# Copyright (C) 2018 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
# This interface wraps and mimics PublicInbox::Import
# Used to write to V2 inboxes (see L).
package PublicInbox::V2Writable;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(PublicInbox::Lock);
use PublicInbox::SearchIdxShard;
use PublicInbox::MIME;
use PublicInbox::Git;
use PublicInbox::Import;
use PublicInbox::MID qw(mids references);
use PublicInbox::ContentId qw(content_id content_digest);
use PublicInbox::Inbox;
use PublicInbox::OverIdx;
use PublicInbox::Msgmap;
use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(spawn);
use PublicInbox::SearchIdx;
use IO::Handle;
# an estimate of the post-packed size to the raw uncompressed size
# SATA storage lags behind what CPUs are capable of, so relying on
# nproc(1) can be misleading and having extra Xapian shards is a
# waste of FDs and space. It can also lead to excessive IO latency
# and slow things down. Users on NVME or other fast storage can
# use the NPROC env or switches in our script/public-inbox-* programs
# to increase Xapian shards
sub nproc_shards ($) {
my ($creat_opt) = @_;
if (ref($creat_opt) eq 'HASH') {
if (defined(my $n = $creat_opt->{nproc})) {
return $n
my $n = $ENV{NPROC};
if (!$n) {
chomp($n = `nproc 2>/dev/null`);
# assume 2 cores if GNU nproc(1) is not available
$n = 2 if !$n;
# subtract for the main process and git-fast-import
$n -= 1;
$n < 1 ? 1 : $n;
sub count_shards ($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my $n = 0;
my $xpfx = $self->{xpfx};
# always load existing shards in case core count changes:
# Also, shard count may change while -watch is running
# due to "xcpdb --reshard"
if (-d $xpfx) {
foreach my $shard (<$xpfx/*>) {
-d $shard && $shard =~ m!/[0-9]+\z! or next;
eval {
sub new {
# $creat may be any true value, or 0/undef. A hashref is true,
# and $creat->{nproc} may be set to an integer
my ($class, $v2ibx, $creat) = @_;
my $dir = $v2ibx->{mainrepo} or die "no mainrepo in inbox\n";
unless (-d $dir) {
if ($creat) {
require File::Path;
} else {
die "$dir does not exist\n";
$v2ibx = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($v2ibx);
my $xpfx = "$dir/xap" . PublicInbox::Search::SCHEMA_VERSION;
my $self = {
-inbox => $v2ibx,
im => undef, # PublicInbox::Import
parallel => 1,
transact_bytes => 0,
current_info => '',
xpfx => $xpfx,
over => PublicInbox::OverIdx->new("$xpfx/over.sqlite3", 1),
lock_path => "$dir/inbox.lock",
# limit each git repo (epoch) to 1GB or so
rotate_bytes => int((1024 * 1024 * 1024) / $PACKING_FACTOR),
last_commit => [], # git repo -> commit
$self->{shards} = count_shards($self) || nproc_shards($creat);
bless $self, $class;
# public (for now?)
sub init_inbox {
my ($self, $parallel, $skip_epoch) = @_;
$self->{parallel} = $parallel;
my $epoch_max = -1;
git_dir_latest($self, \$epoch_max);
if (defined $skip_epoch && $epoch_max == -1) {
$epoch_max = $skip_epoch;
$self->git_init($epoch_max >= 0 ? $epoch_max : 0);
# returns undef on duplicate or spam
# mimics Import::add and wraps it for v2
sub add {
my ($self, $mime, $check_cb) = @_;
$self->{-inbox}->with_umask(sub {
_add($self, $mime, $check_cb)
# indexes a message, returns true if checkpointing is needed
sub do_idx ($$$$$$$) {
my ($self, $msgref, $mime, $len, $num, $oid, $mid0) = @_;
$self->{over}->add_overview($mime, $len, $num, $oid, $mid0);
my $idx = idx_shard($self, $num % $self->{shards});
$idx->index_raw($len, $msgref, $num, $oid, $mid0, $mime);
my $n = $self->{transact_bytes} += $len;
$n >= (PublicInbox::SearchIdx::BATCH_BYTES * $self->{shards});
sub _add {
my ($self, $mime, $check_cb) = @_;
# spam check:
if ($check_cb) {
$mime = $check_cb->($mime) or return;
