# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # pretends to be like LeiDedupe and also PublicInbox::Inbox package PublicInbox::LeiSavedSearch; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::Lock); use PublicInbox::OverIdx; use PublicInbox::LeiSearch; use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(run_die); use PublicInbox::ContentHash qw(content_hash git_sha); use PublicInbox::Eml; use PublicInbox::Hval qw(to_filename); sub new { my ($cls, $lei, $dir) = @_; my $self = bless { ale => $lei->ale, -cfg => {} }, $cls; if (defined $dir) { # updating existing saved search via "lei up" my $f = $self->{'-f'} = "$dir/lei.saved-search"; -f $f && -r _ or return $lei->fail("$f non-existent or unreadable"); $self->{-cfg} = PublicInbox::Config::git_config_dump($f); } else { # new saved search "lei q --save" my $saved_dir = $lei->store_path . '/../saved-searches/'; my (@name) = ($lei->{ovv}->{dst} =~ m{([\w\-\.]+)/*\z}); my $q = $lei->{mset_opt}->{q_raw} // die 'BUG: {q_raw} missing'; my $q_raw_str = ref($q) ? "@$q" : $q; push @name, to_filename($q_raw_str); $dir = $saved_dir . join('-', @name); require File::Path; File::Path::make_path($dir); # raises on error $self->{'-f'} = "$dir/lei.saved-search"; if (ref $q) { cfg_set($self, '--add', 'lei.q', $_) for @$q; } else { cfg_set($self, 'lei.q', $q); } my $fmt = $lei->{opt}->{'format'}; cfg_set($self, 'lei.q.format', $fmt) if defined $fmt; cfg_set($self, 'lei.q.output', $lei->{opt}->{output}); for my $k (qw(only include exclude)) { my $ary = $lei->{opt}->{$k} // next; for my $x (@$ary) { cfg_set($self, '--add', "lei.q.$k", $x); } } for my $k (qw(external local remote import-remote import-before threads)) { my $val = $lei->{opt}->{$k} // next; cfg_set($self, "lei.q.$k", $val); } } bless $self->{-cfg}, 'PublicInbox::Config'; $self->{lock_path} = "$self->{-f}.flock"; $self->{-ovf} = "$dir/over.sqlite3"; $self; } sub description { $_[0]->{qstr} } # for WWW sub cfg_set { my ($self, @args) = @_; my $lk = $self->lock_for_scope; # git-config doesn't wait run_die([qw(git config -f), $self->{'-f'}, @args]); } # drop-in for LeiDedupe API sub is_dup { my ($self, $eml, $smsg) = @_; my $oidx = $self->{oidx} // die 'BUG: no {oidx}'; my $blob = $smsg ? $smsg->{blob} : undef; return 1 if $blob && $oidx->blob_exists($blob); my $lk = $self->lock_for_scope_fast; if (my $xoids = PublicInbox::LeiSearch::xoids_for($self, $eml, 1)) { for my $docid (values %$xoids) { $oidx->add_xref3($docid, -1, $blob, '.'); } $oidx->commit_lazy; 1; } else { # n.b. above xoids_for fills out eml->{-lei_fake_mid} if needed unless ($smsg) { $smsg = bless {}, 'PublicInbox::Smsg'; $smsg->{bytes} = 0; $smsg->populate($eml); } $oidx->begin_lazy; $smsg->{num} = $oidx->adj_counter('eidx_docid', '+'); $smsg->{blob} //= git_sha(1, $eml)->hexdigest; $oidx->add_overview($eml, $smsg); $oidx->add_xref3($smsg->{num}, -1, $smsg->{blob}, '.'); $oidx->commit_lazy; undef; } } sub prepare_dedupe { my ($self) = @_; $self->{oidx} //= do { my $creat = !-f $self->{-ovf}; my $lk = $self->lock_for_scope; # git-config doesn't wait my $oidx = PublicInbox::OverIdx->new($self->{-ovf}); $oidx->{-no_fsync} = 1; $oidx->dbh; if ($creat) { $oidx->{dbh}->do('PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL'); $oidx->eidx_prep; # for xref3 } $oidx }; } sub over { $_[0]->{oidx} } # for xoids_for sub git { $_[0]->{ale}->git } sub pause_dedupe { my ($self) = @_; $self->{ale}->git->cleanup; my $oidx = delete($self->{oidx}) // return; $oidx->commit_lazy; } sub mm { undef } sub altid_map { {} } sub cloneurl { [] } no warnings 'once'; *nntp_url = \&cloneurl; *base_url = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::base_url; *smsg_eml = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::smsg_eml; *smsg_by_mid = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::smsg_by_mid; *msg_by_mid = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::msg_by_mid; *modified = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::modified; *recent = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::recent; *max_git_epoch = *nntp_usable = *msg_by_path = \&mm; # undef *isrch = *search = \&mm; # TODO *DESTROY = \&pause_dedupe; 1;