# Copyright (C) 2016-2020 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
# ref: https://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html
# http://wiki2.dovecot.org/MailboxFormat/Maildir
package PublicInbox::Watch;
use strict;
use v5.10.1;
use PublicInbox::Eml;
use PublicInbox::InboxWritable qw(eml_from_path warn_ignore_cb);
use PublicInbox::Filter::Base qw(REJECT);
use PublicInbox::Spamcheck;
use PublicInbox::Sigfd;
use PublicInbox::DS qw(now);
use PublicInbox::MID qw(mids);
use PublicInbox::ContentHash qw(content_hash);
use PublicInbox::EOFpipe;
use POSIX qw(_exit WNOHANG);
sub compile_watchheaders ($) {
my ($ibx) = @_;
my $watch_hdrs = [];
if (my $whs = $ibx->{watchheader}) {
for (@$whs) {
my ($k, $v) = split(/:/, $_, 2);
# XXX should this be case-insensitive?
# Or, mutt-style, case-sensitive iff
# a capital letter exists?
push @$watch_hdrs, [ $k, qr/\Q$v\E/ ];
if (my $list_ids = $ibx->{listid}) {
for (@$list_ids) {
# RFC2919 section 6 stipulates
# "case insensitive equality"
my $re = qr/<[ \t]*\Q$_\E[ \t]*>/i;
push @$watch_hdrs, ['List-Id', $re ];
$ibx->{-watchheaders} = $watch_hdrs if scalar @$watch_hdrs;
sub new {
my ($class, $config) = @_;
my (%mdmap, $spamc);
my (%imap, %nntp); # url => [inbox objects] or 'watchspam'
# "publicinboxwatch" is the documented namespace
# "publicinboxlearn" is legacy but may be supported
# indefinitely...
foreach my $pfx (qw(publicinboxwatch publicinboxlearn)) {
my $k = "$pfx.watchspam";
defined(my $dirs = $config->{$k}) or next;
$dirs = PublicInbox::Config::_array($dirs);
for my $dir (@$dirs) {
my $url;
if (is_maildir($dir)) {
# skip "new", no MUA has seen it, yet.
$mdmap{"$dir/cur"} = 'watchspam';
} elsif ($url = imap_url($dir)) {
$imap{$url} = 'watchspam';
} elsif ($url = nntp_url($dir)) {
$nntp{$url} = 'watchspam';
} else {
warn "unsupported $k=$dir\n";
my $k = 'publicinboxwatch.spamcheck';
my $default = undef;
my $spamcheck = PublicInbox::Spamcheck::get($config, $k, $default);
$spamcheck = _spamcheck_cb($spamcheck) if $spamcheck;
$config->each_inbox(sub {
# need to make all inboxes writable for spam removal:
my $ibx = $_[0] = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($_[0]);
my $watches = $ibx->{watch} or return;
$watches = PublicInbox::Config::_array($watches);
for my $watch (@$watches) {
my $url;
if (is_maildir($watch)) {
my ($new, $cur) = ("$watch/new", "$watch/cur");
my $cur_dst = $mdmap{$cur} //= [];
return if is_watchspam($cur, $cur_dst, $ibx);
push @{$mdmap{$new} //= []}, $ibx;
push @$cur_dst, $ibx;
} elsif ($url = imap_url($watch)) {
return if is_watchspam($url, $imap{$url}, $ibx);
push @{$imap{$url} ||= []}, $ibx;
} elsif ($url = nntp_url($watch)) {
return if is_watchspam($url, $nntp{$url}, $ibx);
push @{$nntp{$url} ||= []}, $ibx;
} else {
warn "watch unsupported: $k=$watch\n";
my $mdre;
if (scalar keys %mdmap) {
$mdre = join('|', map { quotemeta($_) } keys %mdmap);
$mdre = qr!\A($mdre)/!;
return unless $mdre || scalar(keys %imap) || scalar(keys %nntp);
bless {
max_batch => 10, # avoid hogging locks for too long
spamcheck => $spamcheck,
mdmap => \%mdmap,
mdre => $mdre,
config => $config,
imap => scalar keys %imap ? \%imap : undef,
nntp => scalar keys %nntp? \%nntp : undef,
importers => {},
opendirs => {}, # dirname => dirhandle (in progress scans)
ops => [], # 'quit', 'full'
}, $class;
sub _done_for_now {
my ($self) = @_;
local $PublicInbox::DS::in_loop = 0; # waitpid() synchronously
