# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # used for displaying help texts and other non-mail content package PublicInbox::WwwText; use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::Linkify; use PublicInbox::WwwStream; use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html prurl); use HTTP::Date qw(time2str); use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape_utf8); use PublicInbox::GzipFilter qw(gzf_maybe); our $QP_URL = 'https://xapian.org/docs/queryparser.html'; our $WIKI_URL = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki'; my $hl = eval { require PublicInbox::HlMod; PublicInbox::HlMod->new }; # /$INBOX/_/text/$KEY/ # KEY may contain slashes # For now, "help" is the only supported $KEY sub get_text { my ($ctx, $key) = @_; my $code = 200; $key //= 'help'; # this 302s to _/text/help/ # get the raw text the same way we get mboxrds my $raw = ($key =~ s!/raw\z!!); my $have_tslash = ($key =~ s!/\z!!) if !$raw; my $txt = ''; my $hdr = [ 'Content-Type', 'text/plain', 'Content-Length', undef ]; if (!_default_text($ctx, $key, $hdr, \$txt)) { $code = 404; $txt = "404 Not Found ($key)\n"; } my $env = $ctx->{env}; if ($raw) { $txt = gzf_maybe($hdr, $env)->zflush($txt) if $code == 200; $hdr->[3] = length($txt); return [ $code, $hdr, [ $txt ] ] } # enforce trailing slash for "wget -r" compatibility if (!$have_tslash && $code == 200) { my $url = $ctx->{ibx}->base_url($env); $url .= "_/text/$key/"; return [ 302, [ 'Content-Type', 'text/plain', 'Location', $url ], [ "Redirecting to $url\n" ] ]; } # Follow git commit message conventions, # first line is the Subject/title my ($title) = ($txt =~ /\A([^\n]*)/s); $ctx->{-title_html} = ascii_html($title); my $nslash = ($key =~ tr!/!/!); $ctx->{-upfx} = '../../../' . ('../' x $nslash); my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; $l->linkify_1($txt); if ($hl) { $hl->do_hl_text(\$txt); } else { $txt = ascii_html($txt); } $txt = '
' . $l->linkify_2($txt) . '
'; $txt =~ s!\bPOP3\b!POP3!; $txt =~ s!\b(Newsgroups?)\b!$1!; $txt =~ s!\bIMAP\b!IMAP!; PublicInbox::WwwStream::html_oneshot($ctx, $code, \$txt); } sub _srch_prefix ($$) { my ($ibx, $txt) = @_; my $pad = 0; my $htxt = ''; my $help = $ibx->isrch->help; my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @$help; $i += 2) { my $pfx = $help->[$i]; my $n = length($pfx); $pad = $n if $n > $pad; $htxt .= $pfx . "\0"; $htxt .= $help->[$i + 1]; $htxt .= "\f\n"; } $pad += 2; my $padding = ' ' x ($pad + 4); $htxt =~ s/^/$padding/gms; $htxt =~ s/^$padding(\S+)\0/" $1".(' ' x ($pad - length($1)))/egms; $htxt =~ s/\f\n/\n/gs; $$txt .= $htxt; 1; } sub _colors_help ($$) { my ($ctx, $txt) = @_; my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; my $env = $ctx->{env}; my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($env); $$txt .= "color customization for $base_url\n"; $$txt .= <{ibx}->{coderepo} // return; # note: this doesn't preserve cgitrc layout, since we parse cgitrc # and drop the original structure $$txt .= "\tcoderepo = $_\n" for @$cr; $$txt .= <<'EOF'; ; `coderepo' entries allows blob reconstruction via patch emails if ; the inbox is indexed with Xapian. `@@ @@' ; line number ranges in `[PATCH]' emails link to /$INBOX_NAME/$OID/s/, ; an HTTP endpoint which reconstructs git blobs via git-apply(1). EOF my $pi_cfg = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}; for my $cr_name (@$cr) { my $urls = $pi_cfg->get_all("coderepo.