# Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors # License: AGPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) # # Used by the web interface to link to messages outside of the our # public-inboxes. Mail threads may cross projects/threads; so # we should ensure users can find more easily find them on other # sites. package PublicInbox::ExtMsg; use strict; use warnings; use PublicInbox::Hval; use PublicInbox::MID qw/mid2path/; use PublicInbox::WwwStream; # TODO: user-configurable our @EXT_URL = ( # leading "//" denotes protocol-relative (http:// or https://) '//marc.info/?i=%s', '//www.mail-archive.com/search?l=mid&q=%s', 'http://mid.gmane.org/%s', 'https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/%s', '//docs.FreeBSD.org/cgi/mid.cgi?db=mid&id=%s', 'https://www.w3.org/mid/%s', 'http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/%s', 'https://lists.debconf.org/cgi-lurker/keyword.cgi?'. 'doc-url=/lurker&format=en.html&query=id:%s' ); sub ext_msg { my ($ctx) = @_; my $cur = $ctx->{-inbox}; my $mid = $ctx->{mid}; eval { require PublicInbox::Search }; my $have_xap = $@ ? 0 : 1; my (@nox, @ibx, @found); $ctx->{www}->{pi_config}->each_inbox(sub { my ($other) = @_; return if $other->{name} eq $cur->{name} || !$other->base_url; my $s = $other->search; if (!$s) { push @nox, $other; return; } # try to find the URL with Xapian to avoid forking my $doc_id = eval { $s->find_unique_doc_id('mid', $mid) }; if ($@) { # xapian not configured properly for this repo push @nox, $other; return; } # maybe we found it! if (defined $doc_id) { push @found, $other; } else { # no point in trying the fork fallback if we # know Xapian is up-to-date but missing the # message in the current repo push @ibx, $other; } }); return exact($ctx, \@found, $mid) if @found; # Xapian not installed or configured for some repos, # do a full MID check (this is expensive...): if (@nox) { my $path = mid2path($mid); foreach my $other (@nox) { my (undef, $type, undef) = $other->path_check($path); if ($type && $type eq 'blob') { push @found, $other; } } } return exact($ctx, \@found, $mid) if @found; # fall back to partial MID matching my $n_partial = 0; my @partial; eval { require PublicInbox::Msgmap }; my $have_mm = $@ ? 0 : 1; if ($have_mm) { my $tmp_mid = $mid; again: unshift @ibx, $cur; foreach my $ibx (@ibx) { my $mm = $ibx->mm or next; if (my $res = $mm->mid_prefixes($tmp_mid)) { $n_partial += scalar(@$res); push @partial, [ $ibx, $res ]; } } # fixup common errors: if (!$n_partial && $tmp_mid =~ s,/[tTf],,) { goto again; } } my $code = 404; my $h = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid); my $href = $h->{href}; my $html = $h->as_html; my $title = "<$html> not found"; my $s = "
Message-ID <$html>\nnot found\n"; if ($n_partial) { $code = 300; my $es = $n_partial == 1 ? '' : 'es'; $s .= "\n$n_partial partial match$es found:\n\n"; my $cur_name = $cur->{name}; foreach my $pair (@partial) { my ($ibx, $res) = @$pair; my $env = $ctx->{env} if $ibx->{name} eq $cur_name; my $u = $ibx->base_url($env) or next; foreach my $m (@$res) { my $p = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($m); my $r = $p->{href}; my $t = $p->as_html; $s .= qq{$u$t/\n}; } } } my $ext = ext_urls($ctx, $mid, $href, $html); if ($ext ne '') { $s .= $ext; $code = 300; } $ctx->{-html_tip} = $s .= ''; $ctx->{-title_html} = $title; $ctx->{-upfx} = '../'; PublicInbox::WwwStream->response($ctx, $code); } sub ext_urls { my ($ctx, $mid, $href, $html) = @_; # Fall back to external repos if configured if (@EXT_URL && index($mid, '@') >= 0) { my $env = $ctx->{env}; my $e = "\nPerhaps try an external site:\n\n"; foreach my $url (@EXT_URL) { my $u = PublicInbox::Hval::prurl($env, $url); my $r = sprintf($u, $href); my $t = sprintf($u, $html); $e .= qq{$t\n}; } return $e; } '' } sub exact { my ($ctx, $found, $mid) = @_; my $h = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid); my $href = $h->{href}; my $html = $h->as_html; my $title = "<$html> found in "; my $end = @$found == 1 ? 'another inbox' : 'other inboxes'; $ctx->{-title_html} = $title . $end; $ctx->{-upfx} = '../'; my $ext_urls = ext_urls($ctx, $mid, $href, $html); my $code = (@$found == 1 && $ext_urls eq '') ? 200 : 300; $ctx->{-html_tip} = join('', "
Message-ID: <$html>\nfound in $end:\n\n", (map { my $u = $_->base_url; qq($u$html/\n) } @$found), $ext_urls, ''); PublicInbox::WwwStream->response($ctx, $code); } 1;