# Copyright (C) 2015, all contributors # License: AGPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) # based on notmuch, but with no concept of folders, files or flags package PublicInbox::Search; use strict; use warnings; use PublicInbox::SearchMsg; use Search::Xapian qw/:standard/; use Email::MIME; use PublicInbox::MID qw/mid_clean mid_compress/; # This is English-only, everything else is non-standard and may be confused as # a prefix common in patch emails our $REPLY_RE = qr/^re:\s+/i; our $LANG = 'english'; use constant { TS => 0, # SCHEMA_VERSION history # 0 - initial # 1 - subject_path is lower-cased # 2 - subject_path is mid_compress in the index, only # 3 - message-ID is compressed if it includes '%' (hack!) # 4 - change "Re: " normalization, avoid circular Reference ghosts # 5 - subject_path drops trailing '.' # 6 - preserve References: order in document data SCHEMA_VERSION => 6, QP_FLAGS => FLAG_PHRASE|FLAG_BOOLEAN|FLAG_LOVEHATE|FLAG_WILDCARD, }; # setup prefixes my %bool_pfx_internal = ( type => 'T', # "mail" or "ghost" mid => 'Q', # uniQue id (Message-ID or mid_compress) ); my %bool_pfx_external = ( path => 'XPATH', thread => 'G', # newsGroup (or similar entity - e.g. a web forum name) references => 'XREFS', inreplyto => 'XIRT', ); my %prob_prefix = ( subject => 'S', ); my %all_pfx = (%bool_pfx_internal, %bool_pfx_external, %prob_prefix); sub xpfx { $all_pfx{$_[0]} } our %PFX2TERM_RMAP; my %meta_pfx = (mid => 1, thread => 1, path => 1); while (my ($k, $v) = each %all_pfx) { $PFX2TERM_RMAP{$v} = $k if $meta_pfx{$k}; } my $mail_query = Search::Xapian::Query->new(xpfx('type') . 'mail'); sub xdir { my (undef, $git_dir) = @_; "$git_dir/public-inbox/xapian" . SCHEMA_VERSION; } sub new { my ($class, $git_dir) = @_; my $dir = $class->xdir($git_dir); my $db = Search::Xapian::Database->new($dir); bless { xdb => $db, git_dir => $git_dir }, $class; } sub reopen { $_[0]->{xdb}->reopen } # read-only sub query { my ($self, $query_string, $opts) = @_; my $query = $self->qp->parse_query($query_string, QP_FLAGS); $opts ||= {}; $opts->{relevance} = 1; $self->do_enquire($query, $opts); } sub get_subject_path { my ($self, $path, $opts) = @_; my $query = $self->qp->parse_query("path:".mid_compress($path), 0); $self->do_enquire($query, $opts); } # given a message ID, get followups to a message sub get_followups { my ($self, $mid, $opts) = @_; $mid = mid_clean($mid); $mid = mid_compress($mid); my $qp = $self->qp; my $irt = $qp->parse_query("inreplyto:$mid", 0); my $ref = $qp->parse_query("references:$mid", 0); my $query = Search::Xapian::Query->new(OP_OR, $irt, $ref); $self->do_enquire($query, $opts); } sub get_thread { my ($self, $mid, $opts) = @_; my $smsg = eval { $self->lookup_message($mid) }; return { total => 0, msgs => [] } unless $smsg; my $qp = $self->qp; my $qtid = $qp->parse_query('thread:'.