldbin\z/) { die "--pid-file cannot end with '.oldbin'\n"; } @listeners = inherit($listener_names); # allow socket-activation users to set certs once and not # have to configure each socket: my @inherited_names = keys(%$listener_names) if defined($default_cert); # ignore daemonize when inheriting $daemonize = undef if scalar @listeners; push @cfg_listen, $default_listen unless (@listeners || @cfg_listen); foreach my $l (@cfg_listen) { my $orig = $l; my $scheme = ''; if ($l =~ s!\A([^:]+)://!!) { $scheme = $1; } elsif ($l =~ /\A(?:\[[^\]]+\]|[^:]+):([0-9])+/) { my $s = $KNOWN_TLS{$1} // $KNOWN_STARTTLS{$1}; $scheme = $s if defined $s; } if ($l =~ s!/?\?(.+)\z!!) { $tls_opt{"$scheme://$l"} = accept_tls_opt($1); } elsif (defined($default_cert)) { $tls_opt{"$scheme://$l"} = accept_tls_opt(''); } elsif ($scheme =~ /\A(?:https|imaps|imaps)\z/) { die "$orig specified w/o cert=\n"; } # TODO: use scheme to load either NNTP.pm or HTTP.pm next if $listener_names->{$l}; # already inherited my (%o, $sock_pkg); if (index($l, '/') == 0) { $sock_pkg = 'IO::Socket::UNIX'; eval "use $sock_pkg"; die $@ if $@; %o = (Type => SOCK_STREAM, Peer => $l); if (-S $l) { my $c = $sock_pkg->new(%o); if (!defined($c) && $!{ECONNREFUSED}) { unlink $l or die "failed to unlink stale socket=$l: $!\n"; } # else: let the bind fail } $o{Local} = delete $o{Peer}; } else { # both work for IPv4, too for (qw(IO::Socket::IP IO::Socket::INET6)) { $sock_pkg = $_; eval "use $sock_pkg"; $@ or last; } die $@ if $@; %o = (LocalAddr => $l, ReuseAddr => 1, Proto => 'tcp'); } $o{Listen} = 1024; my $prev = umask 0000; my $s = eval { $sock_pkg->new(%o) }; warn "error binding $l: $! ($@)\n" unless $s; umask $prev; if ($s) { $listener_names->{sockname($s)} = $s; $s->blocking(0); push @listeners, $s; } } # cert/key options in @cfg_listen takes precedence when inheriting, # but map well-known inherited ports if --listen isn't specified # at all for my $sockname (@inherited_names) { $sockname =~ /:([0-9]+)\z/ or next; if (my $scheme = $KNOWN_TLS{$1}) { $tls_opt{"$scheme://$sockname"} ||= accept_tls_opt(''); } elsif (($scheme = $KNOWN_STARTTLS{$1})) { next if $tls_opt{"$scheme://$sockname"}; $tls_opt{''} ||= accept_tls_opt(''); } } die "No listeners bound\n" unless @listeners; } sub check_absolute ($$) { my ($var, $val) = @_; if (defined $val && index($val, '/') != 0) { die "--$var must be an absolute path when using --daemonize: $val\n"; } } sub daemonize () { if ($daemonize) { require Cwd; foreach my $i (0..$#ARGV) { my $arg = $ARGV[$i]; next unless -e $arg; $ARGV[$i] = Cwd::abs_path($arg); } check_absolute('stdout', $stdout); check_absolute('stderr', $stderr); check_absolute('pid-file', $pid_file); chdir '/' or die "chdir failed: $!"; } if (defined($pid_file) || defined($group) || defined($user)) { eval { require Net::Server::Daemonize; 1 } // die <&STDIN' or die "redirect stdout failed: $!\n"; open STDERR, '>&STDIN' or die "redirect stderr failed: $!