# Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors # License: AGPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) package PublicInbox::SearchView; use strict; use warnings; use PublicInbox::SearchMsg; use PublicInbox::Hval; use PublicInbox::View; use POSIX qw/strftime/; our $LIM = 25; sub sres_top_html { my ($ctx, $q) = @_; my $cgi = $ctx->{cgi}; # $q ||= $cgi->param('q'); my $o = int($cgi->param('o') || 0); my $r = $cgi->param('r'); $r = (defined $r && $r ne '0'); my $opts = { limit => $LIM, offset => $o, mset => 1, relevance => $r }; my $mset = $ctx->{srch}->query($q, $opts); my $total = $mset->get_matches_estimated; my $query = PublicInbox::Hval->new_oneline($q); my $qh = $query->as_html; my $res = "$qh - search results" . qq{} . qq{}; $res .= qq{} if $r; $res .= qq{} . PublicInbox::View::PRE_WRAP; my $foot = $ctx->{footer} || ''; $foot = qq{Back to index.}; if ($total == 0) { $res .= "\n\n[No results found]
	} else {
		$q = $query->as_href;
		$q =~ s/%20/+/g; # improve URL readability
		my $qp = "?q=$q";
		$qp .= "&o=$o" if $o;

		$res .= "Search results ordered by [";
		if ($r) {
			$res .= qq{date|relevance};
		} else {
			$qp .= '&r';
			$res .= qq{date|relevance};
		$res .= "]\n\n";

		my $pad = length("$total");
		my $pfx = ' ' x $pad;
		foreach my $m ($mset->items) {
			my $rank = sprintf("%${pad}d", $m->get_rank + 1);
			my $pct = $m->get_percent;
			my $smsg = $m->get_document;
			$smsg = PublicInbox::SearchMsg->load_doc($smsg);
			my $s = PublicInbox::Hval->new_oneline($smsg->subject);
			my $f = $smsg->from_name;
			$f = PublicInbox::Hval->new_oneline($f)->as_html;
			my $d = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', gmtime($smsg->ts));
			my $mid = $smsg->mid;
			$mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid)->as_href;
			$res .= qq{$rank. }.
				$s->as_html . "\n";
			$res .= "$pfx  - by $f @ $d UTC [$pct%]\n\n";
		my $nr = scalar $mset->items;
		my $end = $o + $nr;
		my $beg = $o + 1;
		$res .= "
		$res .= "Results $beg-$end of $total";

		my $n = $o + $LIM;
		if ($n < $total) {
			$qp = "q=$q&o=$n";
			$qp .= "&r" if $r;
			$res .= qq{, next}
		if ($o > 0) {
			$res .= $n < $total ? '/' : ',      ';
			my $p = $o - $LIM;
			$qp = "q=$q";
			$qp .= "&o=$p" if $p > 0;
			$qp .= "&r" if $r;
			$res .= qq{prev};
		$res .= "\n\n".$foot;

	$res .= "
"; [200, ['Content-Type'=>'text/html; charset=UTF-8'], [$res]]; } sub sres_top_atom { } sub sres_top_thread { } 1;