# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
# parent class for LeiImport, LeiConvert, LeiIndex
package PublicInbox::LeiInput;
use strict;
use v5.10.1;
use PublicInbox::DS;
use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(which popen_rd);
use PublicInbox::InboxWritable qw(eml_from_path);
use PublicInbox::AutoReap;
# JMAP RFC 8621 4.1.1
# https://www.iana.org/assignments/imap-jmap-keywords/imap-jmap-keywords.xhtml
our @KW = (qw(seen answered flagged draft), # widely-compatible
qw(forwarded), # IMAP + Maildir
qw(phishing junk notjunk)); # rarely supported
# note: RFC 8621 states "Users may add arbitrary keywords to an Email",
# but is it good idea? Stick to the system and reserved ones, for now.
# The widely-compatible ones map to IMAP system flags, Maildir flags
# and mbox Status/X-Status headers.
my %KW = map { $_ => 1 } @KW;
my $L_MAX = 244; # Xapian term limit - length('L')
# RFC 8621, sec 2 (Mailboxes) a "label" for us is a JMAP Mailbox "name"
# "Servers MAY reject names that violate server policy"
my %ERR = (
L => sub {
my ($label) = @_;
length($label) >= $L_MAX and
return "`$label' too long (must be <= $L_MAX)";
$label =~ m{\A[a-z0-9_](?:[a-z0-9_\-\./\@,]*[a-z0-9])?\z} ?
undef : "`$label' is invalid";
kw => sub {
my ($kw) = @_;
$KW{$kw} ? undef : <{opt}->{$opt_key};
if (!$fmt) {
my $err = $files ? "regular file(s):\n@$files" : '--stdin';
return $lei->fail("--$opt_key unset for $err");
return 1 if $fmt eq 'eml';
require PublicInbox::MboxLock if $files;
require PublicInbox::MboxReader;
PublicInbox::MboxReader->reads($fmt) or
return $lei->fail("--$opt_key=$fmt unrecognized");
sub input_mbox_cb { # base MboxReader callback
my ($eml, $self) = @_;
$eml->header_set($_) for (qw(Status X-Status));
sub input_maildir_cb {
my ($fn, $kw, $eml, $self) = @_;
sub input_net_cb { # imap_each, nntp_each cb
my ($url, $uid, $kw, $eml, $self) = @_;
# import a single file handle of $name
# Subclass must define ->input_eml_cb and ->input_mbox_cb
sub input_fh {
my ($self, $ifmt, $fh, $name, @args) = @_;
if ($ifmt eq 'eml') {
my $buf = do { local $/; <$fh> } //
return $self->{lei}->child_error(0, <<"");
error reading $name: $!
# mutt pipes single RFC822 messages with a "From " line,
# but no Content-Length or "From " escaping.
# "git format-patch" also generates such files by default.
$buf =~ s/\A[\r\n]*From [^\r\n]*\r?\n//s;
# a user may feed just a body: git diff | lei rediff -U9
if ($self->{-force_eml}) {
my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new($buf);
substr($buf, 0, 0) = "\n\n" if !$eml->{bdy};
$self->input_eml_cb(PublicInbox::Eml->new(\$buf), @args);
} else {
# prepare_inputs already validated $ifmt
my $cb = PublicInbox::MboxReader->reads($ifmt) //
die "BUG: bad fmt=$ifmt";
$cb->(undef, $fh, $self->can('input_mbox_cb'), $self, @args);
# handles mboxrd endpoints described in Documentation/design_notes.txt
sub handle_http_input ($$@) {
my ($self, $url, @args) = @_;
my $lei = $self->{lei} or die 'BUG: {lei} missing';
my $curl_opt = delete $self->{"-curl-$url"} or
die("BUG: $url curl options not prepared");
my $uri = pop @$curl_opt;
my $curl = PublicInbox::LeiCurl->new($lei, $self->{curl}) or return;
push @$curl, '-s', @$curl_opt;
my $cmd = $curl->for_uri($lei, $uri);
$lei->qerr("# $cmd");
my ($fh, $pid) = popen_rd($cmd, undef, { 2 => $lei->{2} });
my $ar = PublicInbox::AutoReap->new($pid);
grep(/\A--compressed\z/, @$curl) or
$fh = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($fh, MultiStream => 1);
eval { $self->input_fh('mboxrd', $fh, $url, @args) };
my @err = ($@ ? $@ : ());
push(@err, "\$?=$?") if $?;
$lei->child_error($?, "@$cmd failed: @err") if @err;
sub input_path_url {
my ($self, $input, @args) = @_;
my $lei = $self->{lei};
my $ifmt = lc($lei->{opt}->{'in-format'} // '');