\n"; POSIX::setsid(); $pid = fork // die "fork: $!"; exit if $pid; } return unless defined $pid_file; write_pid($pid_file); # for ->DESTROY: bless { pid => $$, pid_file => \$pid_file }, __PACKAGE__; } sub worker_quit { # $_[0] = signal name or number (unused) # killing again terminates immediately: exit unless @listeners; $_->close foreach @listeners; # call PublicInbox::DS::close @listeners = (); my $proc_name; my $warn = 0; # drop idle connections and try to quit gracefully PublicInbox::DS->SetPostLoopCallback(sub { my ($dmap, undef) = @_; my $n = 0; my $now = now(); foreach my $s (values %$dmap) { $s->can('busy') or next; if ($s->busy($now)) { ++$n; } else { # close as much as possible, early as possible $s->close; } } if ($n) { if (($warn + 5) < now()) { warn "$$ quitting, $n client(s) left\n"; $warn = now(); } unless (defined $proc_name) { $proc_name = (split(/\s+/, $0))[0]; $proc_name =~ s!\A.*?([^/]+)\z!$1!; } $0 = "$proc_name quitting, $n client(s) left"; } $n; # true: loop continues, false: loop breaks }); } sub reopen_logs { if ($stdout) { open STDOUT, '>>', $stdout or warn "failed to redirect stdout to $stdout: $!\n"; STDOUT->autoflush(1); do_chown($stdout); } if ($stderr) { open STDERR, '>>', $stderr or warn "failed to redirect stderr to $stderr: $!\n"; STDERR->autoflush(1); do_chown($stderr); } } sub sockname ($) { my ($s) = @_; my $addr = getsockname($s) or return; my ($host, $port) = host_with_port($addr); if ($port == 0 && $host eq '') { my ($path) = Socket::sockaddr_un($addr); return $path; } "$host:$port"; } sub unpack_ipv6 ($) { my ($addr) = @_; my ($port, $host); # Socket.pm in Perl 5.14+ supports IPv6: eval { ($port, $host) = Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in6($addr); $host = Socket::inet_ntop(Socket::AF_INET6(), $host); }; if ($@) { # Perl 5.12 or earlier? SpamAssassin and Net::Server use # Socket6, so it may be installed on our system, already # (otherwise die here): require Socket6; ($port, $host) = Socket6::unpack_sockaddr_in6($addr); $host = Socket6::inet_ntop(Socket6::AF_INET6(), $host); } ($host, $port); } sub host_with_port ($) { my ($addr) = @_; my ($port, $host); # this eval will die on Unix sockets: eval { if (length($addr) >= 28) { ($host, $port) = unpack_ipv6($addr); $host = "[$host]"; } else { ($port, $host) = Socket::sockaddr_in($addr); $host = Socket::inet_ntoa($host); } }; $@ ? ('', 0) : ($host, $port); } sub inherit ($) { my ($listener_names) = @_; return () if ($ENV{LISTEN_PID} || 0) != $$; my $fds = $ENV{LISTEN_FDS} or return (); my $end = $fds + 2; # LISTEN_FDS_START - 1 my @rv = (); foreach my $fd (3..$end) { my $s = IO::Handle->new_from_fd($fd, 'r'); if (my $k = sockname($s)) { my $prev_was_blocking = $s->blocking(0); warn <<"" if $prev_was_blocking; Inherited socket (fd=$fd) is blocking, making it non-blocking. Set 'NonBlocking = true' in the systemd.service unit to avoid stalled processes when multiple service instances start. $listener_names->{$k} = $s; push @rv, $s; } else { warn "failed to inherit fd=$fd (LISTEN_FDS=$fds)"; } } @rv } sub upgrade { # $_[0] = signal name or number (unused) if ($reexec_pid) { warn "upgrade in-progress: $reexec_pid\n"; return; } if (defined $pid_file) { if ($pid_file =~ /\.oldbin\z/) { warn "BUG: .oldbin suffix exists: $pid_file\n"; return; } unlink_pid_file_safe_ish($$, $pid_file); $pid_file .= '.oldbin'; write_pid($pid_file); } my $pid = fork; unless (defined $pid) { warn "fork failed: $!