# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
# Make remote externals HTTP(S) inboxes behave like
# PublicInbox::Inbox and PublicInbox::Search/ExtSearch.
# This exists solely for SolverGit. It is a high-latency a
# synchronous API that is not at all fast.
package PublicInbox::LeiRemote;
use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
use PublicInbox::OnDestroy;
use PublicInbox::MboxReader;
use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd);
use PublicInbox::LeiCurl;
use PublicInbox::ContentHash qw(git_sha);
sub new {
my ($cls, $lei, $uri) = @_;
bless { uri => $uri, lei => $lei }, $cls;
sub isrch { $_[0] } # SolverGit expcets this
sub _each_mboxrd_eml { # callback for MboxReader->mboxrd
my ($eml, $self) = @_;
my $lei = $self->{lei};
my $xoids = $lei->{ale}->xoids_for($eml, 1);
my $smsg = bless {}, 'PublicInbox::Smsg';
if ($lei->{sto} && !$xoids) { # memoize locally
my $res = $lei->{sto}->wq_do('add_eml', $eml);
$smsg = $res if ref($res) eq ref($smsg);
$smsg->{blob} //= $xoids ? (keys(%$xoids))[0]
: $lei->git_oid($eml)->hexdigest;
$smsg->{mid} //= '(none)';
push @{$self->{smsg}}, $smsg;
sub mset {
my ($self, $qstr, undef) = @_; # $opt ($_[2]) ignored
my $lei = $self->{lei};
my $curl = PublicInbox::LeiCurl->new($lei, $lei->{curl});
push @$curl, '-s', '-d', '';
my $uri = $self->{uri}->clone;
$uri->query_form(q => $qstr, x => 'm', r => 1); # r=1: relevance
my $cmd = $curl->for_uri($self->{lei}, $uri);
$self->{lei}->qerr("# $cmd");
my $rdr = { 2 => $lei->{2}, pgid => 0 };
my ($fh, $pid) = popen_rd($cmd, undef, $rdr);
my $reap = PublicInbox::OnDestroy->new($lei->can('sigint_reap'), $pid);
$self->{smsg} = [];
$fh = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($fh, MultiStream => 1);
PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxrd($fh, \&_each_mboxrd_eml, $self);
my $err = waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid ? undef
: "BUG: waitpid($cmd): $!";
@$reap = (); # cancel OnDestroy
my $wait = $self->{lei}->{sto}->wq_do('done');
die $err if $err;
$self; # we are the mset (and $ibx, and $self)
sub size { scalar @{$_[0]->{smsg}} } # size of previous results
sub mset_to_smsg {
my ($self, $ibx, $mset) = @_; # all 3 are $self
wantarray ? ($self->size, @{$self->{smsg}}) : $self->{smsg};
sub base_url { "$_[0]->{uri}" }
sub smsg_eml {
my ($self, $smsg) = @_;
if (my $bref = $self->{lei}->ale->git->cat_file($smsg->{blob})) {
return PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref);
$self->{lei}->err("E: $self->{uri} $smsg->{blob} gone <$smsg->{mid}>");