# All pipes (> $^F) known to Perl 5.6+ have FD_CLOEXEC set,
# as does SQLite 3.4.1+ (released in 2007-07-20), and
# Xapian 1.3.2+ (released 2015-03-15).
# For the most part, we can spawn git-fast-import without
# leaking FDs to it...
my $mid0;
my $num = num_for($self, $mime, \$mid0);
defined $num or return; # duplicate
defined $mid0 or die "BUG: $mid0 undefined\n";
my $im = $self->importer;
my $cmt = $im->add($mime);
$cmt = $im->get_mark($cmt);
$self->{last_commit}->[$self->{epoch_max}] = $cmt;
my ($oid, $len, $msgref) = @{$im->{last_object}};
if (do_idx($self, $msgref, $mime, $len, $num, $oid, $mid0)) {
sub num_for {
my ($self, $mime, $mid0) = @_;
my $mids = mids($mime->header_obj);
if (@$mids) {
my $mid = $mids->[0];
my $num = $self->{mm}->mid_insert($mid);
if (defined $num) { # common case
$$mid0 = $mid;
return $num;
# crap, Message-ID is already known, hope somebody just resent:
foreach my $m (@$mids) {
# read-only lookup now safe to do after above barrier
my $existing = lookup_content($self, $mime, $m);
# easy, don't store duplicates
# note: do not add more diagnostic info here since
# it gets noisy on public-inbox-watch restarts
return if $existing;
# AltId may pre-populate article numbers (e.g. X-Mail-Count
# or NNTP article number), use that article number if it's
# not in Over.
my $altid = $self->{-inbox}->{altid};
if ($altid && grep(/:file=msgmap\.sqlite3\z/, @$altid)) {
my $num = $self->{mm}->num_for($mid);
if (defined $num && !$self->{over}->get_art($num)) {
$$mid0 = $mid;
return $num;
# very unlikely:
warn "<$mid> reused for mismatched content\n";
# try the rest of the mids
for(my $i = $#$mids; $i >= 1; $i--) {
my $m = $mids->[$i];
$num = $self->{mm}->mid_insert($m);
if (defined $num) {
warn "alternative <$m> for <$mid> found\n";
$$mid0 = $m;
return $num;
# none of the existing Message-IDs are good, generate a new one:
num_for_harder($self, $mime, $mid0);
sub num_for_harder {
my ($self, $mime, $mid0) = @_;
my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
my $dig = content_digest($mime);
$$mid0 = PublicInbox::Import::digest2mid($dig, $hdr);
my $num = $self->{mm}->mid_insert($$mid0);
unless (defined $num) {
# it's hard to spoof the last Received: header
my @recvd = $hdr->header_raw('Received');
$dig->add("Received: $_") foreach (@recvd);
$$mid0 = PublicInbox::Import::digest2mid($dig, $hdr);
$num = $self->{mm}->mid_insert($$mid0);
# fall back to a random Message-ID and give up determinism:
until (defined($num)) {
$$mid0 = PublicInbox::Import::digest2mid($dig, $hdr);
warn "using random Message-ID <$$mid0> as fallback\n";
$num = $self->{mm}->mid_insert($$mid0);
PublicInbox::Import::append_mid($hdr, $$mid0);
sub idx_shard {
my ($self, $shard_i) = @_;
# idempotent
sub idx_init {
my ($self, $opt) = @_;
return if $self->{idx_shards};
my $ibx = $self->{-inbox};