for my $im (values %{$self->{importers}}) {
next if !$im; # $im may be undef during cleanup
eval { $im->done };
warn "$im->{ibx}->{name} ->done: $@\n" if $@;
sub remove_eml_i { # each_inbox callback
my ($ibx, $arg) = @_;
my ($self, $eml, $loc) = @$arg;
eval {
# try to avoid taking a lock or unnecessary spawning
my $im = $self->{importers}->{"$ibx"};
my $scrubbed;
if ((!$im || !$im->active) && $ibx->over) {
if (content_exists($ibx, $eml)) {
# continue
} elsif (my $scrub = $ibx->filter($im)) {
$scrubbed = $scrub->scrub($eml, 1);
if ($scrubbed && $scrubbed != REJECT &&
!content_exists($ibx, $scrubbed)) {
} else {
$im //= _importer_for($self, $ibx); # may spawn fast-import
$im->remove($eml, 'spam');
$scrubbed //= do {
my $scrub = $ibx->filter($im);
$scrub ? $scrub->scrub($eml, 1) : undef;
if ($scrubbed && $scrubbed != REJECT) {
$im->remove($scrubbed, 'spam');
if ($@) {
warn "error removing spam at: $loc from $ibx->{name}: $@\n";
sub _remove_spam {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
# path must be marked as (S)een
$path =~ /:2,[A-R]*S[T-Za-z]*\z/ or return;
my $eml = eml_from_path($path) or return;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = warn_ignore_cb();
$self->{config}->each_inbox(\&remove_eml_i, [ $self, $eml, $path ]);
sub import_eml ($$$) {
my ($self, $ibx, $eml) = @_;
# any header match means it's eligible for the inbox:
if (my $watch_hdrs = $ibx->{-watchheaders}) {
my $ok;
for my $wh (@$watch_hdrs) {
my @v = $eml->header_raw($wh->[0]);
$ok = grep(/$wh->[1]/, @v) and last;
return unless $ok;
eval {
my $im = _importer_for($self, $ibx);
if (my $scrub = $ibx->filter($im)) {
my $scrubbed = $scrub->scrub($eml) or return;
$scrubbed == REJECT and return;
$eml = $scrubbed;
$im->add($eml, $self->{spamcheck});
if ($@) {
warn "$ibx->{name} add failed: $@\n";
sub _try_path {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
return unless PublicInbox::InboxWritable::is_maildir_path($path);
if ($path !~ $self->{mdre}) {
warn "unrecognized path: $path\n";
my $inboxes = $self->{mdmap}->{$1};
unless ($inboxes) {
warn "unmappable dir: $1\n";
my $warn_cb = $SIG{__WARN__} || sub { print STDERR @_ };
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
my $pfx = ($_[0] // '') =~ /^([A-Z]: )/g ? $1 : '';
$warn_cb->($pfx, "path: $path\n", @_);
if (!ref($inboxes) && $inboxes eq 'watchspam') {
return _remove_spam($self, $path);
foreach my $ibx (@$inboxes) {
my $eml = eml_from_path($path) or next;
import_eml($self, $ibx, $eml);
sub quit_done ($) {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless $self->{quit};
# don't have reliable wakeups, keep signalling
my $done = 1;
for (qw(idle_pids poll_pids)) {
my $pids = $self->{$_} or next;
for (keys %$pids) {
$done = undef if kill('QUIT', $_);
sub quit {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{quit} = 1;
%{$self->{opendirs}} = ();
if (my $idle_mic = $self->{idle_mic}) {
eval { $idle_mic->done };
if ($@) {
warn "IDLE DONE error: $@\n";
eval { $idle_mic->disconnect };
warn "IDLE LOGOUT error: $@\n" if $@;
sub watch_fs_init ($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my $done = sub {
delete $self->{done_timer};
my $cb = sub { # called by PublicInbox::DirIdle::event_step
_try_path($self, $_[0]->fullname);
$self->{done_timer} //= PublicInbox::DS::requeue($done);
require PublicInbox::DirIdle;
# inotify_create + EPOLL_CTL_ADD
PublicInbox::DirIdle->new([keys %{$self->{mdmap}}], $cb);
