# Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors # License: AGPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) # based on notmuch, but with no concept of folders, files or flags # # Indexes mail with Xapian and our (SQLite-based) ::Msgmap for use # with the web and NNTP interfaces. This index maintains thread # relationships for use by Mail::Thread. This writes to the search # index. package PublicInbox::SearchIdx; use strict; use warnings; use Email::MIME; use Email::MIME::ContentType; $Email::MIME::ContentType::STRICT_PARAMS = 0; use base qw(PublicInbox::Search); use PublicInbox::MID qw/mid_clean id_compress mid_mime/; use PublicInbox::MsgIter; require PublicInbox::Git; *xpfx = *PublicInbox::Search::xpfx; use constant MAX_MID_SIZE => 244; # max term size - 1 in Xapian use constant { PERM_UMASK => 0, OLD_PERM_GROUP => 1, OLD_PERM_EVERYBODY => 2, PERM_GROUP => 0660, PERM_EVERYBODY => 0664, }; sub new { my ($class, $git_dir, $writable) = @_; my $dir = $class->xdir($git_dir); require Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase; my $flag = Search::Xapian::DB_OPEN; my $self = bless { git_dir => $git_dir }, $class; my $perm = $self->_git_config_perm; my $umask = _umask_for($perm); $self->{umask} = $umask; $self->{xdb} = $self->with_umask(sub { if ($writable == 1) { require File::Path; File::Path::mkpath($dir); $flag = Search::Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN; } Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new($dir, $flag); }); $self; } sub add_val { my ($doc, $col, $num) = @_; $num = Search::Xapian::sortable_serialise($num); $doc->add_value($col, $num); } sub add_message { my ($self, $mime, $bytes, $num) = @_; # mime = Email::MIME object my $db = $self->{xdb}; my $doc_id; my $mid = mid_clean(mid_mime($mime)); my $was_ghost = 0; my $ct_msg = $mime->header('Content-Type') || 'text/plain'; eval { die 'Message-ID too long' if length($mid) > MAX_MID_SIZE; my $smsg = $self->lookup_message($mid); my $doc; if ($smsg) { $smsg->ensure_metadata; # convert a ghost to a regular message # it will also clobber any existing regular message $smsg->mime($mime); $doc = $smsg->{doc}; my $type = xpfx('type'); eval { $doc->remove_term($type . 'ghost'); $was_ghost = 1; }; # probably does not exist: eval { $doc->remove_term($type . 'mail') }; $doc->add_term($type . 'mail'); } else { $smsg = PublicInbox::SearchMsg->new($mime); $doc = $smsg->{doc}; $doc->add_term(xpfx('mid') . $mid); } my $subj = $smsg->subject; if ($subj ne '') { my $path = $self->subject_path($subj); $doc->add_term(xpfx('path') . id_compress($path)); } add_val($doc, &PublicInbox::Search::TS, $smsg->ts); defined($num) and add_val($doc, &PublicInbox::Search::NUM, $num); defined($bytes) and add_val($doc, &PublicInbox::Search::BYTES, $bytes); add_val($doc, &PublicInbox::Search::LINES, $mime->body_raw =~ tr!\n!\n!); my $tg = $self->term_generator; $tg->set_document($doc); $tg->index_text($subj, 1, 'S') if $subj; $tg->increase_termpos; $tg->index_text($subj) if $subj; $tg->increase_termpos; $tg->index_text($smsg->from); $tg->increase_termpos; msg_iter($mime, sub { my ($part, $depth, @idx) = @{$_[0]}; my $ct = $part->content_type || $ct_msg; # account for filter bugs... $ct =~ m!\btext/plain\b!i or return; my (@orig, @quot); my $body = $part->body; $part->body_set(''); my @lines = split(/\n/, $body); while (defined(my $l = shift @lines)) { if ($l =~ /^\s*>/) { push @quot, $l; } else { push @orig, $l; } } if (@quot) { $tg->index_text(join("\n", @quot), 0); @quot = (); $tg->increase_termpos; } if (@orig) { $tg->index_text(join("\n", @orig)); @orig = (); $tg->increase_termpos; } }); if ($was_ghost) { $doc_id = $smsg->doc_id; $self->link_message($smsg); $doc->set_data($smsg->to_doc_data); $db->replace_document($doc_id, $doc); } else { $self->link_message($smsg); $doc->set_data($smsg->to_doc_data); $doc_id = $db->add_document($doc); } }; if ($@) { warn "failed to index message <$mid>: $@\n"; return undef; } $doc_id; } # returns deleted doc_id on success, undef on missing sub remove_message { my ($self, $mid) = @_; my $db = $self->{xdb}; my $doc_id; $mid = mid_clean($mid); eval { $doc_id = $self->find_unique_doc_id('mid', $mid); $db->delete_document($doc_id) if defined $doc_id; }; if ($@) { warn "failed to remove message <$mid>: $@\n"; return undef; } $doc_id; } sub term_generator { # write-only my ($self) = @_; my $tg = $self->{term_generator}; return $tg if $tg; $tg = Search::Xapian::TermGenerator->new; $tg->set_stemmer($self->stemmer); $self->{term_generator} = $tg; } # increments last_thread_id counter # returns a 64-bit integer represented as a hex string sub next_thread_id { my ($self) = @_; my $db = $self->{xdb}; my $last_thread_id = int($db->get_metadata('last_thread_id') || 0); $db->set_metadata('last_thread_id', ++$last_thread_id); $last_thread_id; } sub link_message { my ($self, $smsg) = @_; my $doc = $smsg->{doc}; my $mid = $smsg->mid; my $mime = $smsg->mime; my $hdr = $mime->header_obj; my $refs = $hdr->header_raw('References'); my @refs = $refs ? ($refs =~ /<([^>]+)>/g) : (); if (my $irt = $hdr->header_raw('In-Reply-To')) { # last References should be $irt # we will de-dupe later push @refs, mid_clean($irt); } my $tid; if (@refs) { my %uniq = ($mid => 1); my @orig_refs = @refs; @refs = (); # prevent circular references via References: here: foreach my $ref (@orig_refs) { if (length($ref) > MAX_MID_SIZE) { warn "References: <$ref> too long, ignoring\n"; } next if $uniq{$ref}; $uniq{$ref} = 1; push @refs, $ref; } } if (@refs) { $smsg->{references} = '<'.join('> <', @refs).'>'; # first ref *should* be the thread root, # but we can never trust clients to do the right thing my $ref = shift @refs; $tid = $self->_resolve_mid_to_tid($ref); # the rest of the refs should point to this tid: foreach $ref (@refs) { my $ptid = $self->_resolve_mid_to_tid($ref); if ($tid ne $ptid) { $self->merge_threads($tid, $ptid); } } } else { $tid = $self->next_thread_id; } $doc->add_term(xpfx('thread') . $tid); } sub index_blob { my ($self, $git, $mime, $bytes, $num) = @_; $self->add_message($mime, $bytes, $num); } sub unindex_blob { my ($self, $git, $mime) = @_; my $mid = eval { mid_clean(mid_mime($mime)) }; $self->remove_message($mid) if defined $mid; } sub index_mm { my ($self, $git, $mime) = @_; $self->{mm}->mid_insert(mid_clean(mid_mime($mime))); } sub unindex_mm { my ($self, $git, $mime) = @_; $self->{mm}->mid_delete(mid_clean(mid_mime($mime))); } sub index_mm2 { my ($self, $git, $mime, $bytes) = @_; my $num = $self->{mm}->num_for(mid_clean(mid_mime($mime))); index_blob($self, $git, $mime, $bytes, $num); } sub unindex_mm2 { my ($self, $git, $mime) = @_; $self->{mm}->mid_delete(mid_clean(mid_mime($mime))); unindex_blob($self, $git, $mime); } sub index_both { my ($self, $git, $mime, $bytes) = @_; my $num = index_mm($self, $git, $mime); index_blob($self, $git, $mime, $bytes, $num); } sub unindex_both { my ($self, $git, $mime) = @_; unindex_blob($self, $git, $mime); unindex_mm($self, $git, $mime); } sub do_cat_mail { my ($git, $blob, $sizeref) = @_; my $mime = eval { my $str = $git->cat_file($blob, $sizeref); Email::MIME->new($str); }; $@ ? undef : $mime; } sub index_sync { my ($self, $head) = @_; $self->with_umask(sub { $self->_index_sync($head) }); } sub rlog { my ($self, $range, $add_cb, $del_cb) = @_; my $hex = '[a-f0-9]'; my $h40 = $hex .'{40}'; my $addmsg = qr!^:000000 100644 \S+ ($h40) A\t${hex}{2}/${hex}{38}$!; my $delmsg = qr!