# do not leak read-only FDs to child processes, we only have these
# FDs for duplicate detection so they should not be
# frequently activated.
delete $ibx->{$_} foreach (qw(git mm search));
my $indexlevel = $ibx->{indexlevel};
if ($indexlevel && $indexlevel eq 'basic') {
$self->{parallel} = 0;
if ($self->{parallel}) {
pipe(my ($r, $w)) or die "pipe failed: $!";
# pipe for barrier notifications doesn't need to be big,
# 1031: F_SETPIPE_SZ
fcntl($w, 1031, 4096) if $^O eq 'linux';
$self->{bnote} = [ $r, $w ];
my $over = $self->{over};
$ibx->with_umask(sub {
$self->lock_acquire unless ($opt && $opt->{-skip_lock});
# xcpdb can change shard count while -watch is idle
my $nshards = count_shards($self);
if ($nshards && $nshards != $self->{shards}) {
$self->{shards} = $nshards;
# need to create all shards before initializing msgmap FD
my $max = $self->{shards} - 1;
# idx_shards must be visible to all forked processes
my $idx = $self->{idx_shards} = [];
for my $i (0..$max) {
push @$idx, PublicInbox::SearchIdxShard->new($self, $i);
# Now that all subprocesses are up, we can open the FDs
# for SQLite:
my $mm = $self->{mm} = PublicInbox::Msgmap->new_file(
"$self->{-inbox}->{mainrepo}/msgmap.sqlite3", 1);
# returns an array mapping [ epoch => latest_commit ]
# latest_commit may be undef if nothing was done to that epoch
# $replace_map = { $object_id => $strref, ... }
sub _replace_oids ($$$) {
my ($self, $mime, $replace_map) = @_;
my $pfx = "$self->{-inbox}->{mainrepo}/git";
my $rewrites = []; # epoch => commit
my $max = $self->{epoch_max};
unless (defined($max)) {
defined(my $latest = git_dir_latest($self, \$max)) or return;
$self->{epoch_max} = $max;
foreach my $i (0..$max) {
my $git_dir = "$pfx/$i.git";
-d $git_dir or next;
my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir);
my $im = $self->import_init($git, 0, 1);
$rewrites->[$i] = $im->replace_oids($mime, $replace_map);
sub content_ids ($) {
my ($mime) = @_;
my @cids = ( content_id($mime) );
# Email::MIME->as_string doesn't always round-trip, so we may
# use a second content_id
my $rt = content_id(PublicInbox::MIME->new(\($mime->as_string)));
push @cids, $rt if $cids[0] ne $rt;
sub content_matches ($$) {
my ($cids, $existing) = @_;
my $cid = content_id($existing);
foreach (@$cids) {
return 1 if $_ eq $cid
# used for removing or replacing (purging)
sub rewrite_internal ($$;$$$) {
my ($self, $old_mime, $cmt_msg, $new_mime, $sref) = @_;
my ($im, $need_reindex, $replace_map);
if ($sref) {
$replace_map = {}; # oid => sref
$need_reindex = [] if $new_mime;
} else {
$im = $self->importer;
my $over = $self->{over};
my $cids = content_ids($old_mime);
my $removed;
my $mids = mids($old_mime->header_obj);
# We avoid introducing new blobs into git since the raw content
# can be slightly different, so we do not need the user-supplied
# message now that we have the mids and content_id
$old_mime = undef;
my $mark;
foreach my $mid (@$mids) {
my %gone; # num => [ smsg, raw ]
my ($id, $prev);
while (my $smsg = $over->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev)) {
my $msg = get_blob($self, $smsg);
if (!defined($msg)) {
warn "broken smsg for $mid\n";
next; # continue
my $orig = $$msg;
my $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($msg);
if (content_matches($cids, $cur)) {
$smsg->{mime} = $cur;
$gone{$smsg->{num}} = [ $smsg, \$orig ];
my $n = scalar keys %gone;
next unless $n;
if ($n > 1) {
warn "BUG: multiple articles linked to <$mid>\n",
join(',', sort keys %gone), "\n";
foreach my $num (keys %gone) {
my ($smsg, $orig) = @{$gone{$num}};
# $removed should only be set once assuming
# no bugs in our deduplication code:
$removed = $smsg;
my $oid = $smsg->{blob};
if ($replace_map) {
$replace_map->{$oid} = $sref;
} else {
($mark, undef) = $im->remove($orig, $cmt_msg);
$orig = undef;
if ($need_reindex) { # ->replace
push @$need_reindex, $smsg;
} else { # ->purge or ->remove
unindex_oid_remote($self, $oid, $mid);
if (defined $mark) {