# avoid exposing deprecated "snews" to users.
my %SCHEME_MAP = ('snews' => 'nntps');
sub uri_scheme ($) {
my ($uri) = @_;
my $scheme = $uri->scheme;
$SCHEME_MAP{$scheme} // $scheme;
# returns the git config section name, e.g [imap "imaps://user@example.com"]
# without the mailbox, so we can share connections between different inboxes
sub uri_section ($) {
my ($uri) = @_;
uri_scheme($uri) . '://' . $uri->authority;
sub cfg_intvl ($$$) {
my ($cfg, $key, $url) = @_;
my $v = $cfg->urlmatch($key, $url) // return;
$v =~ /\A[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?\z/s and return $v + 0;
if (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY') {
$v = join(', ', @$v);
warn "W: $key has multiple values: $v\nW: $key ignored\n";
} else {
warn "W: $key=$v is not a numeric value in seconds\n";
sub cfg_bool ($$$) {
my ($cfg, $key, $url) = @_;
my $orig = $cfg->urlmatch($key, $url) // return;
my $bool = $cfg->git_bool($orig);
warn "W: $key=$orig for $url is not boolean\n" unless defined($bool);
# flesh out common IMAP-specific data structures
sub imap_common_init ($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cfg = $self->{config};
my $mic_args = {}; # scheme://authority => Mail:IMAPClient arg
for my $url (sort keys %{$self->{imap}}) {
my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url);
my $sec = uri_section($uri);
for my $k (qw(Starttls Debug Compress)) {
my $bool = cfg_bool($cfg, "imap.$k", $url) // next;
$mic_args->{$sec}->{$k} = $bool;
my $to = cfg_intvl($cfg, 'imap.timeout', $url);
$mic_args->{$sec}->{Timeout} = $to if $to;
for my $k (qw(pollInterval idleInterval)) {
$to = cfg_intvl($cfg, "imap.$k", $url) // next;
$self->{imap_opt}->{$sec}->{$k} = $to;
my $k = 'imap.fetchBatchSize';
my $bs = $cfg->urlmatch($k, $url) // next;
if ($bs =~ /\A([0-9]+)\z/) {
$self->{imap_opt}->{$sec}->{batch_size} = $bs;
} else {
warn "$k=$bs is not an integer\n";
sub auth_anon_cb { '' }; # for Mail::IMAPClient::Authcallback
sub mic_for ($$$) { # mic = Mail::IMAPClient
my ($self, $url, $mic_args) = @_;
my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url);
require PublicInbox::GitCredential;
my $cred = bless {
url => $url,
protocol => $uri->scheme,
host => $uri->host,
username => $uri->user,
password => $uri->password,
}, 'PublicInbox::GitCredential';
my $common = $mic_args->{uri_section($uri)} // {};
# IMAPClient and Net::Netrc both mishandles `0', so we pass `'
my $host = $cred->{host};
$host = '' if $host eq '0';
my $mic_arg = {
Port => $uri->port,
Server => $host,
Ssl => $uri->scheme eq 'imaps',
Keepalive => 1, # SO_KEEPALIVE
%$common, # may set Starttls, Compress, Debug ....
my $mic = PublicInbox::IMAPClient->new(%$mic_arg) or
die "E: <$url> new: $@\n";
# default to using STARTTLS if it's available, but allow
# it to be disabled since I usually connect to localhost
if (!$mic_arg->{Ssl} && !defined($mic_arg->{Starttls}) &&
$mic->has_capability('STARTTLS') &&
$mic->can('starttls')) {
$mic->starttls or die "E: <$url> STARTTLS: $@\n";
# do we even need credentials?
if (!defined($cred->{username}) &&
$mic->has_capability('AUTH=ANONYMOUS')) {
$cred = undef;
if ($cred) {
$cred->check_netrc unless defined $cred->{password};
$cred->fill; # may prompt user here
$mic->User($mic_arg->{User} = $cred->{username});
$mic->Password($mic_arg->{Password} = $cred->{password});
$mic->Authmechanism($mic_arg->{Authmechanism} = 'ANONYMOUS');
$mic->Authcallback($mic_arg->{Authcallback} = \&auth_anon_cb);
if ($mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated) {
# success! keep IMAPClient->new arg in case we get disconnected
$self->{mic_arg}->{uri_section($uri)} = $mic_arg;
} else {
warn "E: <$url> LOGIN: $@\n";
$mic = undef;
$cred->run($mic ? 'approve' : 'reject') if $cred;
sub imap_import_msg ($$$$$) {
my ($self, $url, $uid, $raw, $flags) = @_;
# our target audience expects LF-only, save storage
$$raw =~ s/\r\n/\n/sg;
my $inboxes = $self->{imap}->{$url};
if (ref($inboxes)) {
for my $ibx (@$inboxes) {
my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new($$raw);
import_eml($self, $ibx, $eml);
} elsif ($inboxes eq 'watchspam') {
# we don't remove unseen messages
if ($flags =~ /\\Seen\b/) {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = warn_ignore_cb();
my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new($raw);
my $arg = [ $self, $eml, "$url UID:$uid" ];
$self->{config}->each_inbox(\&remove_eml_i, $arg);
} else {
die "BUG: destination unknown $inboxes";
sub imap_fetch_all ($$$) {
my ($self, $mic, $url) = @_;
my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url);
my $sec = uri_section($uri);
my $mbx = $uri->mailbox;
$mic->Clear(1); # trim results history
$mic->examine($mbx) or return "E: EXAMINE $mbx ($sec) failed: $!";
my ($r_uidval, $r_uidnext);
for ($mic->Results) {
/^\* OK \[UIDVALIDITY ([0-9]+)\].*/ and $r_uidval = $1;
/^\* OK \[UIDNEXT ([0-9]+)\].*/ and $r_uidnext = $1;
last if $r_uidval && $r_uidnext;
$r_uidval //= $mic->uidvalidity($mbx) //
return "E: $url cannot get UIDVALIDITY";
$r_uidnext //= $mic->uidnext($mbx) //
return "E: $url cannot get UIDNEXT";
my $itrk = PublicInbox::IMAPTracker->new($url);
my ($l_uidval, $l_uid) = $itrk->get_last;
$l_uidval //= $r_uidval; # first time
$l_uid //= 1;
if ($l_uidval != $r_uidval) {
return "E: $url UIDVALIDITY mismatch\n".
