# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # XXX This is a totally unstable API for public-inbox internal use only # This is exposed via the 'pi-httpd.async' key in the PSGI env hash. # The name of this key is not even stable! # Currently intended for use with read-only pipes with expensive # processes such as git-http-backend(1), cgit(1) package PublicInbox::HTTPD::Async; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(PublicInbox::DS); use fields qw(cb cleanup); use Errno qw(EAGAIN); use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLIN EPOLLET); sub new { my ($class, $io, $cb, $cleanup) = @_; # no $io? call $cb at the top of the next event loop to # avoid recursion: unless (defined($io)) { PublicInbox::DS::requeue($cb); die 'cleanup unsupported w/o $io' if $cleanup; return; } my $self = fields::new($class); IO::Handle::blocking($io, 0); $self->SUPER::new($io, EPOLLIN | EPOLLET); $self->{cb} = $cb; $self->{cleanup} = $cleanup; $self; } sub main_cb ($$) { my ($http, $fh) = @_; sub { my ($self) = @_; my $r = sysread($self->{sock}, my $buf, 65536); if ($r) { $fh->write($buf); # may call $http->close if ($http->{sock}) { # !closed $self->requeue; # let other clients get some work done, too return; } # else: fall through to close below... } elsif (!defined $r && $! == EAGAIN) { return; # EPOLLET means we'll be notified } # Done! Error handling will happen in $fh->close # called by the {cleanup} handler delete $http->{forward}; $self->close; } } sub async_pass { my ($self, $http, $fh, $bref) = @_; # In case the client HTTP connection ($http) dies, it # will automatically close this ($self) object. $http->{forward} = $self; $fh->write($$bref); # PublicInbox:HTTP::{chunked,identity}_wcb $$bref = undef; # we're done with this my $cb = $self->{cb} = main_cb($http, $fh); $cb->($self); # either hit EAGAIN or ->requeue to keep EPOLLET happy } sub event_step { # {cb} may be undef after ->requeue due to $http->close happening my $cb = $_[0]->{cb} or return; $cb->(@_); } sub close { my $self = $_[0]; delete $self->{cb}; $self->SUPER::close; # we defer this to the next timer loop since close is deferred if (my $cleanup = delete $self->{cleanup}) { PublicInbox::DS::requeue($cleanup); } } 1;