my $cmt = $im->get_mark($mark);
$self->{last_commit}->[$self->{epoch_max}] = $cmt;
if ($replace_map && scalar keys %$replace_map) {
my $rewrites = _replace_oids($self, $new_mime, $replace_map);
return { rewrites => $rewrites, need_reindex => $need_reindex };
# public
sub remove {
my ($self, $mime, $cmt_msg) = @_;
$self->{-inbox}->with_umask(sub {
rewrite_internal($self, $mime, $cmt_msg);
sub _replace ($$;$$) {
my ($self, $old_mime, $new_mime, $sref) = @_;
my $rewritten = $self->{-inbox}->with_umask(sub {
rewrite_internal($self, $old_mime, undef, $new_mime, $sref);
}) or return;
my $rewrites = $rewritten->{rewrites};
# ->done is called if there are rewrites since we gc+prune from git
$self->idx_init if @$rewrites;
for my $i (0..$#$rewrites) {
defined(my $cmt = $rewrites->[$i]) or next;
$self->{last_commit}->[$i] = $cmt;
# public
sub purge {
my ($self, $mime) = @_;
my $rewritten = _replace($self, $mime, undef, \'') or return;
# returns the git object_id of $fh, does not write the object to FS
sub git_hash_raw ($$) {
my ($self, $raw) = @_;
# grab the expected OID we have to reindex:
open my $tmp_fh, '+>', undef or die "failed to open tmp: $!";
print $tmp_fh $$raw or die "print \$tmp_fh: $!";
sysseek($tmp_fh, 0, 0) or die "seek failed: $!";
my ($r, $w);
pipe($r, $w) or die "failed to create pipe: $!";
my $rdr = { 0 => fileno($tmp_fh), 1 => fileno($w) };
my $git_dir = $self->{-inbox}->git->{git_dir};
my $cmd = ['git', "--git-dir=$git_dir", qw(hash-object --stdin)];
my $pid = spawn($cmd, undef, $rdr);
close $w;
local $/ = "\n";
chomp(my $oid = <$r>);
waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or die "git hash-object did not finish";
die "git hash-object failed: $?" if $?;
$oid =~ /\A[a-f0-9]{40}\z/ or die "OID not expected: $oid";
sub _check_mids_match ($$$) {
my ($old_list, $new_list, $hdrs) = @_;
my %old_mids = map { $_ => 1 } @$old_list;
my %new_mids = map { $_ => 1 } @$new_list;
my @old = keys %old_mids;
my @new = keys %new_mids;
my $err = "$hdrs may not be changed when replacing\n";
die $err if scalar(@old) != scalar(@new);
delete @new_mids{@old};
delete @old_mids{@new};
die $err if (scalar(keys %old_mids) || scalar(keys %new_mids));
# Changing Message-IDs or References with ->replace isn't supported.
# The rules for dealing with messages with multiple or conflicting
# Message-IDs are pretty complex and rethreading hasn't been fully
# implemented, yet.
sub check_mids_match ($$) {
my ($old_mime, $new_mime) = @_;
my $old = $old_mime->header_obj;
my $new = $new_mime->header_obj;
_check_mids_match(mids($old), mids($new), 'Message-ID(s)');
_check_mids_match(references($old), references($new),
# public
sub replace ($$$) {
my ($self, $old_mime, $new_mime) = @_;
check_mids_match($old_mime, $new_mime);
# mutt will always add Content-Length:, Status:, Lines: when editing
my $raw = $new_mime->as_string;
my $expect_oid = git_hash_raw($self, \$raw);
my $rewritten = _replace($self, $old_mime, $new_mime, \$raw) or return;
my $need_reindex = $rewritten->{need_reindex};
# just in case we have bugs in deduplication code:
my $n = scalar(@$need_reindex);
if ($n > 1) {
my $list = join(', ', map {
"$_->{num}: <$_->{mid}>"
} @$need_reindex);
warn <<"";
W: rewritten $n messages matching content of original message (expected: 1).
W: possible bug in public-inbox, NNTP article IDs and Message-IDs follow:
W: $list
# make sure we really got the OID:
my ($oid, $type, $len) = $self->{-inbox}->git->check($expect_oid);
$oid eq $expect_oid or die "BUG: $expect_oid not found after replace";
# don't leak FDs to Xapian:
# reindex modified messages:
for my $smsg (@$need_reindex) {
my $num = $smsg->{num};
my $mid0 = $smsg->{mid};
do_idx($self, \$raw, $new_mime, $len, $num, $oid, $mid0);
sub last_epoch_commit ($$;$) {
my ($self, $i, $cmt) = @_;
my $v = PublicInbox::Search::SCHEMA_VERSION();
$self->{mm}->last_commit_xap($v, $i, $cmt);
sub set_last_commits ($) {
my ($self) = @_;
defined(my $epoch_max = $self->{epoch_max}) or return;