"E: local=$l_uidval != remote=$r_uidval";
my $r_uid = $r_uidnext - 1;
if ($l_uid != 1 && $l_uid > $r_uid) {
return "E: $url local UID exceeds remote ($l_uid > $r_uid)\n".
"E: $url strangely, UIDVALIDLITY matches ($l_uidval)\n";
return if $l_uid >= $r_uid; # nothing to do
warn "I: $url fetching UID $l_uid:$r_uid\n";
$mic->Uid(1); # the default, we hope
my $bs = $self->{imap_opt}->{$sec}->{batch_size} // 1;
my $req = $mic->imap4rev1 ? 'BODY.PEEK[]' : 'RFC822.PEEK';
# TODO: FLAGS may be useful for personal use
my $key = $req;
$key =~ s/\.PEEK//;
my ($uids, $batch);
my $warn_cb = $SIG{__WARN__} || sub { print STDERR @_ };
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
my $pfx = ($_[0] // '') =~ /^([A-Z]: )/g ? $1 : '';
$batch //= '?';
$warn_cb->("$pfx$url UID:$batch\n", @_);
my $err;
do {
# I wish "UID FETCH $START:*" could work, but:
# 1) servers do not need to return results in any order
# 2) Mail::IMAPClient doesn't offer a streaming API
$uids = $mic->search("UID $l_uid:*") or
return "E: $url UID SEARCH $l_uid:* error: $!";
return if scalar(@$uids) == 0;
# RFC 3501 doesn't seem to indicate order of UID SEARCH
# responses, so sort it ourselves. Order matters so
# IMAPTracker can store the newest UID.
@$uids = sort { $a <=> $b } @$uids;
# Did we actually get new messages?
return if $uids->[0] < $l_uid;
$l_uid = $uids->[-1] + 1; # for next search
my $last_uid;
my $n = $self->{max_batch};
while (scalar @$uids) {
if (--$n < 0) {
$itrk->update_last($r_uidval, $last_uid);
$n = $self->{max_batch};
my @batch = splice(@$uids, 0, $bs);
$batch = join(',', @batch);
local $0 = "UID:$batch $mbx $sec";
my $r = $mic->fetch_hash($batch, $req, 'FLAGS');
unless ($r) { # network error?
$err = "E: $url UID FETCH $batch error: $!";
for my $uid (@batch) {
# messages get deleted, so holes appear
my $per_uid = delete $r->{$uid} // next;
my $raw = delete($per_uid->{$key}) // next;
my $fl = $per_uid->{FLAGS} // '';
imap_import_msg($self, $url, $uid, \$raw, $fl);
$last_uid = $uid;
last if $self->{quit};
last if $self->{quit};
$itrk->update_last($r_uidval, $last_uid);
} until ($err || $self->{quit});
sub imap_idle_once ($$$$) {
my ($self, $mic, $intvl, $url) = @_;
my $i = $intvl //= (29 * 60);
my $end = now() + $intvl;
warn "I: $url idling for ${intvl}s\n";
local $0 = "IDLE $0";
unless ($mic->idle) {
return if $self->{quit};
return "E: IDLE failed on $url: $!";
$self->{idle_mic} = $mic; # for ->quit
my @res;
until ($self->{quit} || !$mic->IsConnected ||
grep(/^\* [0-9]+ EXISTS/, @res) || $i <= 0) {
@res = $mic->idle_data($i);
$i = $end - now();
delete $self->{idle_mic};
unless ($self->{quit}) {
$mic->IsConnected or return "E: IDLE disconnected on $url";
$mic->done or return "E: IDLE DONE failed on $url: $!";
# idles on a single URI
sub watch_imap_idle_1 ($$$) {
my ($self, $url, $intvl) = @_;
my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url);
my $sec = uri_section($uri);
my $mic_arg = $self->{mic_arg}->{$sec} or
die "BUG: no Mail::IMAPClient->new arg for $sec";
my $mic;
local $0 = $uri->mailbox." $sec";
until ($self->{quit}) {
$mic //= PublicInbox::IMAPClient->new(%$mic_arg);
my $err;
if ($mic && $mic->IsConnected) {
$err = imap_fetch_all($self, $mic, $url);
$err //= imap_idle_once($self, $mic, $intvl, $url);
} else {
$err = "E: not connected: $!";
if ($err && !$self->{quit}) {
warn $err, "\n";
$mic = undef;
sleep 60 unless $self->{quit};
sub watch_atfork_child ($) {
my ($self) = @_;
delete $self->{idle_pids};
delete $self->{poll_pids};
delete $self->{opendirs};
%SIG = (%SIG, %{$self->{sig}}, CHLD => 'DEFAULT');
sub watch_atfork_parent ($) {
