#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors # License: AGPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) use strict; use warnings; require Danga::Socket; use IO::Socket; use Socket qw(SO_KEEPALIVE IPPROTO_TCP TCP_NODELAY); require PublicInbox::NNTP; require PublicInbox::NewsGroup; my $nntpd = PublicInbox::NNTPD->new; my $refresh = sub { $nntpd->refresh_groups }; my %opts = ( LocalAddr => '', Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => 'tcp', Blocking => 0, Reuse => 1, Listen => 1024, ); my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(%opts) or die "Error creating socket: $@\n"; $s->sockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE, 1); $s->setsockopt(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1); $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{HUP} = $refresh; $refresh->(); Danga::Socket->AddOtherFds(fileno($s) => sub { while (my $c = $s->accept) { $c->blocking(0); # no accept4 :< PublicInbox::NNTP->new($c, $nntpd); } }); Danga::Socket->EventLoop(); package PublicInbox::NNTPD; use strict; use warnings; use fields qw(groups err out); sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = fields::new($class); $self->{groups} = {}; $self->{err} = \*STDERR; $self->{out} = \*STDOUT; $self; } sub refresh_groups { my ($self) = @_; require PublicInbox::Config; my $pi_config = PublicInbox::Config->new; my $new = {}; foreach my $k (keys %$pi_config) { $k =~ /\Apublicinbox\.([^\.]+)\.mainrepo\z/ or next; my $g = $1; my $git_dir = $pi_config->{$k}; my $address = $pi_config->{"publicinbox.$g.address"}; my $ng = PublicInbox::NewsGroup->new($g, $git_dir, $address); my $old_ng = $self->{groups}->{$g}; # Reuse the old one if possible since it can hold references # to valid mm and gcf objects if ($old_ng) { $old_ng->update($ng); $ng = $old_ng; } # Only valid if Msgmap works $new->{$g} = $ng if $ng->mm; } # this will destroy old groups that got deleted %{$self->{groups}} = %$new; }; 1;