my $last_commit = $self->{last_commit};
foreach my $i (0..$epoch_max) {
defined(my $cmt = $last_commit->[$i]) or next;
$last_commit->[$i] = undef;
last_epoch_commit($self, $i, $cmt);
sub barrier_init {
my ($self, $n) = @_;
$self->{bnote} or return;
my $barrier = { map { $_ => 1 } (0..$n) };
sub barrier_wait {
my ($self, $barrier) = @_;
my $bnote = $self->{bnote} or return;
my $r = $bnote->[0];
while (scalar keys %$barrier) {
defined(my $l = $r->getline) or die "EOF on barrier_wait: $!";
$l =~ /\Abarrier (\d+)/ or die "bad line on barrier_wait: $l";
delete $barrier->{$1} or die "bad shard[$1] on barrier wait";
# public
sub checkpoint ($;$) {
my ($self, $wait) = @_;
if (my $im = $self->{im}) {
if ($wait) {
} else {
my $shards = $self->{idx_shards};
if ($shards) {
my $dbh = $self->{mm}->{dbh};
# SQLite msgmap data is second in importance
# SQLite overview is third
# Now deal with Xapian
if ($wait) {
my $barrier = $self->barrier_init(scalar @$shards);
# each shard needs to issue a barrier command
$_->remote_barrier for @$shards;
# wait for each Xapian shard
} else {
$_->remote_commit for @$shards;
# last_commit is special, don't commit these until
# remote shards are done:
$self->{transact_bytes} = 0;
# issue a write barrier to ensure all data is visible to other processes
# and read-only ops. Order of data importance is: git > SQLite > Xapian
# public
sub barrier { checkpoint($_[0], 1) };
# public
sub done {
my ($self) = @_;
my $im = delete $self->{im};
$im->done if $im; # PublicInbox::Import::done
my $mm = delete $self->{mm};
$mm->{dbh}->commit if $mm;
my $shards = delete $self->{idx_shards};
if ($shards) {
$_->remote_close for @$shards;
delete $self->{bnote};
$self->{transact_bytes} = 0;
$self->lock_release if $shards;
sub fill_alternates ($$) {
my ($self, $epoch) = @_;
my $pfx = "$self->{-inbox}->{mainrepo}/git";
my $all = "$self->{-inbox}->{mainrepo}/all.git";
my @cmd;
unless (-d $all) {
@cmd = (qw/git config/, "--file=$pfx/$epoch.git/config",
'include.path', '../../all.git/config');
my $alt = "$all/objects/info/alternates";
my %alts;
my @add;
if (-e $alt) {
open(my $fh, '<', $alt) or die "open < $alt: $!\n";
%alts = map { chomp; $_ => 1 } (<$fh>);
foreach my $i (0..$epoch) {
my $dir = "../../git/$i.git/objects";
push @add, $dir if !$alts{$dir} && -d "$pfx/$i.git";
return unless @add;
open my $fh, '>>', $alt or die "open >> $alt: $!\n";
foreach my $dir (@add) {
print $fh "$dir\n" or die "print >> $alt: $!\n";
close $fh or die "close $alt: $!\n";
sub git_init {
my ($self, $epoch) = @_;
my $git_dir = "$self->{-inbox}->{mainrepo}/git/$epoch.git";
my @cmd = (qw(git init --bare -q), $git_dir);
fill_alternates($self, $epoch);
sub git_dir_latest {
my ($self, $max) = @_;
$$max = -1;
my $pfx = "$self->{-inbox}->{mainrepo}/git";
return unless -d $pfx;
my $latest;
opendir my $dh, $pfx or die "opendir $pfx: $!\n";
while (defined(my $git_dir = readdir($dh))) {
$git_dir =~ m!\A([0-9]+)\.git\z! or next;
if ($1 > $$max) {
$$max = $1;
$latest = "$pfx/$git_dir";
sub importer {
my ($self) = @_;
my $im = $self->{im};
if ($im) {
if ($im->{bytes_added} < $self->{rotate_bytes}) {
return $im;
} else {
$self->{im} = undef;
$im = undef;
my $git_dir = $self->git_init(++$self->{epoch_max});
my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir);
return $self->import_init($git, 0);
my $epoch = 0;
my $max;
my $latest = git_dir_latest($self, \$max);
if (defined $latest) {
my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($latest);
my $packed_bytes = $git->packed_bytes;
my $unpacked_bytes = $packed_bytes / $PACKING_FACTOR;
if ($unpacked_bytes >= $self->{rotate_bytes}) {
$epoch = $max + 1;
} else {
$self->{epoch_max} = $max;
return $self->import_init($git, $packed_bytes);
$self->{epoch_max} = $epoch;
$latest = $self->git_init($epoch);
$self->import_init(PublicInbox::Git->new($latest), 0);
sub import_init {
my ($self, $git, $packed_bytes, $tmp) = @_;
my $im = PublicInbox::Import->new($git, undef, undef, $self->{-inbox});