my ($self) = @_;
sub imap_idle_requeue ($) { # DS::add_timer callback
my ($self, $url_intvl) = @{$_[0]};
return if $self->{quit};
push @{$self->{idle_todo}}, $url_intvl;
sub imap_idle_reap { # PublicInbox::DS::dwaitpid callback
my ($self, $pid) = @_;
my $url_intvl = delete $self->{idle_pids}->{$pid} or
die "BUG: PID=$pid (unknown) reaped: \$?=$?\n";
my ($url, $intvl) = @$url_intvl;
return if $self->{quit};
warn "W: PID=$pid on $url died: \$?=$?\n" if $?;
\&imap_idle_requeue, [ $self, $url_intvl ]);
sub reap { # callback for EOFpipe
my ($pid, $cb, $self) = @{$_[0]};
my $ret = waitpid($pid, 0);
if ($ret == $pid) {
$cb->($self, $pid); # poll_fetch_reap || imap_idle_reap
} else {
warn "W: waitpid($pid) => ", $ret // "($!)", "\n";
sub imap_idle_fork ($$) {
my ($self, $url_intvl) = @_;
my ($url, $intvl) = @$url_intvl;
pipe(my ($r, $w)) or die "pipe: $!";
defined(my $pid = fork) or die "fork: $!";
if ($pid == 0) {
close $r;
watch_imap_idle_1($self, $url, $intvl);
close $w;
$self->{idle_pids}->{$pid} = $url_intvl;
PublicInbox::EOFpipe->new($r, \&reap, [$pid, \&imap_idle_reap, $self]);
sub event_step {
my ($self) = @_;
return if $self->{quit};
my $idle_todo = $self->{idle_todo};
if ($idle_todo && @$idle_todo) {
my $oldset = watch_atfork_parent($self);
eval {
while (my $url_intvl = shift(@$idle_todo)) {
imap_idle_fork($self, $url_intvl);
die $@ if $@;
goto(&fs_scan_step) if $self->{mdre};
sub watch_imap_fetch_all ($$) {
my ($self, $urls) = @_;
for my $url (@$urls) {
my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url);
my $sec = uri_section($uri);
my $mic_arg = $self->{mic_arg}->{$sec} or
die "BUG: no Mail::IMAPClient->new arg for $sec";
my $mic = PublicInbox::IMAPClient->new(%$mic_arg) or next;
my $err = imap_fetch_all($self, $mic, $url);
last if $self->{quit};
warn $err, "\n" if $err;
sub watch_nntp_fetch_all ($$) {
my ($self, $urls) = @_;
for my $url (@$urls) {
my $uri = uri_new($url);
my $sec = uri_section($uri);
my $nn_arg = $self->{nn_arg}->{$sec} or
die "BUG: no Net::NNTP->new arg for $sec";
my $nntp_opt = $self->{nntp_opt}->{$sec};
my $nn = nn_new($nn_arg, $nntp_opt, $url);
unless ($nn) {
warn "E: $url: \$!=$!\n";
last if $self->{quit};
if (my $postconn = $nntp_opt->{-postconn}) {
for my $m_arg (@$postconn) {
my ($method, @args) = @$m_arg;
$nn->$method(@args) and next;
warn "E: <$url> $method failed\n";
$nn = undef;
last if $self->{quit};
if ($nn) {
my $err = nntp_fetch_all($self, $nn, $url);
warn $err, "\n" if $err;
sub poll_fetch_fork ($) { # DS::add_timer callback
my ($self, $intvl, $urls) = @{$_[0]};
return if $self->{quit};
pipe(my ($r, $w)) or die "pipe: $!";
my $oldset = watch_atfork_parent($self);
my $pid = fork;
if (defined($pid) && $pid == 0) {
close $r;
if ($urls->[0] =~ m!\Aimaps?://!i) {
watch_imap_fetch_all($self, $urls);
} else {
watch_nntp_fetch_all($self, $urls);
close $w;
die "fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
$self->{poll_pids}->{$pid} = [ $intvl, $urls ];
PublicInbox::EOFpipe->new($r, \&reap, [$pid, \&poll_fetch_reap, $self]);
sub poll_fetch_reap {
my ($self, $pid) = @_;
my $intvl_urls = delete $self->{poll_pids}->{$pid} or
die "BUG: PID=$pid (unknown) reaped: \$?=$?\n";
return if $self->{quit};
my ($intvl, $urls) = @$intvl_urls;
if ($?) {
warn "W: PID=$pid died: \$?=$?\n", map { "$_\n" } @$urls;
warn("I: will check $_ in ${intvl}s\n") for @$urls;
PublicInbox::DS::add_timer($intvl, \&poll_fetch_fork,
[$self, $intvl, $urls]);
sub watch_imap_init ($$) {
my ($self, $poll) = @_;
eval { require PublicInbox::IMAPClient } or
die "Mail::IMAPClient is required for IMAP:\n$@\n";
