# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # Standalone code repository viewer for users w/o cgit. # This isn't intended to replicate all of cgit, but merely to be a # "good enough" viewer with search support and some UI hints to encourage # cloning + command-line usage. package PublicInbox::WwwCoderepo; use v5.12; use File::Temp 0.19 (); # newdir use POSIX qw(O_RDWR F_GETFL); use PublicInbox::ViewVCS; use PublicInbox::WwwStatic qw(r); use PublicInbox::GitHTTPBackend; use PublicInbox::WwwStream; use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html); use PublicInbox::ViewDiff qw(uri_escape_path); use PublicInbox::RepoSnapshot; use PublicInbox::RepoAtom; use PublicInbox::RepoTree; my $EACH_REF = "git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate --format='%(HEAD)%00". join('%00', map { "%($_)" } qw(objectname refname:short subject creatordate:short))."'"; # shared with PublicInbox::Cgit sub prepare_coderepos { my ($self) = @_; my $pi_cfg = $self->{pi_cfg}; # TODO: support gitweb and other repository viewers? $pi_cfg->parse_cgitrc(undef, 0); my $code_repos = $pi_cfg->{-code_repos}; for my $k (grep(/\Acoderepo\.(?:.+)\.dir\z/, keys %$pi_cfg)) { $k = substr($k, length('coderepo.'), -length('.dir')); $code_repos->{$k} //= $pi_cfg->fill_code_repo($k); } # associate inboxes and extindices with coderepos for search: for my $k (grep(/\Apublicinbox\.(?:.+)\.coderepo\z/, keys %$pi_cfg)) { $k = substr($k, length('publicinbox.'), -length('.coderepo')); my $ibx = $pi_cfg->lookup_name($k) // next; $pi_cfg->repo_objs($ibx); } for my $k (grep(/\Aextindex\.(?:.+)\.coderepo\z/, keys %$pi_cfg)) { $k = substr($k, length('extindex.'), -length('.coderepo')); my $eidx = $pi_cfg->lookup_ei($k) // next; $pi_cfg->repo_objs($eidx); } } sub new { my ($cls, $pi_cfg) = @_; my $self = bless { pi_cfg => $pi_cfg }, $cls; prepare_coderepos($self); $self->{snapshots} = do { my $s = $pi_cfg->{'coderepo.snapshots'} // ''; $s eq 'all' ? \%PublicInbox::RepoSnapshot::FMT_TYPES : +{ map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, $s) }; }; $self->{$_} = 10 for qw(summary_branches summary_tags); $self->{$_} = 10 for qw(summary_log); # try reuse STDIN if it's already /dev/null open $self->{log_fh}, '+>', '/dev/null' or die "open: $!"; my @l = stat($self->{log_fh}) or die "stat: $!"; my @s = stat(STDIN) or die "stat(STDIN): $!"; if ("@l[0, 1]" eq "@s[0, 1]") { my $f = fcntl(STDIN, F_GETFL, 0) // die "F_GETFL: $!"; $self->{log_fh} = *STDIN{IO} if $f & O_RDWR; } $self; } sub summary_finish { my ($ctx) = @_; my $wcb = delete($ctx->{env}->{'qspawn.wcb'}) or return; # already done my @x = split(/\n\n/sm, delete($ctx->{-each_refs})); PublicInbox::WwwStream::html_init($ctx); my $zfh = $ctx->zfh; # git log my @r = split(/\n/s, pop(@x) // ''); my $last = pop(@r) if scalar(@r) > $ctx->{wcr}->{summary_log}; my $tip_html = ''; if (defined(my $tip = $ctx->{qp}->{h})) { $tip_html .= ' '.ascii_html($tip).' --'; } print $zfh <\$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d'$tip_html EOM for (@r) { my $d; # decorations s/^ \(([^\)]+)\)// and $d = $1; substr($_, 0, 1, ''); my ($H, $h, $cs, $s) = split(/ /, $_, 4); print $zfh "$h ", ascii_html($s), " (", $cs, ")\n"; print $zfh "\t(", ascii_html($d), ")\n" if $d; } print $zfh "# no commits, yet\n" if !@r; print $zfh "...\n" if $last; # README my ($bref, $oid, $ref_path) = @{delete $ctx->{-readme}}; if ($bref) { my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; $$bref =~ s/\s*\z//sm; my (undef, $path) = split(/:/, $ref_path, 2); # HEAD:README print $zfh "\n\$ " . qq(git cat-file blob ). ascii_html($ref_path), "\n", $l->to_html($$bref), '

	# refs/heads
	print $zfh "# heads (aka `branches'):\n\$ " .
		"git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads" .
		" \\\n\t--format='%(HEAD) ". # no space for %(align:) hint
		"%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'\n";
	@r = split(/^/sm, shift(@x) // '');
	$last = pop(@r) if scalar(@r) > $ctx->{wcr}->{summary_branches};
	for (@r) {
		my ($pfx, $oid, $ref, $s, $cd) = split(/\0/);
		utf8::decode($_) for ($ref, $s);
		chomp $cd;
		my $align = length($ref) < 12 ? ' ' x (12 - length($ref)) : '';
		print $zfh "$pfx ", ascii_html($ref),
			"$align ", ascii_html($s), " ($cd)\n";
	print $zfh "# no heads (branches) yet...\n" if !@r;
	print $zfh "...\n" if $last;
	print $zfh "\n# tags:\n\$ " .
