# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # front-end for the "lei import" sub-command package PublicInbox::LeiImport; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC); use PublicInbox::MboxReader; use PublicInbox::Eml; sub _import_eml { # MboxReader callback my ($eml, $sto, $set_kw) = @_; $sto->ipc_do('set_eml', $eml, $set_kw ? $sto->mbox_keywords($eml) : ()); } sub import_done_wait { # dwaitpid callback my ($arg, $pid) = @_; my ($imp, $lei) = @$arg; $lei->child_error($?, 'non-fatal errors during import') if $?; my $ign = $lei->{sto}->ipc_do('done'); # PublicInbox::LeiStore::done $lei->dclose; } sub import_done { # EOF callback for main daemon my ($lei) = @_; my $imp = delete $lei->{imp} or return; $imp->wq_wait_old(\&import_done_wait, $lei); } sub call { # the main "lei import" method my ($cls, $lei, @argv) = @_; my $sto = $lei->_lei_store(1); $sto->write_prepare($lei); $lei->{opt}->{kw} //= 1; my $fmt = $lei->{opt}->{'format'}; my $self = $lei->{imp} = bless {}, $cls; return $lei->fail('--format unspecified') if !$fmt; $self->{0} = $lei->{0} if $lei->{opt}->{stdin}; my $ops = { '!' => [ $lei->can('fail_handler'), $lei ], 'x_it' => [ $lei->can('x_it'), $lei ], 'child_error' => [ $lei->can('child_error'), $lei ], '' => [ \&import_done, $lei ], }; ($lei->{pkt_op_c}, $lei->{pkt_op_p}) = PublicInbox::PktOp->pair($ops); my $j = $lei->{opt}->{jobs} // scalar(@argv) || 1; my $nproc = $self->detect_nproc; $j = $nproc if $j > $nproc; $self->wq_workers_start('lei_import', $j, $lei->oldset, {lei => $lei}); my $op = delete $lei->{pkt_op_c}; delete $lei->{pkt_op_p}; $self->wq_io_do('import_stdin', []) if $self->{0}; for my $x (@argv) { $self->wq_io_do('import_path_url', [], $x); } $self->wq_close(1); $lei->event_step_init; # wait for shutdowns if ($lei->{oneshot}) { while ($op->{sock}) { $op->event_step } } } sub ipc_atfork_child { my ($self) = @_; $self->{lei}->lei_atfork_child; $self->SUPER::ipc_atfork_child; } sub _import_fh { my ($lei, $fh, $x) = @_; my $set_kw = $lei->{opt}->{kw}; my $fmt = $lei->{opt}->{'format'}; eval { if ($fmt eq 'eml') { my $buf = do { local $/; <$fh> } // return $lei->child_error(1 >> 8, <<""); error reading $x: $! my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new(\$buf); _import_eml($eml, $lei->{sto}, $set_kw); } else { # some mbox my $cb = PublicInbox::MboxReader->can($fmt); $cb or return $lei->child_error(1 >> 8, <<""); --format $fmt unsupported for $x $cb->(undef, $fh, \&_import_eml, $lei->{sto}, $set_kw); } }; $lei->child_error(1 >> 8, ": $@") if $@; } sub import_path_url { my ($self, $x) = @_; my $lei = $self->{lei}; # TODO auto-detect? if (-f $x) { open my $fh, '<', $x or return $lei->child_error(1 >> 8, <<""); unable to open $x: $! _import_fh($lei, $fh, $x); } else { $lei->fail("$x unsupported (TODO)"); } } sub import_stdin { my ($self) = @_; _import_fh($self->{lei}, $self->{0}, ''); } 1;