#!perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
use strict;
use v5.10.1;
use Socket qw(AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET MSG_EOR pack_sockaddr_un);
use PublicInbox::CmdIPC4;
my $narg = 5;
my $sock;
my $recv_cmd = PublicInbox::CmdIPC4->can('recv_cmd4');
my $send_cmd = PublicInbox::CmdIPC4->can('send_cmd4') // do {
require PublicInbox::Spawn; # takes ~50ms even if built *sigh*
$recv_cmd = PublicInbox::Spawn->can('recv_cmd4');
my %pids;
my $sigchld = sub {
my $flags = scalar(@_) ? POSIX::WNOHANG() : 0;
for my $pid (keys %pids) {
delete($pids{$pid}) if waitpid($pid, $flags) == $pid;
my @parent;
my $exec_cmd = sub {
my ($fds, $argc, @argv) = @_;
my $parent = $$;
require POSIX;
my @old = (*STDIN{IO}, *STDOUT{IO}, *STDERR{IO});
my @rdr;
for my $fd (@$fds) {
open(my $newfh, '+<&=', $fd) or die "open +<&=$fd: $!";
push @rdr, shift(@old), $newfh;
my $do_exec = sub {
while (my ($io, $newfh) = splice(@rdr, 0, 2)) {
open $io, '+<&', $newfh or die "open +<&=: $!";
my %env = map { split(/=/, $_, 2) } splice(@argv, $argc);
@ENV{keys %env} = values %env;
warn "exec: @argv: $!\n";
$SIG{CHLD} = $sigchld;
my $pid = fork // die "fork: $!";
if ($pid == 0) {
$do_exec->() if $fds->[1]; # git-credential, pager
# parent backgrounds on MUA
POSIX::setsid() > 0 or die "setsid: $!";
@parent = ($parent);
return; # continue $recv_cmd in background
if ($fds->[1]) {
$pids{$pid} = undef;
} else {
$do_exec->(); # MUA reuses stdout
if ($send_cmd && eval {
my $path = do {
my $runtime_dir = ($ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} // '') . '/lei';
if ($runtime_dir eq '/lei') {
require File::Spec;
$runtime_dir = File::Spec->tmpdir."/lei-$<";
unless (-d $runtime_dir) {
require File::Path;
File::Path::mkpath($runtime_dir, 0, 0700);
my $addr = pack_sockaddr_un($path);
socket($sock, AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0) or die "socket: $!";
unless (connect($sock, $addr)) { # start the daemon if not started
local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join(':', @INC);
open(my $daemon, '-|', $^X, qw[-MPublicInbox::LEI
-E PublicInbox::LEI::lazy_start(@ARGV)],
$path, $! + 0, $narg) or die "popen: $!";
while (<$daemon>) { warn $_ } # EOF when STDERR is redirected
close($daemon) or warn <<"";
lei-daemon could not start, exited with \$?=$?
# try connecting again anyways, unlink+bind may be racy
connect($sock, $addr) or die <<"";
connect($path): $! (after attempted daemon start)
Falling back to (slow) one-shot mode
# (Socket::MsgHdr|Inline::C), $sock are all available:
open my $dh, '<', '.' or die "open(.) $!";
my $buf = join("\0", scalar(@ARGV), @ARGV);
while (my ($k, $v) = each %ENV) { $buf .= "\0$k=$v" }
$buf .= "\0\0";
my $n = $send_cmd->($sock, [0, 1, 2, fileno($dh)], $buf, MSG_EOR);
if (!$n) {
die "sendmsg: $! (check RLIMIT_NOFILE)\n" if $!{ETOOMANYREFS};
die "sendmsg: $!\n";
}) { # connected and request sent to lei-daemon, wait for responses or EOF
my $x_it_code = 0;
while (1) {
my (@fds) = $recv_cmd->($sock, my $buf, 4096 * 33);
if (scalar(@fds) == 1 && !defined($fds[0])) {
next if $!{EINTR};
last if $!{ECONNRESET};
die "recvmsg: $!";
last if $buf eq '';
if ($buf =~ /\Aexec (.+)\z/) {
$exec_cmd->(\@fds, split(/\0/, $1));
} elsif ($buf eq '-WINCH') {
kill($buf, @parent); # for MUA
} elsif ($buf =~ /\Ax_it ([0-9]+)\z/) {
$x_it_code = $1 + 0;
} elsif ($buf =~ /\Achild_error ([0-9]+)\z/) {
$x_it_code = $1 + 0;
} else {
die $buf;
if (my $sig = ($x_it_code & 127)) {
kill $sig, $$;
sleep(1) while 1;
exit($x_it_code >> 8);
} else { # for systems lacking Socket::MsgHdr or Inline::C
warn $@ if $@;
require PublicInbox::LEI;