eval { require PublicInbox::IMAPTracker } or
die "DBD::SQLite is required for IMAP\n:$@\n";
my $mic_args = imap_common_init($self); # read args from config
# make sure we can connect and cache the credentials in memory
$self->{mic_arg} = {}; # schema://authority => IMAPClient->new args
my $mics = {}; # schema://authority => IMAPClient obj
for my $url (sort keys %{$self->{imap}}) {
my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url);
$mics->{uri_section($uri)} //= mic_for($self, $url, $mic_args);
my $idle = []; # [ [ url1, intvl1 ], [url2, intvl2] ]
for my $url (keys %{$self->{imap}}) {
my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url);
my $sec = uri_section($uri);
my $mic = $mics->{$sec};
my $intvl = $self->{imap_opt}->{$sec}->{pollInterval};
if ($mic->has_capability('IDLE') && !$intvl) {
$intvl = $self->{imap_opt}->{$sec}->{idleInterval};
push @$idle, [ $url, $intvl // () ];
} else {
push @{$poll->{$intvl || 120}}, $url;
if (scalar @$idle) {
$self->{idle_todo} = $idle;
PublicInbox::DS::requeue($self); # ->event_step to fork
# flesh out common NNTP-specific data structures
sub nntp_common_init ($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cfg = $self->{config};
my $nn_args = {}; # scheme://authority => Net::NNTP->new arg
for my $url (sort keys %{$self->{nntp}}) {
my $sec = uri_section(uri_new($url));
# Debug and Timeout are passed to Net::NNTP->new
my $v = cfg_bool($cfg, 'nntp.Debug', $url);
$nn_args->{$sec}->{Debug} = $v if defined $v;
my $to = cfg_intvl($cfg, 'nntp.Timeout', $url);
$nn_args->{$sec}->{Timeout} = $to if $to;
# Net::NNTP post-connect commands
for my $k (qw(starttls compress)) {
$v = cfg_bool($cfg, "nntp.$k", $url) // next;
$self->{nntp_opt}->{$sec}->{$k} = $v;
# internal option
for my $k (qw(pollInterval)) {
$to = cfg_intvl($cfg, "nntp.$k", $url) // next;
$self->{nntp_opt}->{$sec}->{$k} = $to;
# Net::NNTP doesn't support CAPABILITIES, yet
sub try_starttls ($) {
my ($host) = @_;
return if $host =~ /\.onion\z/s;
return if $host =~ /\A127\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\z/s;
return if $host eq '::1';
sub nn_new ($$$) {
my ($nn_arg, $nntp_opt, $url) = @_;
my $nn = Net::NNTP->new(%$nn_arg) or die "E: <$url> new: $!\n";
# default to using STARTTLS if it's available, but allow
# it to be disabled for localhost/VPN users
if (!$nn_arg->{SSL} && $nn->can('starttls')) {
if (!defined($nntp_opt->{starttls}) &&
try_starttls($nn_arg->{Host})) {
# soft fail by default
$nn->starttls or warn <<"";
W: <$url> STARTTLS tried and failed (not requested)
} elsif ($nntp_opt->{starttls}) {
# hard fail if explicitly configured
$nn->starttls or die <<"";
E: <$url> STARTTLS requested and failed
} elsif ($nntp_opt->{starttls}) {
$nn->can('starttls') or
die "E: <$url> Net::NNTP too old for STARTTLS\n";
$nn->starttls or die <<"";
E: <$url> STARTTLS requested and failed
sub nn_for ($$$) { # nn = Net::NNTP
my ($self, $url, $nn_args) = @_;
my $uri = uri_new($url);
my $sec = uri_section($uri);
my $nntp_opt = $self->{nntp_opt}->{$sec} //= {};
my $host = $uri->host;
# Net::NNTP and Net::Netrc both mishandle `0', so we pass `'
$host = '' if $host eq '0';
my $cred;
my ($u, $p);
if (defined(my $ui = $uri->userinfo)) {
require PublicInbox::GitCredential;
$cred = bless {
url => $sec,
protocol => uri_scheme($uri),
host => $host,
}, 'PublicInbox::GitCredential';
($u, $p) = split(/:/, $ui, 2);
($cred->{username}, $cred->{password}) = ($u, $p);
$cred->check_netrc unless defined $p;
my $common = $nn_args->{$sec} // {};
my $nn_arg = {
Port => $uri->port,
Host => $host,
SSL => $uri->secure, # snews == nntps
%$common, # may Debug ....
