# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
# Combine any combination of PublicInbox::Search,
# PublicInbox::ExtSearch, and PublicInbox::LeiSearch objects
# into one Xapian DB
package PublicInbox::LeiXSearch;
use strict;
use v5.10.1;
use parent qw(PublicInbox::LeiSearch);
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
bless {
qp_flags => $PublicInbox::Search::QP_FLAGS |
}, $class
sub attach_external {
my ($self, $ibxish) = @_; # ibxish = ExtSearch or Inbox
if (!$ibxish->can('over')) {
push @{$self->{remotes}}, $ibxish
if (delete $self->{xdb}) { # XXX: do we need this?
# clobber existing {xdb} if amending
my $expect = delete $self->{nshard};
my $shards = delete $self->{shards_flat};
scalar(@$shards) == $expect or die
"BUG: {nshard}$expect != shards=".scalar(@$shards);
my $prev = {};
for my $old_ibxish (@{$self->{shard2ibx}}) {
next if $prev == $old_ibxish;
$prev = $old_ibxish;
my @shards = $old_ibxish->search->xdb_shards_flat;
push @{$self->{shards_flat}}, @shards;
my $nr = scalar(@{$self->{shards_flat}});
$nr == $expect or die
"BUG: reloaded $nr shards, expected $expect"
my @shards = $ibxish->search->xdb_shards_flat;
push @{$self->{shards_flat}}, @shards;
push(@{$self->{shard2ibx}}, $ibxish) for (@shards);
# called by PublicInbox::Search::xdb
sub xdb_shards_flat { @{$_[0]->{shards_flat}} }
# like over->get_art
sub smsg_for {
my ($self, $mitem) = @_;
# cf. https://trac.xapian.org/wiki/FAQ/MultiDatabaseDocumentID
my $nshard = $self->{nshard};
my $docid = $mitem->get_docid;
my $shard = ($docid - 1) % $nshard;
my $num = int(($docid - 1) / $nshard) + 1;
my $smsg = $self->{shard2ibx}->[$shard]->over->get_art($num);
$smsg->{docid} = $docid;
sub recent {
my ($self, $qstr, $opt) = @_;
$opt //= {};
$opt->{relevance} //= -2;
$self->mset($qstr //= 'bytes:1..', $opt);