#!perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
use strict;
use v5.10.1;
use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip);
use PublicInbox::Eml;
use PublicInbox::Config;
use PublicInbox::Inbox;
my @mods = qw(DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian HTTP::Request::Common Plack::Test
URI::Escape Plack::Builder);
use_ok($_) for (qw(HTTP::Request::Common Plack::Test));
use_ok 'PublicInbox::WWW';
use_ok 'PublicInbox::SearchIdx';
my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
local $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC';
my $digits = '10010260936330';
my $ua = 'Pine.LNX.4.10';
my $mid = "$ua.$digits.2460-100000\@penguin.transmeta.com";
my $ibx = create_inbox 'git', indexlevel => 'full', tmpdir => "$tmpdir/1", sub {
my ($im) = @_;
# n.b. these headers are not properly RFC2047-encoded
From: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
To: git\@vger.kernel.org
$im->add(PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<"")) or BAIL_OUT;
From: replier
In-Reply-To: <$mid>
Subject: mismatch
$im->add(PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<'EOF')) or BAIL_OUT;
From: blank subject
To: git@vger.kernel.org
$im->add(PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<'EOF')) or BAIL_OUT;
From: no subject at all
To: git@vger.kernel.org
my $cfgpfx = "publicinbox.test";
my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new(\<{inboxdir}
my $www = PublicInbox::WWW->new($cfg);
test_psgi(sub { $www->call(@_) }, sub {
my ($cb) = @_;
my ($html, $res);
my $approxidate = 'now';
for my $req ('/test/?q=%C3%86var', '/test/?q=%25C3%2586var') {
$res = $cb->(GET($req."+d:..$approxidate"));
$html = $res->content;
like($html, qr/Ævar d:\.\.\Q$approxidate\E/,
'HTML escaped in title, "d:..$APPROXIDATE" preserved');
my @res = ($html =~ m/\?q=(.+var)\+d:\.\.\Q$approxidate\E/g);
ok(scalar(@res), 'saw query strings');
my %uniq = map { $_ => 1 } @res;
is(1, scalar keys %uniq, 'all query values identical in HTML');
is('%C3%86var', (keys %uniq)[0], 'matches original query');
ok(index($html, 'by Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason')
>= 0, "displayed Ævar's name properly in HTML");
like($html, qr/download mbox\.gz: .*?"full threads"/s,
'"full threads" download option shown');
like($html, qr/Initial query\b.*?returned no.results, used:.*instead/s,
'noted retry on double-escaped query {-uxs_retried}');
my $warn = [];
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @$warn, @_ };
$res = $cb->(GET('/test/?q=s:test&l=5e'));
is($res->code, 200, 'successful search result');
is_deeply([], $warn, 'no warnings from non-numeric comparison');
$res = $cb->(GET('/test/?&q=s:test'));
is($res->code, 200, 'successful search result');
is_deeply([], $warn, 'no warnings from black parameter');
$res = $cb->(POST('/test/?q=s:bogus&x=m'));
is($res->code, 404, 'failed search result gives 404');
is_deeply([], $warn, 'no warnings');
my $mid_re = qr/\Q$mid\E/o;
while (length($digits) > 8) {
$res = $cb->(GET("/test/$ua.$digits/"));
is($res->code, 300, 'partial match found while truncated');
like($res->content, qr/\b1 partial match found\b/);
like($res->content, $mid_re, 'found mid in response');
$res = $cb->(GET('/test/'));
$html = $res->content;
like($html, qr/\bhref="no-subject-at-all[^>]+>\(no subject\),
'subject-less message linked from "/$INBOX/"');
like($html, qr/\bhref="blank-subject[^>]+>\(no subject\),
'blank subject message linked from "/$INBOX/"');
like($html, qr/test Ævar/,
"displayed Ævar's name properly in topic view");
$res = $cb->(GET('/test/?q=tc:git'));
like($html, qr/\bhref="no-subject-at-all[^>]+>\(no subject\),
'subject-less message linked from "/$INBOX/?q=..."');
like($html, qr/\bhref="blank-subject[^>]+>\(no subject\),
'blank subject message linked from "/$INBOX/?q=..."');
$res = $cb->(GET('/test/no-subject-at-all@example.com/raw'));
$res = $cb->(GET('/test/no-subject-at-all@example.com/t.mbox.gz'));
# "full threads" mbox.gz download
$res = $cb->(POST("/test/?q=s:test+d:..$approxidate&x=m&t"));
is($res->code, 200, 'successful mbox download with threads');
gunzip(\($res->content) => \(my $before));
is_deeply([ "Message-ID: <$mid>\n", "Message-ID: \n" ],
[ grep(/^Message-ID:/m, split(/^/m, $before)) ],
'got full thread');
# clobber has_threadid to emulate old versions:
my $sidx = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($ibx, 0);
my $xdb = $sidx->idx_acquire;
$xdb->set_metadata('has_threadid', '0');
$cfg->each_inbox(sub { delete $_[0]->{search} });
$res = $cb->(GET('/test/?q=s:test'));
is($res->code, 200, 'successful search w/o has_threadid');
unlike($html, qr/download mbox\.gz: .*?"full threads"/s,
'"full threads" download option not shown w/o has_threadid');
# in case somebody uses curl to bypass