my $nn = nn_new($nn_arg, $nntp_opt, $url);
if ($cred) {
$cred->fill; # may prompt user here
if ($nn->authinfo($u, $p)) {
push @{$nntp_opt->{-postconn}}, [ 'authinfo', $u, $p ];
} else {
warn "E: <$url> AUTHINFO $u XXXX failed\n";
$nn = undef;
if ($nntp_opt->{compress}) {
# https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=129967
if ($nn->can('compress')) {
if ($nn->compress) {
push @{$nntp_opt->{-postconn}}, [ 'compress' ];
} else {
warn "W: <$url> COMPRESS failed\n";
} else {
delete $nntp_opt->{compress};
warn <<"";
W: <$url> COMPRESS not supported by Net::NNTP
W: see https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=129967 for updates
$self->{nn_arg}->{$sec} = $nn_arg;
$cred->run($nn ? 'approve' : 'reject') if $cred;
sub nntp_fetch_all ($$$) {
my ($self, $nn, $url) = @_;
my $uri = uri_new($url);
my ($group, $num_a, $num_b) = $uri->group;
my $sec = uri_section($uri);
my ($nr, $beg, $end) = $nn->group($group);
unless (defined($nr)) {
chomp(my $msg = $nn->message);
return "E: GROUP $group <$sec> $msg";
# IMAPTracker is also used for tracking NNTP, UID == article number
# LIST.ACTIVE can get the equivalent of UIDVALIDITY, but that's
# expensive. So we assume newsgroups don't change:
my $itrk = PublicInbox::IMAPTracker->new($url);
my (undef, $l_art) = $itrk->get_last;
$l_art //= $beg; # initial import
# allow users to specify articles to refetch
# cf. https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-gilman-news-url-01.txt
# nntp://example.com/inbox.foo/$num_a-$num_b
$l_art = $num_a if defined($num_a) && $num_a < $l_art;
$end = $num_b if defined($num_b) && $num_b < $end;
return if $l_art >= $end; # nothing to do
$beg = $l_art + 1;
warn "I: $url fetching ARTICLE $beg..$end\n";
my $warn_cb = $SIG{__WARN__} || sub { print STDERR @_ };
my ($err, $art);
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
my $pfx = ($_[0] // '') =~ /^([A-Z]: )/g ? $1 : '';
$warn_cb->("$pfx$url ", $art ? ("ARTICLE $art") : (), "\n", @_);
my $inboxes = $self->{nntp}->{$url};
my $last_art;
my $n = $self->{max_batch};
for ($beg..$end) {
last if $self->{quit};
$art = $_;
if (--$n < 0) {
$itrk->update_last(0, $last_art);
$n = $self->{max_batch};
my $raw = $nn->article($art);
unless (defined($raw)) {
my $msg = $nn->message;
if ($nn->code == 421) { # pseudo response from Net::Cmd
$err = "E: $msg";
} else { # probably just a deleted message (spam)
warn "W: $msg";
s/\r\n/\n/ for @$raw;
$raw = join('', @$raw);
if (ref($inboxes)) {
for my $ibx (@$inboxes) {
my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new($raw);
import_eml($self, $ibx, $eml);
} elsif ($inboxes eq 'watchspam') {
my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new(\$raw);
my $arg = [ $self, $eml, "$url ARTICLE $art" ];
$self->{config}->each_inbox(\&remove_eml_i, $arg);
} else {
die "BUG: destination unknown $inboxes";
$last_art = $art;
$itrk->update_last(0, $last_art);
sub watch_nntp_init ($$) {
my ($self, $poll) = @_;
eval { require Net::NNTP } or
die "Net::NNTP is required for NNTP:\n$@\n";
eval { require PublicInbox::IMAPTracker } or
die "DBD::SQLite is required for NNTP\n:$@\n";
my $nn_args = nntp_common_init($self); # read args from config
# make sure we can connect and cache the credentials in memory
$self->{nn_arg} = {}; # schema://authority => Net::NNTP->new args
for my $url (sort keys %{$self->{nntp}}) {
nn_for($self, $url, $nn_args);
for my $url (keys %{$self->{nntp}}) {
my $uri = uri_new($url);
my $sec = uri_section($uri);