$im->{bytes_added} = int($packed_bytes / $PACKING_FACTOR);
$im->{want_object_info} = 1;
$im->{lock_path} = undef;
$im->{path_type} = 'v2';
$self->{im} = $im unless $tmp;
# XXX experimental
sub diff ($$$) {
my ($mid, $cur, $new) = @_;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
my ($ah, $an) = tempfile('email-cur-XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1);
print $ah $cur->as_string or die "print: $!";
close $ah or die "close: $!";
my ($bh, $bn) = tempfile('email-new-XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1);
print $bh $new->as_string or die "print: $!";
close $bh or die "close: $!";
my $cmd = [ qw(diff -u), $an, $bn ];
print STDERR "# MID conflict <$mid>\n";
my $pid = spawn($cmd, undef, { 1 => 2 });
defined $pid or die "diff failed to spawn $!";
waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or die "diff did not finish";
unlink($an, $bn);
sub get_blob ($$) {
my ($self, $smsg) = @_;
if (my $im = $self->{im}) {
my $msg = $im->cat_blob($smsg->{blob});
return $msg if $msg;
# older message, should be in alternates
my $ibx = $self->{-inbox};
sub lookup_content ($$$) {
my ($self, $mime, $mid) = @_;
my $over = $self->{over};
my $cids = content_ids($mime);
my ($id, $prev);
while (my $smsg = $over->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev)) {
my $msg = get_blob($self, $smsg);
if (!defined($msg)) {
warn "broken smsg for $mid\n";
my $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($msg);
if (content_matches($cids, $cur)) {
$smsg->{mime} = $cur;
return $smsg;
# XXX DEBUG_DIFF is experimental and may be removed
diff($mid, $cur, $mime) if $ENV{DEBUG_DIFF};
sub atfork_child {
my ($self) = @_;
my $fh = delete $self->{reindex_pipe};
close $fh if $fh;
if (my $shards = $self->{idx_shards}) {
$_->atfork_child foreach @$shards;
if (my $im = $self->{im}) {
die "unexpected mm" if $self->{mm};
close $self->{bnote}->[0] or die "close bnote[0]: $!\n";
sub mark_deleted ($$$$) {
my ($self, $sync, $git, $oid) = @_;
my $msgref = $git->cat_file($oid);
my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->new($$msgref);
my $mids = mids($mime->header_obj);
my $cid = content_id($mime);
foreach my $mid (@$mids) {
$sync->{D}->{"$mid\0$cid"} = $oid;
sub reindex_oid ($$$$) {
my ($self, $sync, $git, $oid) = @_;
my $len;
my $msgref = $git->cat_file($oid, \$len);
my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->new($$msgref);
my $mids = mids($mime->header_obj);
my $cid = content_id($mime);
# get the NNTP article number we used before, highest number wins
# and gets deleted from sync->{mm_tmp};
my $mid0;
my $num = -1;
my $del = 0;
foreach my $mid (@$mids) {
$del += delete($sync->{D}->{"$mid\0$cid"}) ? 1 : 0;
my $n = $sync->{mm_tmp}->num_for($mid);
if (defined $n && $n > $num) {
$mid0 = $mid;
$num = $n;
$self->{mm}->mid_set($num, $mid0);
if (!defined($mid0) && !$del) {
$num = $sync->{regen}--;
die "BUG: ran out of article numbers\n" if $num <= 0;
my $mm = $self->{mm};
foreach my $mid (reverse @$mids) {
if ($mm->mid_set($num, $mid) == 1) {
$mid0 = $mid;
if (!defined($mid0)) {
my $id = '<' . join('> <', @$mids) . '>';
warn "Message-ID $id unusable for $num\n";
foreach my $mid (@$mids) {
defined(my $n = $mm->num_for($mid)) or next;
warn "#$n previously mapped for <$mid>\n";
if (!defined($mid0) || $del) {
if (!defined($mid0) && $del) { # expected for deletes
$num = $sync->{regen}--;
$self->{mm}->num_highwater($num) if !$sync->{reindex};
my $id = '<' . join('> <', @$mids) . '>';
defined($mid0) or
warn "Skipping $id, no article number found\n";
if ($del && defined($mid0)) {
warn "$id was deleted $del " .
"time(s) but mapped to article #$num\n";
$sync->{mm_tmp}->mid_delete($mid0) or
die "failed to delete <$mid0> for article #$num\n";
if (do_idx($self, $msgref, $mime, $len, $num, $oid, $mid0)) {
$self->done; # release lock
if (my $pr = $sync->{-opt}->{-progress}) {
my ($bn) = (split('/', $git->{git_dir}))[-1];
$pr->("$bn ".sprintf($sync->{-regen_fmt}, $sync->{nr}));
