# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Authentication worker for anything that needs auth for read/write IMAP # (eventually for read-only NNTP access) # # timelines # lei-daemon | LeiAuth worker #0 | other WQ workers # ---------------------------------------------------------- # spawns all workers ---->[ workers all start and run ipc_atfork_child ] # | do_auth_atfork | wq_worker_loop sleep # | # reads .netrc | # | # queries git-credential| # | send net_merge_continue | # | | | # | v | # recv net_merge_continue <---------/ | # | | | # v | | # broadcast net_merge_all [ all workers (including LeiAuth worker #0) ] # [ LeiAuth worker #0 becomes just another WQ worker ] # | # call net_merge_all_done ->-> do per-WQ-class defined actions package PublicInbox::LeiAuth; use strict; use v5.10.1; sub do_auth_atfork { # used by IPC WQ workers my ($self, $wq) = @_; return if $wq->{-wq_worker_nr} != 0; # only first worker calls this my $lei = $wq->{lei}; my $net = $lei->{net}; eval { # fill auth info (may prompt user or read netrc) my $mics = $net->imap_common_init($lei); my $nn = $net->nntp_common_init($lei); # broadcast successful auth info to lei-daemon: $lei->{pkt_op_p}->pkt_do('net_merge_continue', $net) or die "pkt_do net_merge_continue: $!"; $net->{mics_cached} = $mics if $mics; $net->{nn_cached} = $nn if $nn; }; $lei->fail($@) if $@; } sub net_merge_all { # called in wq worker via wq_broadcast my ($wq, $net_new) = @_; my $net = $wq->{lei}->{net}; %$net = (%$net, %$net_new); } # called by top-level lei-daemon when first worker is done with auth # passes updated net auth info to current workers sub net_merge_continue { my ($wq, $net_new) = @_; $wq->wq_broadcast('PublicInbox::LeiAuth::net_merge_all', $net_new); $wq->net_merge_all_done; # defined per-WQ } sub op_merge { # prepares PktOp->pair ops my ($self, $ops, $wq) = @_; $ops->{net_merge_continue} = [ \&net_merge_continue, $wq ]; } sub new { bless \(my $x), __PACKAGE__ } 1;