my $intvl = $self->{nntp_opt}->{$sec}->{pollInterval};
push @{$poll->{$intvl || 120}}, $url;
sub watch { # main entry point
my ($self, $sig, $oldset) = @_;
$self->{oldset} = $oldset;
$self->{sig} = $sig;
my $poll = {}; # intvl_seconds => [ url1, url2 ]
watch_imap_init($self, $poll) if $self->{imap};
watch_nntp_init($self, $poll) if $self->{nntp};
while (my ($intvl, $urls) = each %$poll) {
# poll all URLs for a given interval sequentially
PublicInbox::DS::add_timer(0, \&poll_fetch_fork,
[$self, $intvl, $urls]);
watch_fs_init($self) if $self->{mdre};
PublicInbox::DS->SetPostLoopCallback(sub { !$self->quit_done });
PublicInbox::DS->EventLoop; # calls ->event_step
sub trigger_scan {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
push @{$self->{ops}}, $op;
sub fs_scan_step {
my ($self) = @_;
return if $self->{quit};
my $op = shift @{$self->{ops}};
local $PublicInbox::DS::in_loop = 0; # waitpid() synchronously
# continue existing scan
my $opendirs = $self->{opendirs};
my @dirnames = keys %$opendirs;
foreach my $dir (@dirnames) {
my $dh = delete $opendirs->{$dir};
my $n = $self->{max_batch};
while (my $fn = readdir($dh)) {
_try_path($self, "$dir/$fn");
last if --$n < 0;
$opendirs->{$dir} = $dh if $n < 0;
if ($op && $op eq 'full') {
foreach my $dir (keys %{$self->{mdmap}}) {
next if $opendirs->{$dir}; # already in progress
my $ok = opendir(my $dh, $dir);
unless ($ok) {
warn "failed to open $dir: $!\n";
my $n = $self->{max_batch};
while (my $fn = readdir($dh)) {
_try_path($self, "$dir/$fn");
last if --$n < 0;
$opendirs->{$dir} = $dh if $n < 0;
# do we have more work to do?
PublicInbox::DS::requeue($self) if keys %$opendirs;
sub scan {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
push @{$self->{ops}}, $op;
goto &fs_scan_step;
sub _importer_for {
my ($self, $ibx) = @_;
my $importers = $self->{importers};
my $im = $importers->{"$ibx"} ||= $ibx->importer(0);
if (scalar(keys(%$importers)) > 2) {
delete $importers->{"$ibx"};
$importers->{"$ibx"} = $im;
# XXX consider sharing with V2Writable, this only requires read-only access
sub content_exists ($$) {
my ($ibx, $eml) = @_;
my $over = $ibx->over or return;
my $mids = mids($eml);
my $chash = content_hash($eml);
my ($id, $prev);
for my $mid (@$mids) {
while (my $smsg = $over->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev)) {
my $cmp = $ibx->smsg_eml($smsg) or return;
return 1 if $chash eq content_hash($cmp);
sub _spamcheck_cb {
my ($sc) = @_;
sub { # this gets called by (V2Writable||Import)->add
my ($mime, $ibx) = @_;
return if content_exists($ibx, $mime);
my $tmp = '';
if ($sc->spamcheck($mime, \$tmp)) {
return PublicInbox::Eml->new(\$tmp);
warn $mime->header('Message-ID')." failed spam check\n";
sub is_maildir {
$_[0] =~ s!\Amaildir:!! or return;
$_[0] =~ tr!/!/!s;
$_[0] =~ s!/\z!!;
sub is_watchspam {
my ($cur, $ws, $ibx) = @_;
if ($ws && !ref($ws) && $ws eq 'watchspam') {
warn <{name}' input
return 1;
sub uri_new {
my ($url) = @_;
# URI::snews exists, URI::nntps does not, so use URI::snews
$url =~ s!\Anntps://!snews://!i;
sub imap_url {
my ($url) = @_;
require PublicInbox::URIimap;
my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($url);
$uri ? $uri->canonical->as_string : undef;
my %IS_NNTP = (news => 1, snews => 1, nntp => 1);
sub nntp_url {
my ($url) = @_;
require URI;
my $uri = uri_new($url);
return unless $uri && $IS_NNTP{$uri->scheme} && $uri->group;
$url = $uri->canonical->as_string;
# nntps is IANA registered, snews is deprecated
$url =~ s!\Asnews://!nntps://!;