\n"; return; } if ($pid == 0) { use Fcntl qw(FD_CLOEXEC F_SETFD F_GETFD); $ENV{LISTEN_FDS} = scalar @listeners; $ENV{LISTEN_PID} = $$; foreach my $s (@listeners) { # @listeners are globs with workers, PI::L w/o workers $s = $s->{sock} if ref($s) eq 'PublicInbox::Listener'; my $fl = fcntl($s, F_GETFD, 0); fcntl($s, F_SETFD, $fl &= ~FD_CLOEXEC); } exec @CMD; die "Failed to exec: $!\n"; } $reexec_pid = $pid; } sub kill_workers ($) { my ($sig) = @_; kill $sig, keys(%pids); } sub upgrade_aborted ($) { my ($p) = @_; warn "reexec PID($p) died with: $?\n"; $reexec_pid = undef; return unless $pid_file; my $file = $pid_file; $file =~ s/\.oldbin\z// or die "BUG: no '.oldbin' suffix in $file"; unlink_pid_file_safe_ish($$, $pid_file); $pid_file = $file; eval { write_pid($pid_file) }; warn $@, "\n" if $@; } sub reap_children { # $_[0] = 'CHLD' or POSIX::SIGCHLD() while (1) { my $p = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) or return; if (defined $reexec_pid && $p == $reexec_pid) { upgrade_aborted($p); } elsif (defined(my $id = delete $pids{$p})) { warn "worker[$id] PID($p) died with: $?\n"; } elsif ($p > 0) { warn "unknown PID($p) reaped: $?\n"; } else { return; } } } sub unlink_pid_file_safe_ish ($$) { my ($unlink_pid, $file) = @_; return unless defined $unlink_pid && $unlink_pid == $$; open my $fh, '<', $file or return; local $/ = "\n"; defined(my $read_pid = <$fh>) or return; chomp $read_pid; if ($read_pid == $unlink_pid) { Net::Server::Daemonize::unlink_pid_file($file); } } sub master_quit ($) { exit unless @listeners; @listeners = (); kill_workers($_[0]); } sub master_loop { pipe(my ($p0, $p1)) or die "failed to create parent-pipe: $!"; my $set_workers = $worker_processes; reopen_logs(); my $ignore_winch; my $sig = { USR1 => sub { reopen_logs(); kill_workers($_[0]); }, USR2 => \&upgrade, QUIT => \&master_quit, INT => \&master_quit, TERM => \&master_quit, WINCH => sub { return if $ignore_winch || !@listeners; if (-t STDIN || -t STDOUT || -t STDERR) { $ignore_winch = 1; warn < sub { return unless @listeners; $worker_processes = $set_workers; kill_workers($_[0]); }, TTIN => sub { return unless @listeners; if ($set_workers > $worker_processes) { ++$worker_processes; } else { $worker_processes = ++$set_workers; } }, TTOU => sub { $worker_processes = --$set_workers if $set_workers > 0; }, CHLD => \&reap_children, }; my $sigfd = PublicInbox::Sigfd->new($sig, 0); local @SIG{keys %$sig} = values(%$sig) unless $sigfd; PublicInbox::DS::sig_setmask($oldset) if !$sigfd; while (1) { # main loop my $n = scalar keys %pids; unless (@listeners) { exit if $n == 0; $set_workers = $worker_processes = $n = 0; } if ($n > $worker_processes) { while (my ($k, $v) = each %pids) { kill('TERM', $k) if $v >= $worker_processes; } $n = $worker_processes; } my $want = $worker_processes - 1; if ($n <= $want) { PublicInbox::DS::block_signals() if !$sigfd; for my $i ($n..$want) { my $pid = fork; if (!defined $pid) { warn "failed to fork worker[$i]: $!\n"; } elsif ($pid == 0) { $set_user->() if $set_user; return $p0; # run normal work code } else { warn "PID=$pid is worker[$i]\n"; $pids{$pid} = $i; } } PublicInbox::DS::sig_setmask($oldset) if !