# allow -watch or -mda to write...
$self->idx_init; # reacquire lock
# only update last_commit for $i on reindex iff newer than current
sub update_last_commit ($$$$) {
my ($self, $git, $i, $cmt) = @_;
my $last = last_epoch_commit($self, $i);
if (defined $last && is_ancestor($git, $last, $cmt)) {
my @cmd = (qw(rev-list --count), "$last..$cmt");
chomp(my $n = $git->qx(@cmd));
return if $n ne '' && $n == 0;
last_epoch_commit($self, $i, $cmt);
sub git_dir_n ($$) { "$_[0]->{-inbox}->{mainrepo}/git/$_[1].git" }
sub last_commits ($$) {
my ($self, $epoch_max) = @_;
my $heads = [];
for (my $i = $epoch_max; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$heads->[$i] = last_epoch_commit($self, $i);
*is_ancestor = *PublicInbox::SearchIdx::is_ancestor;
# returns a revision range for git-log(1)
sub log_range ($$$$$) {
my ($self, $sync, $git, $i, $tip) = @_;
my $opt = $sync->{-opt};
my $pr = $opt->{-progress} if (($opt->{verbose} || 0) > 1);
my $cur = $sync->{ranges}->[$i] or do {
$pr->("$i.git indexing all of $tip") if $pr;
return $tip; # all of it
# fast equality check to avoid (v)fork+execve overhead
if ($cur eq $tip) {
$sync->{ranges}->[$i] = undef;
my $range = "$cur..$tip";
$pr->("$i.git checking contiguity... ") if $pr;
if (is_ancestor($git, $cur, $tip)) { # common case
$pr->("OK\n") if $pr;
my $n = $git->qx(qw(rev-list --count), $range);
if ($n == 0) {
$sync->{ranges}->[$i] = undef;
$pr->("$i.git has nothing new\n") if $pr;
return; # nothing to do
$pr->("$i.git has $n changes since $cur\n") if $pr;
} else {
$pr->("FAIL\n") if $pr;
warn <<"";
discontiguous range: $range
Rewritten history? (in $git->{git_dir})
chomp(my $base = $git->qx('merge-base', $tip, $cur));
if ($base) {
$range = "$base..$tip";
warn "found merge-base: $base\n"
} else {
$range = $tip;
warn "discarding history at $cur\n";
warn <<"";
reindexing $git->{git_dir} starting at
$sync->{unindex_range}->{$i} = "$base..$cur";
sub sync_prepare ($$$) {
my ($self, $sync, $epoch_max) = @_;
my $pr = $sync->{-opt}->{-progress};
my $regen_max = 0;
my $head = $self->{-inbox}->{ref_head} || 'refs/heads/master';
# reindex stops at the current heads and we later rerun index_sync
# without {reindex}
my $reindex_heads = last_commits($self, $epoch_max) if $sync->{reindex};
for (my $i = $epoch_max; $i >= 0; $i--) {
die 'BUG: already indexing!' if $self->{reindex_pipe};
my $git_dir = git_dir_n($self, $i);
-d $git_dir or next; # missing epochs are fine
my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir);
if ($reindex_heads) {
$head = $reindex_heads->[$i] or next;
chomp(my $tip = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse -q --verify), $head));
next if $?; # new repo
my $range = log_range($self, $sync, $git, $i, $tip) or next;
$sync->{ranges}->[$i] = $range;
# can't use 'rev-list --count' if we use --diff-filter
$pr->("$i.git counting $range ... ") if $pr;
my $n = 0;
my $fh = $git->popen(qw(log --pretty=tformat:%H
--no-notes --no-color --no-renames
--diff-filter=AM), $range, '--', 'm');
++$n while <$fh>;
$pr->("$n\n") if $pr;
$regen_max += $n;
return 0 if (!$regen_max && !keys(%{$self->{unindex_range}}));
# reindex should NOT see new commits anymore, if we do,
# it's a problem and we need to notice it via die()
my $pad = length($regen_max) + 1;
$sync->{-regen_fmt} = "% ${pad}u/$regen_max\n";
$sync->{nr} = 0;
return -1 if $sync->{reindex};
$regen_max + $self->{mm}->num_highwater() || 0;
sub unindex_oid_remote ($$$) {
my ($self, $oid, $mid) = @_;
$_->remote_remove($oid, $mid) foreach @{$self->{idx_shards}};
$self->{over}->remove_oid($oid, $mid);
sub unindex_oid ($$$) {
my ($self, $git, $oid) = @_;
my $msgref = $git->cat_file($oid);
my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->new($msgref);
my $mids = mids($mime->header_obj);
$mime = $msgref = undef;
my $over = $self->{over};
foreach my $mid (@$mids) {
my %gone;
my ($id, $prev);
