# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use PublicInbox::Config;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
my $tmpdir = tempdir('pi-config-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
is(system(qw(git init -q --bare), $tmpdir), 0, "git init successful");
my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$tmpdir", qw(config foo.bar hihi));
is(system(@cmd), 0, "set config");
my $tmp = PublicInbox::Config->new("$tmpdir/config");
is("hihi", $tmp->{"foo.bar"}, "config read correctly");
is("true", $tmp->{"core.bare"}, "used --bare repo");
my $f = "examples/public-inbox-config";
ok(-r $f, "$f is readable");
my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new($f);
is_deeply($cfg->lookup('meta@public-inbox.org'), {
'mainrepo' => '/home/pi/meta-main.git',
'address' => [ 'meta@public-inbox.org' ],
'domain' => 'public-inbox.org',
'url' => 'http://example.com/meta',
-primary_address => 'meta@public-inbox.org',
'name' => 'meta',
feedmax => 25,
-httpbackend_limiter => undef,
nntpserver => undef,
}, "lookup matches expected output");
is($cfg->lookup('blah@example.com'), undef,
"non-existent lookup returns undef");
my $test = $cfg->lookup('test@public-inbox.org');
is_deeply($test, {
'address' => ['try@public-inbox.org',
-primary_address => 'try@public-inbox.org',
'mainrepo' => '/home/pi/test-main.git',
'domain' => 'public-inbox.org',
'name' => 'test',
feedmax => 25,
'url' => 'http://example.com/test',
-httpbackend_limiter => undef,
nntpserver => undef,
}, "lookup matches expected output for test");
my $cfgpfx = "publicinbox.test";
my @altid = qw(serial:gmane:file=a serial:enamg:file=b);
my $config = PublicInbox::Config->new({
"$cfgpfx.address" => 'test@example.com',
"$cfgpfx.mainrepo" => '/path/to/non/existent',
"$cfgpfx.altid" => [ @altid ],
my $ibx = $config->lookup_name('test');
is_deeply($ibx->{altid}, [ @altid ]);
my $pfx = "publicinbox.test";
my %h = (
"$pfx.address" => 'test@example.com',
"$pfx.mainrepo" => '/path/to/non/existent',
"publicinbox.nntpserver" => 'news.example.com',
my %tmp = %h;
my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new(\%tmp);
my $ibx = $cfg->lookup_name('test');
is($ibx->{nntpserver}, 'news.example.com', 'global NNTP server');
delete $h{'publicinbox.nntpserver'};
$h{"$pfx.nntpserver"} = 'news.alt.example.com';
$cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new(\%h);
$ibx = $cfg->lookup_name('test');
is($ibx->{nntpserver}, 'news.alt.example.com','per-inbox NNTP server');
# no obfuscate domains
my $pfx = "publicinbox.test";
my $pfx2 = "publicinbox.foo";
my %h = (
"$pfx.address" => 'test@example.com',
"$pfx.mainrepo" => '/path/to/non/existent',
"$pfx2.address" => 'foo@example.com',
"$pfx2.mainrepo" => '/path/to/foo',
lc("publicinbox.noObfuscate") =>
'public-inbox.org @example.com z@EXAMPLE.com',
"$pfx.obfuscate" => 'true', # :<
my %tmp = %h;
my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new(\%tmp);
my $ibx = $cfg->lookup_name('test');
my $re = $ibx->{-no_obfuscate_re};
like('meta@public-inbox.org', $re,
'public-inbox.org address not to be obfuscated');
like('t@example.com', $re, 'example.com address not to be obfuscated');
unlike('t@example.comM', $re, 'example.comM address does not match');
is_deeply($ibx->{-no_obfuscate}, {
'test@example.com' => 1,
'foo@example.com' => 1,
'z@example.com' => 1,
}, 'known addresses populated');