$cr_name.cgiturl"); my $path = "/path/to/$cr_name"; $cr_name = dq_escape($cr_name); $$txt .= qq([coderepo "$cr_name"]\n); if ($urls && scalar(@$urls)) { $$txt .= "\t; "; $$txt .= join(" ||\n\t;\t", map {; my $dst = $path; if ($path !~ m![a-z0-9_/\.\-]!i) { $dst = '"'.dq_escape($dst).'"'; } qq(git clone $_ $dst); } @$urls); $$txt .= "\n"; } $$txt .= "\tdir = $path\n"; $$txt .= "\tcgiturl = https://example.com/"; $$txt .= uri_escape_utf8($cr_name, '^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/')."\n"; } } # n.b. this is a perfect candidate for memoization sub inbox_config ($$$) { my ($ctx, $hdr, $txt) = @_; my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; push @$hdr, 'Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename=inbox.config'; my $t = eval { $ibx->mm->created_at }; push(@$hdr, 'Last-Modified', time2str($t)) if $t; my $name = dq_escape($ibx->{name}); my $inboxdir = '/path/to/top-level-inbox'; my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($ctx->{env}); $$txt .= <{$k}) or next; $$txt .= "\t$k = $_\n" for @$v; } if (my $altid = $ibx->{altid}) { my $altid_map = $ibx->altid_map; $$txt .= <{$k}) or next; $$txt .= "\t$k = $v\n"; } $$txt .= "\timapmirror = $_\n" for (@{$ibx->imap_url($ctx)}); $$txt .= "\tnntpmirror = $_\n" for (@{$ibx->nntp_url($ctx)}); _coderepo_config($ctx, $txt); 1; } # n.b. this is a perfect candidate for memoization sub extindex_config ($$$) { my ($ctx, $hdr, $txt) = @_; my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; push @$hdr, 'Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename=extindex.config'; my $name = dq_escape($ibx->{name}); my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($ctx->{env}); $$txt .= <{$k}) or next; $$txt .= "\t$k = $v\n"; } _coderepo_config($ctx, $txt); 1; } sub coderepos_raw ($$) { my ($ctx, $top_url) = @_; my $cr = $ctx->{ibx}->{coderepo} // return (); my $cfg = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}; my @ret = ('Code repositories for project(s) associated with this '. $ctx->{ibx}->thing_type . "\n"); for my $cr_name (@$cr) { my $urls = $cfg->get_all("coderepo.$cr_name.cgiturl"); if ($urls) { for (@$urls) { my $u = m!\A(?:[a-z\+]+:)?//!i ? $_ : $top_url.$_; $ret[0] .= "\n\t" . prurl($ctx->{env}, $u); } } else { $ret[0] .= qq[\n\t$cr_name.git (no URL configured)]; } } @ret; # may be empty, this sub is called as an arg for join() } sub _add_non_http_urls ($$) { my ($ctx, $txt) = @_; $ctx->{ibx}->can('nntp_url') or return; # TODO extindex can have IMAP my $urls = $ctx->{ibx}->imap_url($ctx); if (@$urls) { $urls = join("\n ", @$urls); $urls =~ s!://([^/@]+)/!://;AUTH=ANONYMOUS\@$1/!sg; $$txt .= <{ibx}->nntp_url($ctx); if (@$urls) { $$txt .= @$urls == 1 ? "\nNewsgroup" : "\nNewsgroups are"; $$txt .= ' available over NNTP:'; $$txt .= "\n " . join("\n ", @$urls) . "\n"; } $urls = $ctx->{ibx}->pop3_url($ctx); if (@$urls) { $urls = join("\n ", @$urls); $$txt .= <{ibx}->{newsgroup} where \$(uuidgen) in the output of the `uuidgen' command on your system. The UUID in the username functions as a private cookie (don't share it). Idle accounts will expire periodically. EOM } } sub _add_onion_note ($) { my ($txt) = @_; $$txt =~ m!\b[^:]+://\w+\.onion/!i and $$txt .= <{ibx}; my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($ctx->{env}); chop $base_url; # no trailing slash for "git clone" my $dir = (split(m!