# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # HTML body stream for which yields getline+close methods for # generic PSGI servers and callbacks for public-inbox-httpd. # # See PublicInbox::GzipFilter parent class for more info. package PublicInbox::WwwStream; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(Exporter PublicInbox::GzipFilter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(html_oneshot); use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html prurl ts2str); our $CODE_URL = [ qw( http://7fh6tueqddpjyxjmgtdiueylzoqt6pt7hec3pukyptlmohoowvhde4yd.onion/public-inbox.git https://public-inbox.org/public-inbox.git) ]; sub base_url ($) { my $ctx = shift; my $base_url = ($ctx->{ibx} // $ctx->{git})->base_url($ctx->{env}); chop $base_url; # no trailing slash for clone $base_url; } sub init { my ($ctx, $cb) = @_; $ctx->{cb} = $cb; $ctx->{base_url} = base_url($ctx); $ctx->{-res_hdr} = [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ]; $ctx->{gz} = PublicInbox::GzipFilter::gz_or_noop($ctx->{-res_hdr}, $ctx->{env}); bless $ctx, __PACKAGE__; } sub async_eml { # for async_blob_cb my ($ctx, $eml) = @_; $ctx->write($ctx->{cb}->($ctx, $eml)); } sub html_top ($) { my ($ctx) = @_; my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx} // $ctx->{git}; my $desc = ascii_html($ibx->description); my $title = delete($ctx->{-title_html}) // $desc; my $upfx = $ctx->{-upfx} || ''; my $atom = $ctx->{-atom} || $upfx.'new.atom'; my $top = "$desc"; if (my $t_max = $ctx->{-t_max}) { $t_max = ts2str($t_max); $top = qq($top); # we had some kind of query, link to /$INBOX/?t=YYYYMMDDhhmmss } elsif ($ctx->{qp}->{t}) { $top = qq($top); } elsif (length($upfx)) { $top = qq($top); } my $code = $ibx->{coderepo} ? qq( / code) : ''; # id=mirror must exist for legacy bookmarks my $links = qq(help / ). qq(color / ). qq(mirror$code / ). qq(Atom feed); if ($ibx->isrch) { my $q_val = delete($ctx->{-q_value_html}) // ''; $q_val = qq(\nvalue="$q_val") if $q_val ne ''; # XXX gross, for SearchView.pm my $extra = delete($ctx->{-extra_form_html}) // ''; my $action = $upfx eq '' ? './' : $upfx; $top = qq{
$top} .
			  qq{\n} .
			  $extra .
			  qq{} .
			  ' ' . $links .
} } else { $top = '
' . $top . "\n" . $links . '
'; } "$title" . qq() . $ctx->{www}->style($upfx) . ''. $top . (delete($ctx->{-html_tip}) // ''); } sub inboxes { () } # TODO sub coderepos ($) { my ($ctx) = @_; $ctx->{ibx} // return inboxes($ctx); my $cr = $ctx->{ibx}->{coderepo} // return (); my $upfx = ($ctx->{-upfx} // ''). '../'; my $pfx = $ctx->{base_url} //= $ctx->base_url; my $up = $upfx =~ tr!/!/!; $pfx =~ s!/[^/]+\z!/! for (1..$up); $pfx .= '/' if substr($pfx, -1, 1) ne '/'; my $buf = '' . 'Code repositories for project(s) associated with this '. $ctx->{ibx}->thing_type . "\n"; for my $git (@{$ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->repo_objs($ctx->{ibx})}) { for ($git->pub_urls($ctx->{env})) { my $u = m!\A(?:[a-z\+]+:)?//!i ? $_ : $pfx.$_; $u = ascii_html(prurl($ctx->{env}, $u)); $buf .= qq(\n\t$u); } } ($buf); } sub _html_end { my ($ctx) = @_; my $upfx = $ctx->{-upfx} || ''; my $m = "${upfx}_/text/mirror/"; my $x = ''; if ($ctx->{ibx} && $ctx->{ibx}->can('cloneurl')) { $x = <mirroring instructions for how to clone and mirror all data and code used for this inbox EOF my $has_nntp = @{$ctx->{ibx}->nntp_url($ctx)}; my $has_imap = @{$ctx->{ibx}->imap_url($ctx)}; if ($has_nntp || $has_imap) { substr($x, -1, 1) = ";\n"; # s/\n/;\n if ($has_nntp && $has_imap) { $x .= <{ibx}) { # extindex $x = <mirroring instructions on how to clone and mirror all data and code used by this external index. EOF } elsif ($ctx->{git}) { # coderepo $x = join('', map { "git clone $_\n" } @{$ctx->{git}->cloneurl($ctx->{env})}); } chomp $x; '
'.join("\n\n", coderepos($ctx), $x).'
' } # callback for HTTP.pm (and any other PSGI servers) sub getline { my ($ctx) = @_; my $cb = $ctx->{cb} or return; while (defined(my $x = $cb->($ctx))) { # x = smsg or scalar non-ref if (ref($x)) { # smsg my $eml = $ctx->{ibx}->smsg_eml($x) or next; $ctx->{smsg} = $x; return $ctx->translate($cb->($ctx, $eml)); } else { # scalar return $ctx->translate($x); } } delete $ctx->{cb}; $ctx->zflush(_html_end($ctx)); } sub html_done ($;@) { my $ctx = $_[0]; my $bdy = $ctx->zflush(@_[1..$#_], _html_end($ctx)); my $res_hdr = delete $ctx->{-res_hdr}; push @$res_hdr, 'Content-Length', length($bdy); [ 200, $res_hdr, [ $bdy ] ] } sub html_oneshot ($$;@) { my ($ctx, $code) = @_[0, 1]; my $res_hdr = [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length' => undef ]; bless $ctx, __PACKAGE__; $ctx->{gz} = PublicInbox::GzipFilter::gz_or_noop($res_hdr, $ctx->{env}); my @top; $ctx->{base_url} // do { @top = html_top($ctx); $ctx->{base_url} = base_url($ctx); }; my $bdy = $ctx->zflush(@top, @_[2..$#_], _html_end($ctx)); $res_hdr->[3] = length($bdy); [ $code, $res_hdr, [ $bdy ] ] } sub async_next ($) { my ($http) = @_; # PublicInbox::HTTP my $ctx = $http->{forward} or return; eval { if (my $smsg = $ctx->{smsg} = $ctx->{cb}->($ctx)) { $ctx->smsg_blob($smsg); } else { $ctx->write(_html_end($ctx)); $ctx->close; # GzipFilter->close } }; warn "E: $@" if $@; } sub aresponse { my ($ctx, $cb) = @_; init($ctx, $cb); $ctx->psgi_response(200, delete $ctx->{-res_hdr}); } sub html_init { my ($ctx) = @_; $ctx->{base_url} = base_url($ctx); my $h = $ctx->{-res_hdr} = ['Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8']; $ctx->{gz} = PublicInbox::GzipFilter::gz_or_noop($h, $ctx->{env}); bless $ctx, __PACKAGE__; print { $ctx->zfh } html_top($ctx); } sub DESTROY { my ($ctx) = @_; $ctx->{git}->cleanup if $ctx->{git} && $ctx->{git}->{-tmp}; } 1;