# TODO auto-detect?
if ($input =~ m!\Aimaps?://!i) {
$lei->{net}->imap_each($input, $self->can('input_net_cb'),
$self, @args);
} elsif ($input =~ m!\A(?:nntps?|s?news)://!i) {
$lei->{net}->nntp_each($input, $self->can('input_net_cb'),
$self, @args);
} elsif ($input =~ m!\Ahttps?://!i) {
handle_http_input($self, $input, @args);
# local-only below
my $ifmt_pfx = '';
if ($input =~ s!\A([a-z0-9]+):!!i) {
$ifmt_pfx = "$1:";
$ifmt = lc($1);
} elsif ($input =~ /\.(?:patch|eml)\z/i) {
$ifmt = 'eml';
} elsif (-f $input && $input =~ m{\A(?:.+)/(?:new|cur)/([^/]+)\z}) {
my $bn = $1;
my $fl = PublicInbox::MdirReader::maildir_basename_flags($bn);
return if index($fl, 'T') >= 0;
return $self->pmdir_cb($input, $fl) if $self->can('pmdir_cb');
my $eml = eml_from_path($input) or return
$lei->qerr("# $input not readable");
my $kw = PublicInbox::MdirReader::flags2kw($fl);
$self->can('input_maildir_cb')->($input, $kw, $eml, $self);
my $devfd = $lei->path_to_fd($input) // return;
if ($devfd >= 0) {
$self->input_fh($ifmt, $lei->{$devfd}, $input, @args);
} elsif (-f $input && $ifmt eq 'eml') {
open my $fh, '<', $input or
return $lei->fail("open($input): $!");
$self->input_fh($ifmt, $fh, $input, @args);
} elsif (-f _) {
my $m = $lei->{opt}->{'lock'} //
my $mbl = PublicInbox::MboxLock->acq($input, 0, $m);
my $zsfx = PublicInbox::MboxReader::zsfx($input);
if ($zsfx) {
my $in = delete $mbl->{fh};
$mbl->{fh} =
PublicInbox::MboxReader::zsfxcat($in, $zsfx, $lei);
local $PublicInbox::DS::in_loop = 0 if $zsfx; # dwaitpid
$self->input_fh($ifmt, $mbl->{fh}, $input, @args);
} elsif (-d _ && (-d "$input/cur" || -d "$input/new")) {
return $lei->fail(<new;
if (my $pmd = $self->{pmd}) {
$pmd, @args);
} else {
$self, @args);
} elsif ($self->{missing_ok} && !-e $input) { # don't ->fail
if ($lei->{cmd} eq 'p2q') {
my $fp = [ qw(git format-patch --stdout -1), $input ];
my $rdr = { 2 => $lei->{2} };
my $fh = popen_rd($fp, undef, $rdr);
eval { $self->input_fh('eml', $fh, $input, @args) };
my @err = ($@ ? $@ : ());
close($fh) or push @err, "\$?=$?";
$lei->child_error($?, "@$fp failed: @err") if @err;
} else {
} else {
$lei->fail("$ifmt_pfx$input unsupported (TODO)");
# subclasses should overrride this (see LeiRefreshMailSync)
sub folder_missing { die "BUG: ->folder_missing undefined for $_[0]" }
sub bad_http ($$;$) {
my ($lei, $url, $alt) = @_;
my $x = $alt ? "did you mean <$alt>?" : 'download and import manually';
$lei->fail("E: <$url> not recognized, $x");
sub prepare_http_input ($$$) {
my ($self, $lei, $url) = @_;
require URI;
require PublicInbox::MboxReader;
require PublicInbox::LeiCurl;
require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
$self->{curl} //= which('curl') or
