# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # base class for remote IPC calls, requires Storable # TODO: this ought to be usable in SearchIdxShard package PublicInbox::IPC; use strict; use v5.10.1; use Socket qw(AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM); use Carp qw(confess croak); use PublicInbox::Sigfd; sub _get_rec ($) { my ($sock) = @_; local $/ = "\n"; defined(my $len = <$sock>) or return; chop($len) eq "\n" or croak "no LF byte in $len"; defined(my $r = read($sock, my $buf, $len)) or croak "read error: $!"; $r == $len or croak "short read: $r != $len"; thaw($buf); } sub _send_rec ($$) { my ($sock, $ref) = @_; my $buf = freeze($ref); print $sock length($buf), "\n", $buf or croak "print: $!"; } sub ipc_return ($$$) { my ($s2, $ret, $exc) = @_; _send_rec($s2, $exc ? bless(\$exc, 'PublicInbox::IPC::Die') : $ret); } sub ipc_worker_loop ($$) { my ($self, $s2) = @_; $self->ipc_atfork_child if $self->can('ipc_atfork_child'); $s2->autoflush(1); while (my $rec = _get_rec($s2)) { my ($wantarray, $sub, @args) = @$rec; if (!defined($wantarray)) { # no waiting if client doesn't care eval { $self->$sub(@args) }; eval { warn "die: $@ (from nowait $sub)\n" } if $@; } elsif ($wantarray) { my @ret = eval { $self->$sub(@args) }; ipc_return($s2, \@ret, $@); } else { my $ret = eval { $self->$sub(@args) }; ipc_return($s2, \$ret, $@); } } } sub ipc_worker_spawn ($$$) { my ($self, $ident, $oldset) = @_; eval { require Storable; Storable->import(qw(freeze thaw)); }; if ($@) { state $w //= warn "Storable (part of Perl) missing: $@\n"; return; } my $pid = $self->{-ipc_worker_pid}; confess "BUG: already spawned PID:$pid" if $pid; confess "BUG: already have worker socket" if $self->{-ipc_sock}; my ($s1, $s2); socketpair($s1, $s2, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socketpair: $!"; my $sigset = $oldset // PublicInbox::Sigfd::block_signals(); defined($pid = fork) or die "fork: $!"; if ($pid == 0) { undef $s1; local $0 = $ident; $SIG{$_} = 'IGNORE' for (qw(TERM INT QUIT)); PublicInbox::Sigfd::sig_setmask($oldset); eval { ipc_worker_loop($self, $s2) }; die "worker $ident died: $@\n" if $@; $self->ipc_at_worker_exit if $self->can('ipc_at_worker_exit'); exit; } PublicInbox::Sigfd::sig_setmask($sigset) unless $oldset; $s1->autoflush(1); $self->{-ipc_sock} = $s1; $self->{-ipc_worker_pid} = $pid; } sub ipc_reap_worker { # dwaitpid callback my ($self, $pid) = @_; warn "PID:$pid died with \$?=$?\n" if $?; } sub ipc_worker_stop { my ($self) = @_; my $pid; if (delete $self->{-ipc_sock}) { $pid = delete $self->{-ipc_worker_pid} or die "no PID?"; } else { $pid = delete $self->{-ipc_worker_pid} and die "unexpected PID:$pid"; } return unless $pid; eval { PublicInbox::DS::dwaitpid($pid, \&ipc_reap_worker, $self) }; if ($@) { my $wp = waitpid($pid, 0); $pid == $wp or die "waitpid($pid) returned $wp: \$?=$?"; ipc_reap_worker($self, $pid); } } # use this if we have multiple readers reading curl or "pigz -dc" # and writing to the same store sub ipc_lock_init { my ($self, $f) = @_; require PublicInbox::Lock; $self->{-ipc_lock} //= bless { lock_path => $f }, 'PublicInbox::Lock' } sub ipc_do { my ($self, $sub, @args) = @_; if (my $s1 = $self->{-ipc_sock}) { my $ipc_lock = $self->{-ipc_lock}; my $lock = $ipc_lock ? $ipc_lock->lock_for_scope : undef; _send_rec($s1, [ wantarray, $sub, @args ]); return unless defined(wantarray); my $ret = _get_rec($s1) // die "no response on $sub"; die $$ret if ref($ret) eq 'PublicInbox::IPC::Die'; wantarray ? @$ret : $$ret; } else { $self->$sub(@args); } } 1;