# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Combine any combination of PublicInbox::Search, # PublicInbox::ExtSearch, and PublicInbox::LeiSearch objects # into one Xapian DB package PublicInbox::LeiXSearch; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::LeiSearch PublicInbox::IPC); use PublicInbox::DS qw(dwaitpid); use PublicInbox::OpPipe; use PublicInbox::Import; use File::Temp 0.19 (); # 0.19 for ->newdir use File::Spec (); sub new { my ($class) = @_; PublicInbox::Search::load_xapian(); bless { qp_flags => $PublicInbox::Search::QP_FLAGS | PublicInbox::Search::FLAG_PURE_NOT(), }, $class } sub attach_external { my ($self, $ibxish) = @_; # ibxish = ExtSearch or Inbox if (!$ibxish->can('over') || !$ibxish->over) { return push(@{$self->{remotes}}, $ibxish) } my $desc = $ibxish->{inboxdir} // $ibxish->{topdir}; my $srch = $ibxish->search or return warn("$desc not indexed for Xapian\n"); my @shards = $srch->xdb_shards_flat or return warn("$desc has no Xapian shardsXapian\n"); if (delete $self->{xdb}) { # XXX: do we need this? # clobber existing {xdb} if amending my $expect = delete $self->{nshard}; my $shards = delete $self->{shards_flat}; scalar(@$shards) == $expect or die "BUG: {nshard}$expect != shards=".scalar(@$shards); my $prev = {}; for my $old_ibxish (@{$self->{shard2ibx}}) { next if $prev == $old_ibxish; $prev = $old_ibxish; my @shards = $old_ibxish->search->xdb_shards_flat; push @{$self->{shards_flat}}, @shards; } my $nr = scalar(@{$self->{shards_flat}}); $nr == $expect or die "BUG: reloaded $nr shards, expected $expect" } push @{$self->{shards_flat}}, @shards; push(@{$self->{shard2ibx}}, $ibxish) for (@shards); } # returns a list of local inboxes (or count in scalar context) sub locals { my %uniq = map {; "$_" => $_ } @{$_[0]->{shard2ibx} // []}; values %uniq; } # called by PublicInbox::Search::xdb sub xdb_shards_flat { @{$_[0]->{shards_flat} // []} } # like over->get_art sub smsg_for { my ($self, $mitem) = @_; # cf. https://trac.xapian.org/wiki/FAQ/MultiDatabaseDocumentID my $nshard = $self->{nshard}; my $docid = $mitem->get_docid; my $shard = ($docid - 1) % $nshard; my $num = int(($docid - 1) / $nshard) + 1; my $smsg = $self->{shard2ibx}->[$shard]->over->get_art($num); $smsg->{docid} = $docid; $smsg; } sub recent { my ($self, $qstr, $opt) = @_; $opt //= {}; $opt->{relevance} //= -2; $self->mset($qstr //= 'bytes:1..', $opt); } sub over {} sub _mset_more ($$) { my ($mset, $mo) = @_; my $size = $mset->size; $size && (($mo->{offset} += $size) < ($mo->{limit} // 10000)); } sub query_thread_mset { # for --thread my ($self, $lei, $ibxish) = @_; my %sig = $lei->atfork_child_wq($self); local @SIG{keys %sig} = values %sig; my ($srch, $over) = ($ibxish->search, $ibxish->over); unless ($srch && $over) { my $desc = $ibxish->{inboxdir} // $ibxish->{topdir}; warn "$desc not indexed by Xapian\n"; return; } my $mo = { %{$lei->{mset_opt}} }; my $mset; my $each_smsg = $lei->{ovv}->ovv_each_smsg_cb($lei, $ibxish); my $dedupe = $lei->{dedupe} // die 'BUG: {dedupe} missing'; $dedupe->prepare_dedupe; do { $mset = $srch->mset($mo->{qstr}, $mo); my $ids = $srch->mset_to_artnums($mset, $mo); my $ctx = { ids => $ids }; my $i = 0; my %n2item = map { ($ids->[$i++], $_) } $mset->items; while ($over->expand_thread($ctx)) { for my $n (@{$ctx->{xids}}) { my $smsg = $over->get_art($n) or next; next if $dedupe->is_smsg_dup($smsg); my $mitem = delete $n2item{$smsg->{num}}; $each_smsg->($smsg, $mitem); } @{$ctx->{xids}} = (); } } while (_mset_more($mset, $mo)); $lei->{ovv}->ovv_atexit_child($lei); } sub query_mset { # non-parallel for non-"--thread" users my ($self, $lei, $srcs) = @_; my %sig = $lei->atfork_child_wq($self); local @SIG{keys %sig} = values %sig; my $mo = { %{$lei->{mset_opt}} }; my $mset; $self->attach_external($_) for @$srcs; my $each_smsg = $lei->{ovv}->ovv_each_smsg_cb($lei, $self); my $dedupe = $lei->{dedupe} // die 'BUG: {dedupe} missing'; $dedupe->prepare_dedupe; do { $mset = $self->mset($mo->{qstr}, $mo); for my $it ($mset->items) { my $smsg = smsg_for($self, $it) or next; next if $dedupe->is_smsg_dup($smsg); $each_smsg->($smsg, $it); } } while (_mset_more($mset, $mo)); $lei->{ovv}->ovv_atexit_child($lei); } sub git { my ($self) = @_; my (%seen, @dirs); my $tmp = File::Temp->newdir('lei_xsrch_git-XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1); for my $ibx (@{$self->{shard2ibx} // []}) { my $d = File::Spec->canonpath($ibx->git->{git_dir}); $seen{$d} //= push @dirs, "$d/objects\n" } my $git_dir = $tmp->dirname; PublicInbox::Import::init_bare($git_dir); my $f = "$git_dir/objects/info/alternates"; open my $alt, '>', $f or die "open($f): $!"; print $alt @dirs or die "print $f: $!"; close $alt or die "close $f: $!"; my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir); $git->{-tmp} = $tmp; $git; } sub query_done { # EOF callback my ($lei) = @_; $lei->{ovv}->ovv_end($lei); $lei->dclose; } sub start_query { # always runs in main (lei-daemon) process my ($self, $io, $lei, $srcs) = @_; if (my $l2m = $lei->{l2m}) { $lei->{1} = $io->[1]; $l2m->post_augment($lei); $io->[1] = delete $lei->{1}; } my $remotes = $self->{remotes} // []; if ($lei->{opt}->{thread}) { $lei->{-parallel} = scalar(@$remotes) + scalar(@$srcs) - 1; for my $ibxish (@$srcs) { $self->wq_do('query_thread_mset', $io, $lei, $ibxish); } } else { $lei->{-parallel} = scalar(@$remotes); $self->wq_do('query_mset', $io, $lei, $srcs); } # TODO for my $rmt (@$remotes) { $self->wq_do('query_thread_mbox', $io, $lei, $rmt); } close $io->[0]; # qry_status_wr @$io = (); } sub query_prepare { # wq_do my ($self, $lei) = @_; my %sig = $lei->atfork_child_wq($self); local @SIG{keys %sig} = values %sig; if (my $l2m = $lei->{l2m}) { eval { $l2m->do_augment($lei) }; return $lei->fail($@) if $@; } # trigger PublicInbox::OpPipe->event_step my $qry_status_wr = $lei->{0} or return $lei->fail('BUG: qry_status_wr missing'); $qry_status_wr->autoflush(1); print $qry_status_wr '.' or # this should never fail... return $lei->fail("BUG? print qry_status_wr: $!"); } sub do_query { my ($self, $lei_orig, $srcs) = @_; my ($lei, @io) = $lei_orig->atfork_parent_wq($self); $io[0] = undef; pipe(my $qry_status_rd, $io[0]) or die "pipe $!"; $lei_orig->{lxs} = $self; $lei_orig->event_step_init; # wait for shutdowns my $op_map = { '' => [ \&query_done, $lei_orig ] }; my $in_loop = exists $lei_orig->{sock}; my $opp = PublicInbox::OpPipe->new($qry_status_rd, $op_map, $in_loop); if (my $l2m = $lei->{l2m}) { $l2m->pre_augment($lei_orig); # may redirect $lei->{1} for mbox $io[1] = $lei_orig->{1}; $op_map->{'.'} = [ \&start_query, $self, \@io, $lei, $srcs ]; $self->wq_do('query_prepare', \@io, $lei); $opp->event_step if !$in_loop; } else { start_query($self, \@io, $lei, $srcs); } unless ($in_loop) { my @pids = $self->wq_close; # for the $lei->atfork_child_wq PIPE handler: $op_map->{'!'} = [ \&CORE::kill, 'TERM', @pids ]; $opp->event_step; my $ipc_worker_reap = $self->can('ipc_worker_reap'); dwaitpid($_, $ipc_worker_reap, $self) for @pids; } } sub ipc_atfork_prepare { my ($self) = @_; $self->wq_set_recv_modes(qw[+<&= >&= >&= +<&=]); $self->SUPER::ipc_atfork_prepare; # PublicInbox::IPC } 1;