$sigfd; } if ($sigfd) { # Linux and IO::KQueue users: $sigfd->wait_once; } else { # wake up every second sleep(1); } } exit # never gets here, just for documentation } sub tls_start_cb ($$) { my ($opt, $orig_post_accept) = @_; sub { my ($io, $addr, $srv) = @_; my $ssl = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($io, %$opt); $orig_post_accept->($ssl, $addr, $srv); } } sub defer_accept ($$) { my ($s, $af_name) = @_; return unless defined $af_name; if ($^O eq 'linux') { my $TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT = 9; # Socket::TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is in 5.14+ my $x = getsockopt($s, IPPROTO_TCP, $TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT); return unless defined $x; # may be Unix socket my $sec = unpack('i', $x); return if $sec > 0; # systemd users may set a higher value setsockopt($s, IPPROTO_TCP, $TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT, 1); } elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd') { my $x = getsockopt($s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ACCEPTFILTER); return if defined $x; # don't change if set my $accf_arg = pack('a16a240', $af_name, ''); setsockopt($s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ACCEPTFILTER, $accf_arg); } } sub daemon_loop ($$$$) { my ($refresh, $post_accept, $tlsd, $af_default) = @_; my %post_accept; while (my ($k, $v) = each %tls_opt) { if ($k =~ s!\A(?:https|imaps|nntps)://!!) { $post_accept{$k} = tls_start_cb($v, $post_accept); } elsif ($tlsd) { # STARTTLS, $k eq '' is OK $tlsd->{accept_tls} = $v; } } my $sig = { HUP => $refresh, INT => \&worker_quit, QUIT => \&worker_quit, TERM => \&worker_quit, TTIN => 'IGNORE', TTOU => 'IGNORE', USR1 => \&reopen_logs, USR2 => 'IGNORE', WINCH => 'IGNORE', CHLD => \&PublicInbox::DS::enqueue_reap, }; if ($worker_processes > 0) { $refresh->(); # preload by default my $fh = master_loop(); # returns if in child process PublicInbox::EOFpipe->new($fh, \&worker_quit, undef); } else { reopen_logs(); $set_user->() if $set_user; $sig->{USR2} = sub { worker_quit() if upgrade() }; $refresh->(); } $uid = $gid = undef; reopen_logs(); @listeners = map {; my $tls_cb = $post_accept{sockname($_)}; # NNTPS, HTTPS, HTTP, IMAPS and POP3S are client-first traffic # IMAP, NNTP and POP3 are server-first defer_accept($_, $tls_cb ? 'dataready' : $af_default); # this calls epoll_create: PublicInbox::Listener->new($_, $tls_cb || $post_accept) } @listeners; my $sigfd = PublicInbox::Sigfd->new($sig, SFD_NONBLOCK); local @SIG{keys %$sig} = values(%$sig) unless $sigfd; if (!$sigfd) { # wake up every second to accept signals if we don't # have signalfd or IO::KQueue: PublicInbox::DS::sig_setmask($oldset); PublicInbox::DS->SetLoopTimeout(1000); } PublicInbox::DS->EventLoop; } sub run ($$$;$) { my ($default, $refresh, $post_accept, $tlsd) = @_; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; daemon_prepare($default); my $af_default = $default =~ /:8080\z/ ? 'httpready' : undef; my $for_destroy = daemonize(); # localize GCF2C for tests: local $PublicInbox::GitAsyncCat::GCF2C; daemon_loop($refresh, $post_accept, $tlsd, $af_default); PublicInbox::DS->Reset; # ->DESTROY runs when $for_destroy goes out-of-scope } sub do_chown ($) { my ($path) = @_; if (defined $uid and !chown($uid, $gid, $path)) { warn "could not chown $path: $!\n"; } } sub write_pid ($) { my ($path) = @_; Net::Server::Daemonize::create_pid_file($path); do_chown($path); } sub DESTROY { unlink_pid_file_safe_ish($_[0]->{pid}, ${$_[0]->{pid_file}}); } 1;