$smsg->thread_id, 0); my $qsub = $qp->parse_query('path:'.mid_compress($smsg->path), 0); my $query = Search::Xapian::Query->new(OP_OR, $qtid, $qsub); $self->do_enquire($query, $opts); } # private subs below sub do_enquire { my ($self, $query, $opts) = @_; my $enquire = $self->enquire; $query = Search::Xapian::Query->new(OP_AND, $query, $mail_query); $enquire->set_query($query); if ($opts->{relevance}) { $enquire->set_sort_by_relevance_then_value(TS, 0); } else { $enquire->set_sort_by_value(TS, 0); } $opts ||= {}; my $offset = $opts->{offset} || 0; my $limit = $opts->{limit} || 50; my $mset = $enquire->get_mset($offset, $limit); my @msgs = map { PublicInbox::SearchMsg->load_doc($_->get_document); } $mset->items; { total => $mset->get_matches_estimated, msgs => \@msgs } } # read-write sub stemmer { Search::Xapian::Stem->new($LANG) } # read-only sub qp { my ($self) = @_; my $qp = $self->{query_parser}; return $qp if $qp; # new parser $qp = Search::Xapian::QueryParser->new; $qp->set_default_op(OP_AND); $qp->set_database($self->{xdb}); $qp->set_stemmer($self->stemmer); $qp->set_stemming_strategy(STEM_SOME); $qp->add_valuerangeprocessor($self->ts_range_processor); $qp->add_valuerangeprocessor($self->date_range_processor); while (my ($name, $prefix) = each %bool_pfx_external) { $qp->add_boolean_prefix($name, $prefix); } while (my ($name, $prefix) = each %prob_prefix) { $qp->add_prefix($name, $prefix); } $self->{query_parser} = $qp; } sub ts_range_processor { $_[0]->{tsrp} ||= Search::Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor->new(TS); } sub date_range_processor { $_[0]->{drp} ||= Search::Xapian::DateValueRangeProcessor->new(TS); } sub lookup_message { my ($self, $mid) = @_; $mid = mid_clean($mid); $mid = mid_compress($mid); my $doc_id = $self->find_unique_doc_id('mid', $mid); my $smsg; if (defined $doc_id) { # raises on error: my $doc = $self->{xdb}->get_document($doc_id); $smsg = PublicInbox::SearchMsg->wrap($doc, $mid); $smsg->doc_id($doc_id); } $smsg; } sub find_unique_doc_id { my ($self, $term, $value) = @_; my ($begin, $end) = $self->find_doc_ids($term, $value); return undef if $begin->equal($end); # not found my $rv = $begin->get_docid; # sanity check $begin->inc; $begin->equal($end) or die "Term '$term:$value' is not unique\n"; $rv; } # returns begin and end PostingIterator sub find_doc_ids { my ($self, $term, $value) = @_; $self->find_doc_ids_for_term(xpfx($term) . $value); } # returns begin and end PostingIterator sub find_doc_ids_for_term { my ($self, $term) = @_; my $db = $self->{xdb}; ($db->postlist_begin($term), $db->postlist_end($term)); } # normalize subjects so they are suitable as pathnames for URLs sub subject_path { my $subj = pop; $subj = subject_normalized($subj); $subj =~ s![^a-zA-Z0-9_\.~/\-]+!_!g; lc($subj); } sub subject_normalized { my $subj = pop; $subj =~ s/\A\s+//s; # no leading space $subj =~ s/\s+\z//s; # no trailing space $subj =~ s/\s+/ /gs; # no redundant spaces $subj =~ s/\.+\z//; # no trailing '.' $subj =~ s/$REPLY_RE//igo; # remove reply prefix $subj; } # for doc data sub subject_summary { my $subj = pop; my $max = 68; if (length($subj) > $max) { my @subj = split(/\s+/, $subj); $subj = ''; my $l; while ($l = shift @subj) { my $new = $subj . $l . ' '; last if length($new) >= $max; $subj = $new; } if ($subj ne '') { my $r = scalar @subj ? ' ...' : ''; $subj =~ s/ \z/$r/s; } else { # subject has one REALLY long word, and NOT spam? wtf @subj = ($l =~ /\A(.{1,72})/); $subj = $subj[0] . ' ...'; } } $subj; } sub enquire { my ($self) = @_; $self->{enquire} ||= Search::Xapian::Enquire->new($self->{xdb}); } 1;