return $lei->fail("curl missing for <$url>");
my $uri = URI->new($url);
my $path = $uri->path;
my %qf = $uri->query_form;
my @curl_opt;
if ($path =~ m!/(?:t\.mbox\.gz|all\.mbox\.gz)\z!) {
# OK
} elsif ($path =~ m!/raw\z!) {
push @curl_opt, '--compressed';
# convert search query to mboxrd request since they require POST
# this is only intended for PublicInbox::WWW, and will false-positive
# on many other search engines... oh well
} elsif (defined $qf{'q'}) {
$qf{x} = 'm';
push @curl_opt, '-d', '';
$$uri ne $url and $lei->qerr(<<"");
# <$url> rewritten to <$$uri> with HTTP POST
# try to provide hints for /$INBOX/$MSGID/T/ and /$INBOX/
} elsif ($path =~ s!/[tT]/\z!/t.mbox.gz! ||
$path =~ s!/t\.atom\z!/t.mbox.gz! ||
$path =~ s!/([^/]+\@[^/]+)/\z!/$1/raw!) {
return bad_http($lei, $url, $$uri);
} else {
return bad_http($lei, $url);
$self->{"-curl-$url"} = [ @curl_opt, $uri ]; # for handle_http_input
sub prepare_inputs { # returns undef on error
my ($self, $lei, $inputs) = @_;
my $in_fmt = $lei->{opt}->{'in-format'};
my $sync = $lei->{opt}->{'mail-sync'} ? {} : undef; # using LeiMailSync
my $may_sync = $sync || $self->{-mail_sync};
if ($lei->{opt}->{stdin}) {
@$inputs and return
$lei->fail("--stdin and @$inputs do not mix");
check_input_format($lei) or return;
push @$inputs, '/dev/stdin';
push @{$sync->{no}}, '/dev/stdin' if $sync;
my $net = $lei->{net}; # NetWriter may be created by l2m
my (@f, @md);
# e.g. Maildir:/home/user/Mail/ or imaps://example.com/INBOX
for my $input (@$inputs) {
my $input_path = $input;
if ($input =~ m!\A(?:imaps?|nntps?|s?news)://!i) {
require PublicInbox::NetReader;
$net //= PublicInbox::NetReader->new;
$net->add_url($input, $self->{-ls_ok});
push @{$sync->{ok}}, $input if $sync;
} elsif ($input_path =~ m!\Ahttps?://!i) { # mboxrd.gz
# TODO: how would we detect r/w JMAP?
push @{$sync->{no}}, $input if $sync;
prepare_http_input($self, $lei, $input_path) or return;
} elsif ($input_path =~ s/\A([a-z0-9]+)://is) {
my $ifmt = lc $1;
if (($in_fmt // $ifmt) ne $ifmt) {
return $lei->fail(<<"");
--in-format=$in_fmt and `$ifmt:' conflict
if ($ifmt =~ /\A(?:maildir|mh)\z/i) {
push @{$sync->{ok}}, $input if $sync;
} else {
push @{$sync->{no}}, $input if $sync;
my $devfd = $lei->path_to_fd($input_path) // return;
if ($devfd >= 0 || (-f $input_path || -p _)) {
require PublicInbox::MboxLock;
require PublicInbox::MboxReader;
PublicInbox::MboxReader->reads($ifmt) or return
$lei->fail("$ifmt not supported");
} elsif (-d $input_path) {
$ifmt eq 'maildir' or return
$lei->fail("$ifmt not supported");
$may_sync and $input = 'maildir:'.
push @md, $input;
} elsif ($self->{missing_ok} && !-e _) {
# for "lei rm-watch" on missing Maildir
$may_sync and $input = 'maildir:'.
