# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # for XOVER, OVER in NNTP, and feeds/homepage/threads in PSGI # Unlike Msgmap, this is an _UNSTABLE_ cache which can be # tweaked/updated over time and rebuilt. # # Ghost messages (messages which are only referenced in References/In-Reply-To) # are denoted by a negative NNTP article number. package PublicInbox::OverIdx; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(PublicInbox::Over); use IO::Handle; use DBI; use PublicInbox::MID qw/id_compress mids_for_index references/; use PublicInbox::Smsg qw(subject_normalized); use Compress::Zlib qw(compress); use PublicInbox::Search; sub dbh_new { my ($self) = @_; my $dbh = $self->SUPER::dbh_new(1); # TRUNCATE reduces I/O compared to the default (DELETE) # We do not use WAL since we're optimized for read-only ops, # (and read-only requires SQLite 3.22.0 (2018-01-22)). $dbh->do('PRAGMA journal_mode = TRUNCATE'); # 80000 pages (80MiB on SQLite <3.12.0, 320MiB on 3.12.0+) # was found to be good in 2018 during the large LKML import # at the time. This ought to be configurable based on HW # and inbox size; I suspect it's overkill for many inboxes. $dbh->do('PRAGMA cache_size = 80000'); create_tables($dbh); $dbh; } sub get_counter ($$) { my ($dbh, $key) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1); SELECT val FROM counter WHERE key = ? LIMIT 1 $sth->execute($key); $sth->fetchrow_array; } sub adj_counter ($$$) { my ($self, $key, $op) = @_; my $dbh = $self->{dbh}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<""); UPDATE counter SET val = val $op 1 WHERE key = ? $sth->execute($key); get_counter($dbh, $key); } sub next_tid { adj_counter($_[0], 'thread', '+') } sub next_ghost_num { adj_counter($_[0], 'ghost', '-') } sub id_for ($$$$$) { my ($self, $tbl, $id_col, $val_col, $val) = @_; my $dbh = $self->{dbh}; my $in = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<"")->execute($val); INSERT OR IGNORE INTO $tbl ($val_col) VALUES (?) if ($in == 0) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<"", undef, 1); SELECT $id_col FROM $tbl WHERE $val_col = ? LIMIT 1 $sth->execute($val); $sth->fetchrow_array; } else { $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, $tbl, $id_col); } } sub sid { my ($self, $path) = @_; return unless defined $path && $path ne ''; id_for($self, 'subject', 'sid', 'path' => $path); } sub mid2id { my ($self, $mid) = @_; id_for($self, 'msgid', 'id', 'mid' => $mid); } sub delete_by_num { my ($self, $num, $tid_ref) = @_; my $dbh = $self->{dbh}; if ($tid_ref) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1); SELECT tid FROM over WHERE num = ? LIMIT 1 $sth->execute($num); $$tid_ref = $sth->fetchrow_array; # may be undef } foreach (qw(over id2num)) { $dbh->prepare_cached(<<"")->execute($num); DELETE FROM $_ WHERE num = ? } } # this includes ghosts sub each_by_mid { my ($self, $mid, $cols, $cb) = @_; my $dbh = $self->{dbh}; =over I originally wanted to stuff everything into a single query: SELECT over.* FROM over LEFT JOIN id2num ON over.num = id2num.num LEFT JOIN msgid ON msgid.id = id2num.id WHERE msgid.mid = ? AND over.num >= ? ORDER BY over.num ASC LIMIT 1000 But it's faster broken out (and we're always in a transaction for subroutines in this file) =cut my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1); SELECT id FROM msgid WHERE mid = ? LIMIT 1 $sth->execute($mid); my $id = $sth->fetchrow_array; defined $id or return; push(@$cols, 'num'); $cols = join(',', map { $_ } @$cols); my $lim = 10; my $prev = get_counter($dbh, 'ghost'); while (1) { $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<"", undef, 1); SELECT num FROM id2num WHERE id = ? AND num >= ? ORDER BY num ASC LIMIT $lim $sth->execute($id, $prev); my $nums = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; my $nr = scalar(@$nums) or return; $prev = $nums->[-1]->[0]; $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<"", undef, 1); SELECT $cols FROM over WHERE over.num = ? LIMIT 1 foreach (@$nums) { $sth->execute($_->[0]); my $smsg = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $cb->(PublicInbox::Over::load_from_row($smsg)) or return; } return if $nr != $lim; } } # this will create a ghost as necessary sub resolve_mid_to_tid { my ($self, $mid) = @_; my $tid; each_by_mid($self, $mid, ['tid'], sub { my ($smsg) = @_; my $cur_tid = $smsg->{tid}; if (defined $tid) { merge_threads($self, $tid, $cur_tid); } else { $tid = $cur_tid; } 1; }); defined $tid ? $tid : create_ghost($self, $mid); } sub create_ghost { my ($self, $mid) = @_; my $id = $self->mid2id($mid); my $num = $self->next_ghost_num; $num < 0 or die "ghost num is non-negative: $num\n"; my $tid = $self->next_tid; my $dbh = $self->{dbh}; $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'')->execute($num, $tid); INSERT INTO over (num, tid) VALUES (?,?) $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'')->execute($id, $num); INSERT INTO id2num (id, num) VALUES (?,?) $tid; } sub merge_threads { my ($self, $winner_tid, $loser_tid) = @_; return if $winner_tid == $loser_tid; my $dbh = $self->{dbh}; $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'')->execute($winner_tid, $loser_tid); UPDATE over SET tid = ? WHERE tid = ? } sub link_refs { my ($self, $refs, $old_tid) = @_; my $tid; if (@$refs) { # first ref *should* be the thread root, # but we can never trust clients to do the right thing my $ref = $refs->[0]; $tid = resolve_mid_to_tid($self, $ref); merge_threads($self, $tid, $old_tid) if defined $old_tid; # the rest of the refs should point to this tid: foreach my $i (1..$#$refs) { $ref = $refs->[$i]; my $ptid = resolve_mid_to_tid($self, $ref); merge_threads($self, $tid, $ptid); } } else { $tid = defined $old_tid ? $old_tid : $self->next_tid; } $tid; } sub parse_references ($$$) { my ($smsg, $hdr, $mids) = @_; my $refs = references($hdr); push(@$refs, @$mids) if scalar(@$mids) > 1; return $refs if scalar(@$refs) == 0; # prevent circular references here: my %seen = ( $smsg->{mid} => 1 ); my @keep; foreach my $ref (@$refs) { if (length($ref) > PublicInbox::MID::MAX_MID_SIZE) { warn "References: <$ref> too long, ignoring\n"; next; } push(@keep, $ref) unless $seen{$ref}++; } $smsg->{references} = '<'.join('> <', @keep).'>' if @keep; \@keep; } # normalize subjects so they are suitable as pathnames for URLs # XXX: consider for removal sub subject_path ($) { my ($subj) = @_; $subj = subject_normalized($subj); $subj =~ s![^a-zA-Z0-9_\.~/\-]+!_!g; lc($subj); } sub add_overview { my ($self, $mime, $smsg) = @_; $smsg->{lines} = $mime->body_raw =~ tr!\n!\n!; my $hdr = $mime->header_obj; my $mids = mids_for_index($hdr); my $refs = parse_references($smsg, $hdr, $mids); my $subj = $smsg->{subject}; my $xpath; if ($subj ne '') { $xpath = subject_path($subj); $xpath = id_compress($xpath); } my $dd = $smsg->to_doc_data; utf8::encode($dd); $dd = compress($dd); add_over($self, [ @$smsg{qw(ts ds num)}, $mids, $refs, $xpath, $dd ]); } sub add_over { my ($self, $values) = @_; my ($ts, $ds, $num, $mids, $refs, $xpath, $ddd) = @$values; my $old_tid; my $vivified = 0; $self->begin_lazy; $self->delete_by_num($num, \$old_tid); foreach my $mid (@$mids) { my $v = 0; each_by_mid($self, $mid, ['tid'], sub { my ($cur) = @_; my $cur_tid = $cur->{tid}; my $n = $cur->{num}; die "num must not be zero for $mid" if !