while (my $smsg = $over->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev)) {
$gone{$smsg->{num}} = 1 if $oid eq $smsg->{blob};
1; # continue
my $n = scalar keys %gone;
next unless $n;
if ($n > 1) {
warn "BUG: multiple articles linked to $oid\n",
join(',',sort keys %gone), "\n";
foreach my $num (keys %gone) {
unindex_oid_remote($self, $oid, $mid);
my $x40 = qr/[a-f0-9]{40}/;
sub unindex ($$$$) {
my ($self, $sync, $git, $unindex_range) = @_;
my $un = $self->{unindexed} ||= {}; # num => removal count
my $before = scalar keys %$un;
my @cmd = qw(log --raw -r
--no-notes --no-color --no-abbrev --no-renames);
my $fh = $self->{reindex_pipe} = $git->popen(@cmd, $unindex_range);
while (<$fh>) {
/\A:\d{6} 100644 $x40 ($x40) [AM]\tm$/o or next;
unindex_oid($self, $git, $1);
delete $self->{reindex_pipe};
$fh = undef;
return unless $sync->{-opt}->{prune};
my $after = scalar keys %$un;
return if $before == $after;
# ensure any blob can not longer be accessed via dumb HTTP
PublicInbox::Import::run_die(['git', "--git-dir=$git->{git_dir}",
qw(-c gc.reflogExpire=now gc --prune=all)]);
sub sync_ranges ($$$) {
my ($self, $sync, $epoch_max) = @_;
my $reindex = $sync->{reindex};
return last_commits($self, $epoch_max) unless $reindex;
return [] if ref($reindex) ne 'HASH';
my $ranges = $reindex->{from}; # arrayref;
if (ref($ranges) ne 'ARRAY') {
die 'BUG: $reindex->{from} not an ARRAY';
sub index_epoch ($$$) {
my ($self, $sync, $i) = @_;
my $git_dir = git_dir_n($self, $i);
die 'BUG: already reindexing!' if $self->{reindex_pipe};
-d $git_dir or return; # missing epochs are fine
fill_alternates($self, $i);
my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir);
if (my $unindex_range = delete $sync->{unindex_range}->{$i}) {
unindex($self, $sync, $git, $unindex_range);
defined(my $range = $sync->{ranges}->[$i]) or return;
if (my $pr = $sync->{-opt}->{-progress}) {
$pr->("$i.git indexing $range\n");
my @cmd = qw(log --raw -r --pretty=tformat:%H
--no-notes --no-color --no-abbrev --no-renames);
my $fh = $self->{reindex_pipe} = $git->popen(@cmd, $range);
my $cmt;
while (<$fh>) {
$self->{current_info} = "$i.git $_";
if (/\A$x40$/o && !defined($cmt)) {
$cmt = $_;
} elsif (/\A:\d{6} 100644 $x40 ($x40) [AM]\tm$/o) {
reindex_oid($self, $sync, $git, $1);
} elsif (/\A:\d{6} 100644 $x40 ($x40) [AM]\td$/o) {
mark_deleted($self, $sync, $git, $1);
$fh = undef;
delete $self->{reindex_pipe};
update_last_commit($self, $git, $i, $cmt) if defined $cmt;
# public, called by public-inbox-index
sub index_sync {
my ($self, $opt) = @_;
$opt ||= {};
my $pr = $opt->{-progress};
my $epoch_max;
my $latest = git_dir_latest($self, \$epoch_max);
return unless defined $latest;
$self->idx_init($opt); # acquire lock
my $sync = {
D => {}, # "$mid\0$cid" => $oid
unindex_range => {}, # EPOCH => oid_old..oid_new
reindex => $opt->{reindex},
-opt => $opt
$sync->{ranges} = sync_ranges($self, $sync, $epoch_max);
$sync->{regen} = sync_prepare($self, $sync, $epoch_max);
if ($sync->{regen}) {
# tmp_clone seems to fail if inside a transaction, so
# we rollback here (because we opened {mm} for reading)
# Note: we do NOT rely on DBI transactions for atomicity;
# only for batch performance.
$sync->{mm_tmp} = $self->{mm}->tmp_clone;
# work backwards through history
for (my $i = $epoch_max; $i >= 0; $i--) {
index_epoch($self, $sync, $i);
# unindex is required for leftovers if "deletes" affect messages
# in a previous fetch+index window:
if (my @leftovers = values %{delete $sync->{D}}) {
my $git = $self->{-inbox}->git;
unindex_oid($self, $git, $_) for @leftovers;
if (my $nr = $sync->{nr}) {
my $pr = $sync->{-opt}->{-progress};
$pr->('all.git '.sprintf($sync->{-regen_fmt}, $nr)) if $pr;
# reindex does not pick up new changes, so we rerun w/o it:
if ($opt->{reindex}) {
my %again = %$opt;
$sync = undef;
delete @again{qw(reindex -skip_lock)};
index_sync($self, \%again);