} else {
my $m = "Unable to handle $input";
$input =~ /\A(?:L|kw):/ and
$m .= ", did you mean +$input?";
return $lei->fail($m);
} elsif ($input =~ /\.(?:eml|patch)\z/i && -f $input) {
lc($in_fmt//'eml') eq 'eml' or return $lei->fail(<<"");
$input is `eml', not --in-format=$in_fmt
push @{$sync->{no}}, $input if $sync;
} elsif (-f $input && $input =~ m{\A(.+)/(new|cur)/([^/]+)\z}) {
# single file in a Maildir
my ($mdir, $nc, $bn) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $other = $mdir . ($nc eq 'new' ? '/cur' : '/new');
return $lei->fail(<fail(<<"");
$input is `eml', not --in-format=$in_fmt
if ($sync) {
$input = $lei->abs_path($mdir) . "/$nc/$bn";
push @{$sync->{ok}}, $input if $sync;
require PublicInbox::MdirReader;
} else {
my $devfd = $lei->path_to_fd($input) // return;
if ($devfd >= 0 || -f $input || -p _) {
push @{$sync->{no}}, $input if $sync;
push @f, $input;
} elsif (-d "$input/new" && -d "$input/cur") {
if ($may_sync) {
$input = 'maildir:'.
push @{$sync->{ok}}, $input if $sync;
push @md, $input;
} elsif ($self->{missing_ok} && !-e $input) {
if ($lei->{cmd} eq 'p2q') {
# will run "git format-patch"
} elsif ($may_sync) { # for lei rm-watch
$input = 'maildir:'.
} else {
return $lei->fail("Unable to handle $input")
if (@f) { check_input_format($lei, \@f) or return }
if ($sync && $sync->{no}) {
return $lei->fail(<<"") if !$sync->{ok};
--mail-sync specified but no inputs support it
# non-fatal if some inputs support support sync
warn("# --mail-sync will only be used for @{$sync->{ok}}\n");
warn("# --mail-sync is not supported for: @{$sync->{no}}\n");
if ($net) {
$net->{-can_die} = 1;
if (my $err = $net->errors($lei)) {
return $lei->fail($err);
$net->{quiet} = $lei->{opt}->{quiet};
require PublicInbox::LeiAuth;
$lei->{auth} //= PublicInbox::LeiAuth->new;
$lei->{net} //= $net;
if (scalar(@md)) {
require PublicInbox::MdirReader;
if ($self->can('pmdir_cb')) {
require PublicInbox::LeiPmdir;
$self->{pmd} = PublicInbox::LeiPmdir->new($lei, $self);
# start watching Maildirs ASAP
if ($may_sync && $lei->{sto}) {
grep(!m!\Amaildir:/!i, @md) and die "BUG: @md (no pfx)";
$self->{inputs} = $inputs;
sub process_inputs {
my ($self) = @_;
my $err;
for my $input (@{$self->{inputs}}) {
eval { $self->input_path_url($input) };
next unless $@;
$err = "$input: $@";
# always commit first, even on error partial work is acceptable for
# lei
my $wait = $self->{lei}->{sto}->wq_do('done') if $self->{lei}->{sto};
$self->{lei}->fail($err) if $err;
sub input_only_atfork_child {
my ($self) = @_;
my $lei = $self->{lei};
$lei->{auth}->do_auth_atfork($self) if $lei->{auth};
# alias this as "net_merge_all_done" to use as an LeiAuth callback
sub input_only_net_merge_all_done {
my ($self) = @_;
# like Getopt::Long, but for +kw:FOO and -kw:FOO to prepare
# for update_xvmd -> update_vmd
# returns something like { "+L" => [ @Labels ], ... }
sub vmd_mod_extract {
my $argv = $_[-1];
my $vmd_mod = {};
my @new_argv;
for my $x (@$argv) {
if ($x =~ /\A(\+|\-)(kw|L):(.+)\z/) {
my ($op, $pfx, $val) = ($1, $2, $3);
if (my $err = $ERR{$pfx}->($val)) {
push @{$vmd_mod->{err}}, $err;
} else { # set "+kw", "+L", "-L", "-kw"
push @{$vmd_mod->{$op.$pfx}}, $val;
} else {
push @new_argv, $x;
@$argv = @new_argv;