$n; $old_tid = $cur_tid unless defined $old_tid; if ($n > 0) { # regular mail merge_threads($self, $old_tid, $cur_tid); } elsif ($n < 0) { # ghost link_refs($self, $refs, $old_tid); $self->delete_by_num($n); $v++; } 1; }); $v > 1 and warn "BUG: vivified multiple ($v) ghosts for $mid\n"; $vivified += $v; } my $tid = $vivified ? $old_tid : link_refs($self, $refs, $old_tid); my $sid = $self->sid($xpath); my $dbh = $self->{dbh}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<''); INSERT INTO over (num, tid, sid, ts, ds, ddd) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?) my $n = 0; my @v = ($num, $tid, $sid, $ts, $ds); foreach (@v) { $sth->bind_param(++$n, $_) } $sth->bind_param(++$n, $ddd); $sth->execute; $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<''); INSERT INTO id2num (id, num) VALUES (?,?) foreach my $mid (@$mids) { my $id = $self->mid2id($mid); $sth->execute($id, $num); } } # returns number of removed messages # $oid may be undef to match only on $mid sub remove_oid { my ($self, $oid, $mid) = @_; my $nr = 0; $self->begin_lazy; each_by_mid($self, $mid, ['ddd'], sub { my ($smsg) = @_; if (!defined($oid) || $smsg->{blob} eq $oid) { $self->delete_by_num($smsg->{num}); $nr++; } 1; }); $nr; } sub num_mid0_for_oid { my ($self, $oid, $mid) = @_; my ($num, $mid0); $self->begin_lazy; each_by_mid($self, $mid, ['ddd'], sub { my ($smsg) = @_; my $blob = $smsg->{blob}; return 1 if (!defined($blob) || $blob ne $oid); # continue; ($num, $mid0) = ($smsg->{num}, $smsg->{mid}); 0; # done }); ($num, $mid0); } sub create_tables { my ($dbh) = @_; $dbh->do(<<''); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS over ( num INTEGER NOT NULL, tid INTEGER NOT NULL, sid INTEGER, ts INTEGER, ds INTEGER, ddd VARBINARY, /* doc-data-deflated */ UNIQUE (num) ) $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_tid ON over (tid)'); $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_sid ON over (sid)'); $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ts ON over (ts)'); $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ds ON over (ds)'); $dbh->do(<<''); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS counter ( key VARCHAR(8) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, val INTEGER DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (key) ) $dbh->do("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO counter (key) VALUES ('thread')"); $dbh->do("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO counter (key) VALUES ('ghost')"); $dbh->do(<<''); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS subject ( sid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, path VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, UNIQUE (path) ) $dbh->do(<<''); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS id2num ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, num INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE (id, num) ) # performance critical: $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_inum ON id2num (num)'); $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_id ON id2num (id)'); $dbh->do(<<''); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS msgid ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, mid VARCHAR(244) NOT NULL, UNIQUE (mid) ) } sub commit_lazy { my ($self) = @_; delete $self->{txn} or return; $self->{dbh}->commit; } sub begin_lazy { my ($self) = @_; return if $self->{txn}; my $dbh = $self->connect or return; $dbh->begin_work; # $dbh->{Profile} = 2; $self->{txn} = 1; } sub rollback_lazy { my ($self) = @_; delete $self->{txn} or return; $self->{dbh}->rollback; } sub disconnect { my ($self) = @_; die "in transaction" if $self->{txn}; $self->{dbh} = undef; } sub create { my ($self) = @_; unless (-r $self->{filename}) { require File::Path; require File::Basename; File::Path::mkpath(File::Basename::dirname($self->{filename})); } # create the DB: PublicInbox::Over::connect($self); $self->disconnect; } 1;