* Dark color scheme using 216 web-safe colors, inspired
* somewhat by the default color scheme in mutt.
* It reduces eyestrain for me, and energy usage for all:
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-on-dark_color_scheme
* { background:#000 !important; color:#ccc !important }
* Underlined links add visual noise which make them hard-to-read.
* Use colors to make them stand out, instead.
a:link { color:#69f !important; text-decoration:none !important }
a:visited { color:#96f !important }
/* quoted text in emails gets a different color */
*.q { color:#09f !important }
* these may be used with cgit , too.
* (cgit uses , public-inbox uses )
*.add { color:#0ff !important } /* diff post-image lines */
*.del { color:#f0f !important } /* diff pre-image lines */
*.head { color:#fff !important } /* diff header (metainformation) */
*.hunk { color:#c93 !important } /* diff hunk-header */
* highlight 3.x colors (tested 3.18) for displaying blobs.
* This doesn't use most of the colors available, as I find too
* many colors overwhelming, so the default is commented out.
.hl.num { color:#f30 !important } /* number */
.hl.esc { color:#f0f !important } /* escape character */
.hl.str { color:#f30 !important } /* string */
.hl.ppc { color:#f0f !important } /* preprocessor */
.hl.pps { color:#f30 !important } /* preprocessor string */
.hl.slc { color:#09f !important } /* single-line comment */
.hl.com { color:#09f !important } /* multi-line comment */
/* .hl.opt { color:#ccc !important } */ /* operator */
/* .hl.ipl { color:#ccc !important } */ /* interpolation */
/* keyword groups kw[a-z] */
.hl.kwa { color:#ff0 !important }
.hl.kwb { color:#0f0 !important }
.hl.kwc { color:#ff0 !important }
/* .hl.kwd { color:#ccc !important } */
/* line-number (unused by public-inbox) */
/* .hl.lin { color:#ccc !important } */
# end of auto-updated sub
# return a sample CSS
sub sample ($$) {
my ($ibx, $env) = @_;
my $url_prefix = $ibx->base_url($env);
my $preamble = <<"";
* Firefox users: this goes in \$PROFILE_FOLDER/chrome/userContent.css
* where \$PROFILE_FOLDER is platform-specific
* cf. http://kb.mozillazine.org/UserContent.css
* http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox
* Users of dillo can remove the entire lines with "moz-only"
* in them and place the resulting file in ~/.dillo/style.css
\@-moz-document url-prefix($url_prefix) { /* moz-only */
$preamble . CSS() . "\n} /* moz-only */\n";
# Auto-update this file based on the contents of a CSS file:
# usage: perl -I lib __FILE__ contrib/css/216dark.css
# (See Makefile.PL)
if (scalar(@ARGV) == 1 && -r __FILE__) {
open my $ro, '<', $ARGV[0] or die $!;
my $css = do { local $/; <$ro> } or die $!;
# indent one level:
$css =~ s/^([ \t]*\S)/\t$1/smg;
# "!important" overrides whatever the BOFH sets:
$css =~ s/;/ !important;/sg;
$css =~ s/(\w) \}/$1 !important }/msg;
open my $rw, '+<', __FILE__ or die $!;
my $out = do { local $/; <$rw> } or die $!;
$out =~ s/^sub CSS.*^_\n\}/sub CSS () {\n\t<<'_'\n${css}_\n}/sm;
seek $rw, 0, 0;
print $rw $out or die $!;
close $rw or die $!;