		"git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags" .
		" \\\n\t--format='". # no space for %(align:) hint
		"%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'\n";
	@r = split(/^/sm, shift(@x) // '');
	$last = pop(@r) if scalar(@r) > $ctx->{wcr}->{summary_tags};
	my @s = sort keys %{$ctx->{wcr}->{snapshots}};
	my $n;
	if (@s) {
		$n = $ctx->{git}->local_nick // die "BUG: $ctx->{git_dir} nick";
		$n =~ s/\.git\z/-/;
		($n) = ($n =~ m!([^/]+)\z!);
		$n = ascii_html($n);
	for (@r) {
		my (undef, $oid, $ref, $s, $cd) = split(/\0/);
		utf8::decode($_) for ($ref, $s);
		chomp $cd;
		my $align = length($ref) < 12 ? ' ' x (12 - length($ref)) : '';
		print $zfh "", ascii_html($ref),
			"$align ", ascii_html($s), " ($cd)";
		if (@s) {
			my $v = $ref;
			$v =~ s/\A[vV]//;
			print $zfh "\t",  join(' ', map {
				qq{$_} } @s);
		print $zfh "\n";
	print $zfh "# no tags yet...\n" if !@r;
	print $zfh "...\n" if $last;
')); } sub capture_refs ($$) { # psgi_qx callback to capture git-for-each-ref + git-log my ($bref, $ctx) = @_; my $qsp_err = delete $ctx->{-qsp_err}; $ctx->{-each_refs} = $$bref; summary_finish($ctx) if $ctx->{-readme}; } sub set_readme { # git->cat_async callback my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $ctx) = @_; my $ref_path = shift @{$ctx->{-nr_readme_tries}}; # e.g. HEAD:README if ($type eq 'blob' && !$ctx->{-readme}) { $ctx->{-readme} = [ $bref, $oid, $ref_path ]; } elsif (scalar @{$ctx->{-nr_readme_tries}} == 0) { $ctx->{-readme} //= []; # nothing left to try } # or try another README... summary_finish($ctx) if $ctx->{-each_refs} && $ctx->{-readme}; } sub summary { my ($self, $ctx) = @_; $ctx->{wcr} = $self; my $tip = $ctx->{qp}->{h}; # same as cgit if (defined $tip && $tip eq '') { delete $ctx->{qp}->{h}; undef($tip); } my $nb = $self->{summary_branches} + 1; my $nt = $self->{summary_tags} + 1; my $nl = $self->{summary_log} + 1; my @cmd = (qw(/bin/sh -c), "$EACH_REF --count=$nb refs/heads; echo && " . "$EACH_REF --count=$nt refs/tags; echo && " . qq(git log -$nl --pretty=format:'%d %H %h %cs %s' "\$@" --)); push @cmd, '--', $tip if defined($tip); my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new(\@cmd, { GIT_DIR => $ctx->{git}->{git_dir} }); $qsp->{qsp_err} = \($ctx->{-qsp_err} = ''); $tip //= 'HEAD'; my @try = ("$tip:README", "$tip:README.md"); # TODO: configurable $ctx->{-nr_readme_tries} = [ @try ]; PublicInbox::ViewVCS::do_cat_async($ctx, \&set_readme, @try); sub { # $_[0] => PublicInbox::HTTP::{Identity,Chunked} $ctx->{env}->{'qspawn.wcb'} = $_[0]; $qsp->psgi_qx($ctx->{env}, undef, \&capture_refs, $ctx); } } sub srv { # endpoint called by PublicInbox::WWW my ($self, $ctx) = @_; my $path_info = $ctx->{env}->{PATH_INFO}; my $git; # handle clone requests my $cr = $self->{pi_cfg}->{-code_repos}; if ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/($PublicInbox::GitHTTPBackend::ANY)\z!x and ($git = $cr->{$1})) { PublicInbox::GitHTTPBackend::serve($ctx->{env},$git,$2); } elsif ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/\z! and ($ctx->{git} = $cr->{$1})) { summary($self, $ctx) } elsif ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/([a-f0-9]+)/s/([^/]+)?\z! and ($ctx->{git} = $cr->{$1})) { $ctx->{lh} = $self->{log_fh}; PublicInbox::ViewVCS::show($ctx, $2, $3); } elsif ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/tree/(.*)\z! and ($ctx->{git} = $cr->{$1})) { $ctx->{lh} = $self->{log_fh}; PublicInbox::RepoTree::srv_tree($ctx, $2) // r(404); } elsif ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/snapshot/([^/]+)\z! and ($ctx->{git} = $cr->{$1})) { $ctx->{wcr} = $self; PublicInbox::RepoSnapshot::srv($ctx, $2) // r(404); } elsif ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/atom/(.*)\z! and ($ctx->{git} = $cr->{$1})) { PublicInbox::RepoAtom::srv_atom($ctx, $2) // r(404); } elsif ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)\z! and ($git = $cr->{$1})) { my $qs = $ctx->{env}->{QUERY_STRING}; my $url = $git->base_url($ctx->{env}); $url .= "?$qs" if $qs ne ''; [ 301, [ Location => $url, 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ], [ "Redirecting to $url\n" ] ]; } else { r(404); } } 1;