# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Wrapper to "git fetch" remote public-inboxes package PublicInbox::Fetch; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC); use URI (); use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd); use PublicInbox::Admin; use PublicInbox::LEI; use PublicInbox::LeiCurl; use PublicInbox::LeiMirror; use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError); use File::Temp (); sub new { bless {}, __PACKAGE__ } sub fetch_cmd ($$) { my ($lei, $opt) = @_; my @cmd = qw(git); $opt->{$_} = $lei->{$_} for (0..2); # we support "-c $key=$val" for arbitrary git config options # e.g.: git -c http.proxy=socks5h:// push(@cmd, '-c', $_) for @{$lei->{opt}->{c} // []}; push @cmd, 'fetch'; push @cmd, '-q' if $lei->{opt}->{quiet}; push @cmd, '-v' if $lei->{opt}->{verbose}; @cmd; } sub remote_url ($$) { my ($lei, $dir) = @_; # TODO: support non-"origin"? my $cmd = [ qw(git config remote.origin.url) ]; my $fh = popen_rd($cmd, undef, { -C => $dir, 2 => $lei->{2} }); my $url = <$fh>; close $fh or return; $url =~ s!/*\n!!s; $url; } sub do_manifest ($$$) { my ($lei, $dir, $ibx_uri) = @_; my $muri = URI->new("$ibx_uri/manifest.js.gz"); my $ft = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => 'manifest-XXXX', UNLINK => 1, DIR => $dir); my $fn = $ft->filename; my @opt = (qw(-R -o), $fn); my $mf = "$dir/manifest.js.gz"; my $m0; # current manifest.js.gz contents if (open my $fh, '<', $mf) { $m0 = eval { PublicInbox::LeiMirror::decode_manifest($fh, $mf, $mf) }; $lei->err($@) if $@; push @opt, '-z', $mf if defined($m0); } my $curl_cmd = $lei->{curl}->for_uri($lei, $muri, @opt); my $opt = {}; $opt->{$_} = $lei->{$_} for (0..2); my $cerr = PublicInbox::LeiMirror::run_reap($lei, $curl_cmd, $opt); if ($cerr) { return [ 404 ] if ($cerr >> 8) == 22; # 404 Missing $lei->child_error($cerr, "@$curl_cmd failed"); return; } return [ 304 ] if !-s $ft; # 304 Not Modified via curl -z my $m1 = PublicInbox::LeiMirror::decode_manifest($ft, $fn, $muri); my $mdiff = { %$m1 }; # filter out unchanged entries while (my ($k, $v0) = each %{$m0 // {}}) { my $cur = $m1->{$k} // next; my $f0 = $v0->{fingerprint} // next; my $f1 = $cur->{fingerprint} // next; my $t0 = $v0->{modified} // next; my $t1 = $cur->{modified} // next; delete($mdiff->{$k}) if $f0 eq $f1 && $t0 == $t1; } my (undef, $v1_path, @v2_epochs) = PublicInbox::LeiMirror::deduce_epochs($mdiff, $ibx_uri->path); [ 200, $v1_path, \@v2_epochs, $muri, $ft, $mf ]; } sub do_fetch { my ($cls, $lei, $cd) = @_; my $ibx_ver; $lei->{curl} //= PublicInbox::LeiCurl->new($lei) or return; my $dir = PublicInbox::Admin::resolve_inboxdir($cd, \$ibx_ver); my ($ibx_uri, @git_dir, @epochs); if ($ibx_ver == 1) { my $url = remote_url($lei, $dir) // die "E: $dir missing remote.origin.url\n"; $ibx_uri = URI->new($url); } else { # v2: opendir my $dh, "$dir/git" or die "opendir $dir/git: $!"; @epochs = sort { $b <=> $a } map { substr($_, 0, -4) + 0 } grep(/\A[0-9]+\.git\z/, readdir($dh)); my ($git_url, $epoch); for my $nr (@epochs) { # try newest epoch, first my $edir = "$dir/git/$nr.git"; if (defined(my $url = remote_url($lei, $edir))) { $git_url = $url; $epoch = $nr; last; } else { warn "W: $edir missing remote.origin.url\n"; } } $git_url or die "Unable to determine git URL\n"; my $inbox_url = $git_url; $inbox_url =~ s!/git/$epoch(?:\.git)?/?\z!! or $inbox_url =~ s!/$epoch(?:\.git)?/?\z!! or die < EOM $ibx_uri = URI->new($inbox_url); } $lei->qerr("# inbox URL: $ibx_uri/"); my $res = do_manifest($lei, $dir, $ibx_uri) or return; my ($code, $v1_path, $v2_epochs, $muri, $ft, $mf) = @$res; return if $code == 304; if ($code == 404) { # any pre-manifest.js.gz instances running? Just fetch all # existing ones and unconditionally try cloning the next $v2_epochs = [ map {; "$dir/git/$_.git"; } @epochs ]; push @$v2_epochs, "$dir/git/".($epochs[-1] + 1) if @epochs; } else { $code == 200 or die "BUG unexpected code $code\n"; } if ($ibx_ver == 2) { defined($v1_path) and warn <, WTF? EOM @git_dir = map { "$dir/git/$_.git" } sort { $a <=> $b } map { my ($nr) = (m!/([0-9]+)\.git\z!g) } @$v2_epochs; } else { $git_dir[0] = $dir; } # n.b. this expects all epochs are from the same host my $torsocks = $lei->{curl}->torsocks($lei, $muri); for my $d (@git_dir) { my $cmd; my $opt = {}; # for spawn if (-d $d) { $opt->{-C} = $d; $cmd = [ @$torsocks, fetch_cmd($lei, $opt) ]; } else { my $e_uri = $ibx_uri->clone; my ($epath) = ($d =~ m!(/git/[0-9]+\.git)\z!); defined($epath) or die "BUG: $d is not an epoch to clone\n"; $e_uri->path($ibx_uri->path.$epath); $cmd = [ @$torsocks, PublicInbox::LeiMirror::clone_cmd($lei, $opt), $$e_uri, $d]; } my $cerr = PublicInbox::LeiMirror::run_reap($lei, $cmd, $opt); # do not bail on clone failure if we didn't have a manifest if ($cerr && ($code == 200 || -d $d)) { $lei->child_error($cerr, "@$cmd failed"); return; } } if ($ft) { my $fn = $ft->filename; rename($fn, $mf) or die "E: rename($fn, $mf): $!\n"; $ft->unlink_on_destroy(0); } } 1;