# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Data::Dumper));
use_ok 'PublicInbox::NNTP';
use_ok 'PublicInbox::Inbox';
sub quote_str {
my (undef, $s) = split(/ = /, Data::Dumper::Dumper($_[0]), 2);
$s =~ s/;\n//;
sub wm_prepare {
my ($wm) = @_;
my $orig = qq{'$wm'};
my $new = quote_str($_[0]);
($orig, $new);
sub wildmat_like {
my ($str, $wm) = @_;
my ($orig, $new) = wm_prepare($wm);
like($str, $wm, "$orig matches '$str' using $new");
sub wildmat_unlike {
my ($str, $wm, $check_ex) = @_;
if ($check_ex) {
use re 'eval';
my $re = qr/$wm/;
like($str, $re, "normal re with $wm matches, but ...");
my ($orig, $new) = wm_prepare($wm);
unlike($str, $wm, "$orig does not match '$str' using $new");
wildmat_like('[foo]', '[\[foo\]]');
wildmat_like('any', '*');
wildmat_unlike('bar.foo.bar', 'foo.*');
# no code execution
wildmat_unlike('HI', '(?{"HI"})', 1);
wildmat_unlike('HI', '[(?{"HI"})]', 1);
sub ngpat_like {
my ($str, $pat) = @_;
my $orig = $pat;
like($str, $pat, "'$orig' matches '$str' using $pat");
ngpat_like('any', '*');
ngpat_like('a.s.r', 'a.t,a.s.r');
ngpat_like('a.s.r', 'a.t,a.s.*');
use POSIX qw(strftime);
sub time_roundtrip {
my ($date, $time, $gmt) = @_;
my $m = join(' ', @_);
my $ts = PublicInbox::NNTP::parse_time(@_);
my @t = $gmt ? gmtime($ts) : localtime($ts);
my ($d, $t) = split(' ', strftime('%Y%m%d %H%M%S', @t));
if (length($date) != 8) { # Net::NNTP uses YYMMDD :<
$d =~ s/^[0-9]{2}//;
is_deeply([$d, $t], [$date, $time], "roundtripped: $m");
my $x1 = time_roundtrip(qw(20141109 060606 GMT));
my $x2 = time_roundtrip(qw(141109 060606 GMT));
my $x3 = time_roundtrip(qw(930724 060606 GMT));
my $x5 = time_roundtrip(qw(710101 000000));
my $x6 = time_roundtrip(qw(720101 000000));
skip('YYMMDD test needs updating', 6) if (time > 0x7fffffff);
# our world probably ends in 2038, but if not we'll try to
# remember to update the test then
is($x1, $x2, 'YYYYMMDD and YYMMDD parse identically');
is(strftime('%Y', gmtime($x3)), '1993', '930724 was in 1993');
my $epoch = time_roundtrip(qw(700101 000000 GMT));
is($epoch, 0, 'epoch parsed correctly');
ok($x6 > $x5, '1972 > 1971');
ok($x5 > $epoch, '1971 > Unix epoch');
{ # test setting NNTP headers in HEAD and ARTICLE requests
require Email::MIME;
my $u = 'https://example.com/a/';
my $ng = PublicInbox::Inbox->new({ name => 'test',
inboxdir => 'test.git',
address => 'a@example.com',
-primary_address => 'a@example.com',
newsgroup => 'test',
domain => 'example.com',
url => [ '//example.com/a' ]});
is($ng->base_url, $u, 'URL expanded');
my $mid = 'a@b';
my $mime = Email::MIME->new("Message-ID: <$mid>\r\n\r\n");
my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
my $mock_self = { nntpd => { grouplist => [],
servername => 'example.com' } };
PublicInbox::NNTP::set_nntp_headers($mock_self, $hdr, $ng, 1, $mid);
is_deeply([ $mime->header('Message-ID') ], [ "<$mid>" ],
'Message-ID unchanged');
is_deeply([ $mime->header('Archived-At') ], [ "<${u}a\@b/>" ],
'Archived-At: set');
is_deeply([ $mime->header('List-Archive') ], [ "<$u>" ],
'List-Archive: set');
is_deeply([ $mime->header('List-Post') ], [ '' ],
'List-Post: set');
is_deeply([ $mime->header('Newsgroups') ], [ 'test' ],
'Newsgroups: set');
is_deeply([ $mime->header('Xref') ], [ 'example.com test:1' ],
'Xref: set');
$ng->{-base_url} = 'http://mirror.example.com/m/';
PublicInbox::NNTP::set_nntp_headers($mock_self, $hdr, $ng, 2, $mid);
is_deeply([ $mime->header('Message-ID') ], [ "<$mid>" ],
'Message-ID unchanged');
is_deeply([ $mime->header('Archived-At') ],
[ "<${u}a\@b/>", '' ],
'Archived-At: appended');
is_deeply([ $mime->header('Xref') ], [ 'example.com test:2' ],
'Old Xref: clobbered');