/!, $base_url))[-1]; my %seen = ($base_url => 1); my $top_url = $base_url; $top_url =~ s!/[^/]+\z!/!; $$txt .= "public-inbox mirroring instructions\n\n"; if ($ibx->can('cloneurl')) { # PublicInbox::Inbox $$txt .= "This public inbox may be cloned and mirrored by anyone:\n"; my @urls; my $max = $ibx->max_git_epoch; # TODO: some of these URLs may be too long and we may need to # do something like code_footer() above, but these are local # admin-defined if (defined($max)) { # v2 for my $i (0..$max) { # old epochs my be deleted: -d "$ibx->{inboxdir}/git/$i.git" or next; my $url = "$base_url/$i"; $seen{$url} = 1; push @urls, "$url $dir/git/$i.git"; } my $nr = scalar(@urls); if ($nr > 1) { chomp($$txt .= <cloneurl}) { next if $seen{$u}++; push @urls, $u; } $$txt .= "\n"; $$txt .= join('', map { " git clone --mirror $_\n" } @urls); my $addrs = $ibx->{address} // 'inbox@example.com'; my $ng = $ibx->{newsgroup} // ''; substr($ng, 0, 0, ' --ng ') if $ng; $addrs = join(' ', @$addrs) if ref($addrs) eq 'ARRAY'; my $v = defined $max ? '-V2' : '-V1'; $$txt .= <{name} ./$dir $base_url \\ $addrs public-inbox-index ./$dir EOF } else { # PublicInbox::ExtSearch $$txt .= <{www}->{pi_cfg}->{lc('publicInbox.wwwListing')}; if (($v // '') =~ /\A(?:all|match=domain)\z/) { $$txt .= <{env}, $PublicInbox::WwwStream::CODE_URL); $$txt .= join("\n\n", coderepos_raw($ctx, $top_url), # may be empty "AGPL code for this site:\n git clone $code_url"); 1; } sub _default_text ($$$$) { my ($ctx, $key, $hdr, $txt) = @_; if ($key eq 'mirror') { return _mirror_help($ctx, $txt); } elsif ($key eq 'color') { return _colors_help($ctx, $txt); } elsif ($key eq 'config') { return $ctx->{ibx}->can('cloneurl') ? inbox_config($ctx, $hdr, $txt) : extindex_config($ctx, $hdr, $txt); } return if $key ne 'help'; # TODO more keys? my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; my $base_url = $ibx->base_url($ctx->{env}); $$txt .= <') into the URL. Forward slash ('/') characters in the Message-IDs need to be escaped as "%2F" (without quotes). Thus, it is possible to retrieve any message by its Message-ID by going to: $base_url/ (without the '<' or '>') Message-IDs are described at: $WIKI_URL/Message-ID EOF # n.b. we use the Xapian DB for any regeneratable, # order-of-arrival-independent data. if ($ibx->isrch) { $$txt .= <over) { $$txt .= </T/#u Loads the thread belonging to the given in flat chronological order. The "#u" anchor focuses the browser on the given . * $base_url/t/#u Loads the thread belonging to the given in threaded order with nesting. For deep threads, this requires a wide display or horizontal scrolling. Both of these HTML endpoints are suitable for offline reading using the thread overview at the bottom of each page. The gzipped mbox for a thread is available for downloading and importing into your favorite mail client: * $base_url/t.mbox.gz We use the mboxrd variant of the mbox format described at: $WIKI_URL/Mbox Users of feed readers may follow a particular thread using: * $base_url/t.atom Which loads the thread in Atom Syndication Standard described at Wikipedia and RFC4287: $WIKI_URL/Atom_(standard) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287 Atom Threading Extensions (RFC4685) are supported: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4685 EOF } # $over _add_non_http_urls($ctx, \(my $note = '')); $note and $note =~ s/^/ /gms and $$txt .= <