^:100644 000000 ($h40) \S+ D\t${hex}{2}/${hex}{38}$!; my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($self->{git_dir}); my $log = $git->popen(qw/log --reverse --no-notes --no-color --raw -r --no-abbrev/, $range); my $latest; my $bytes; local $/ = "\n"; while (defined(my $line = <$log>)) { if ($line =~ /$addmsg/o) { my $mime = do_cat_mail($git, $1, \$bytes) or next; $add_cb->($self, $git, $mime, $bytes); } elsif ($line =~ /$delmsg/o) { my $mime = do_cat_mail($git, $1) or next; $del_cb->($self, $git, $mime); } elsif ($line =~ /^commit ($h40)/o) { $latest = $1; } } $latest; } # indexes all unindexed messages sub _index_sync { my ($self, $head) = @_; my $db = $self->{xdb}; $head ||= 'HEAD'; my $mm = $self->{mm} = eval { require PublicInbox::Msgmap; PublicInbox::Msgmap->new($self->{git_dir}, 1); }; $db->begin_transaction; my $lx = $db->get_metadata('last_commit'); my $range = $lx eq '' ? $head : "$lx..$head"; if ($mm) { $mm->{dbh}->begin_work; my $lm = $mm->last_commit || ''; if ($lm eq $lx) { # Common case is the indexes are synced, # we only need to run git-log once: $lx = $self->rlog($range, *index_both, *unindex_both); $mm->{dbh}->commit; if (defined $lx) { $db->set_metadata('last_commit', $lx); $mm->last_commit($lx); } } else { # dumb case, msgmap and xapian are out-of-sync # do not care for performance: my $r = $lm eq '' ? $head : "$lm..$head"; $lm = $self->rlog($r, *index_mm, *unindex_mm); $mm->{dbh}->commit; $mm->last_commit($lm) if defined $lm; $lx = $self->rlog($range, *index_mm2, *unindex_mm2); $db->set_metadata('last_commit', $lx) if defined $lx; } } else { # user didn't install DBD::SQLite and DBI $lx = $self->rlog($range, *index_blob, *unindex_blob); $db->set_metadata('last_commit', $lx) if defined $lx; } if ($@) { $db->cancel_transaction; $mm->{dbh}->rollback if $mm; } else { $db->commit_transaction; } } # this will create a ghost as necessary sub _resolve_mid_to_tid { my ($self, $mid) = @_; my $smsg = $self->lookup_message($mid) || $self->create_ghost($mid); $smsg->thread_id; } sub create_ghost { my ($self, $mid) = @_; my $tid = $self->next_thread_id; my $doc = Search::Xapian::Document->new; $doc->add_term(xpfx('mid') . $mid); $doc->add_term(xpfx('thread') . $tid); $doc->add_term(xpfx('type') . 'ghost'); my $smsg = PublicInbox::SearchMsg->wrap($doc, $mid); $self->{xdb}->add_document($doc); $smsg; } sub merge_threads { my ($self, $winner_tid, $loser_tid) = @_; my ($head, $tail) = $self->find_doc_ids('thread', $loser_tid); my $thread_pfx = xpfx('thread'); my $db = $self->{xdb}; for (; $head != $tail; $head->inc) { my $docid = $head->get_docid; my $doc = $db->get_document($docid); $doc->remove_term($thread_pfx . $loser_tid); $doc->add_term($thread_pfx . $winner_tid); $db->replace_document($docid, $doc); } } sub _read_git_config_perm { my ($self) = @_; my @cmd = qw(config core.sharedRepository); my $fh = PublicInbox::Git->new($self->{git_dir})->popen(@cmd); local $/ = "\n"; my $perm = <$fh>; chomp $perm if defined $perm; $perm; } sub _git_config_perm { my $self = shift; my $perm = scalar @_ ? $_[0] : _read_git_config_perm($self); return PERM_GROUP if (!defined($perm) || $perm eq ''); return PERM_UMASK if ($perm eq 'umask'); return PERM_GROUP if ($perm eq 'group'); if ($perm =~ /\A(?:all|world|everybody)\z/) { return PERM_EVERYBODY; } return PERM_GROUP if ($perm =~ /\A(?:true|yes|on|1)\z/); return PERM_UMASK if ($perm =~ /\A(?:false|no|off|0)\z/); my $i = oct($perm); return PERM_UMASK if ($i == PERM_UMASK); return PERM_GROUP if ($i == OLD_PERM_GROUP); return PERM_EVERYBODY if ($i == OLD_PERM_EVERYBODY); if (($i & 0600) != 0600) { die "core.sharedRepository mode invalid: ". sprintf('%.3o', $i) . "\nOwner must have permissions\n"; } ($i & 0666); } sub _umask_for { my ($perm) = @_; # _git_config_perm return value my $rv = $perm; return umask if $rv == 0; # set +x bit if +r or +w were set $rv |= 0100 if ($rv & 0600); $rv |= 0010 if ($rv & 0060); $rv |= 0001 if ($rv & 0006); (~$rv & 0777); } sub with_umask { my ($self, $cb) = @_; my $old = umask $self->{umask}; my $rv = eval { $cb->() }; my $err = $@; umask $old; die $err if $@; $rv; } 1;