# Copyright (C) 2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use PublicInbox::MIME; use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::WWW; my @mods = qw(DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian HTTP::Request::Common Plack::Test URI::Escape Plack::Builder); foreach my $mod (@mods) { eval "require $mod"; plan skip_all => "$mod missing for psgi_v2_dupes.t" if $@; } use_ok($_) for @mods; use_ok 'PublicInbox::V2Writable'; my $mainrepo = tempdir('pi-v2_dupes-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1); my $ibx = { mainrepo => $mainrepo, name => 'test-v2writable', version => 2, -primary_address => 'test@example.com', }; $ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new($ibx); my $new_mid; my $im = PublicInbox::V2Writable->new($ibx, 1); $im->{parallel} = 0; my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->create( header => [ From => 'a@example.com', To => 'test@example.com', Subject => 'this is a subject', 'Message-ID' => '', Date => 'Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000', ], body => "hello world\n", ); ok($im->add($mime), 'added one message'); $mime->body_set("hello world!\n"); my @warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ }; $mime->header_set(Date => 'Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:01:00 +0000'); ok($im->add($mime), 'added duplicate-but-different message'); is(scalar(@warn), 1, 'got one warning'); my @mids = $mime->header_obj->header_raw('Message-Id'); $new_mid = PublicInbox::MID::mid_clean($mids[0]); $im->done; my $cfgpfx = "publicinbox.v2test"; my $cfg = { "$cfgpfx.address" => $ibx->{-primary_address}, "$cfgpfx.mainrepo" => $mainrepo, }; my $config = PublicInbox::Config->new($cfg); my $www = PublicInbox::WWW->new($config); my ($res, $raw, @from_); test_psgi(sub { $www->call(@_) }, sub { my ($cb) = @_; $res = $cb->(GET('/v2test/a-mid@b/raw')); $raw = $res->content; like($raw, qr/^hello world$/m, 'got first message'); like($raw, qr/^hello world!$/m, 'got second message'); @from_ = ($raw =~ m/^From /mg); is(scalar(@from_), 2, 'two From_ lines'); $res = $cb->(GET("/v2test/$new_mid/raw")); $raw = $res->content; like($raw, qr/^hello world!$/m, 'second message with new Message-Id'); @from_ = ($raw =~ m/^From /mg); is(scalar(@from_), 1, 'only one From_ line'); # Atom feed should sort by Date: (if Received is missing) $res = $cb->(GET('/v2test/new.atom')); my @bodies = ($res->content =~ />(hello [^<]+)(GET('/v2test/new.html')); @bodies = ($res->content =~ /^(hello [^<]+)$/mg); is_deeply(\@bodies, [ "hello world!\n", "hello world\n" ], 'new.html ordering is chronological'); }); $mime->header_set('Message-Id', 'a-mid@b'); $mime->body_set("hello ghosts\n"); ok($im->add($mime), 'added 3rd duplicate-but-different message'); is(scalar(@warn), 2, 'got another warning'); like($warn[0], qr/mismatched/, 'warned about mismatched messages'); is($warn[0], $warn[1], 'both warnings are the same'); @mids = $mime->header_obj->header_raw('Message-Id'); my $third = PublicInbox::MID::mid_clean($mids[0]); $im->done; test_psgi(sub { $www->call(@_) }, sub { my ($cb) = @_; $res = $cb->(GET("/v2test/$third/raw")); $raw = $res->content; like($raw, qr/^hello ghosts$/m, 'got third message'); @from_ = ($raw =~ m/^From /mg); is(scalar(@from_), 1, 'one From_ line'); $res = $cb->(GET('/v2test/a-mid@b/raw')); $raw = $res->content; like($raw, qr/^hello world$/m, 'got first message'); like($raw, qr/^hello world!$/m, 'got second message'); like($raw, qr/^hello ghosts$/m, 'got third message'); @from_ = ($raw =~ m/^From /mg); is(scalar(@from_), 3, 'three From_ lines'); SKIP: { eval { require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip }; skip 'IO::Uncompress::Gunzip missing', 4 if $@; $res = $cb->(GET('/v2test/a-mid@b/t.mbox.gz')); my $out; my $in = $res->content; my $status = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::gunzip(\$in => \$out); like($out, qr/^hello world$/m, 'got first in t.mbox.gz'); like($out, qr/^hello world!$/m, 'got second in t.mbox.gz'); like($out, qr/^hello ghosts$/m, 'got third in t.mbox.gz'); @from_ = ($raw =~ m/^From /mg); is(scalar(@from_), 3, 'three From_ lines in t.mbox.gz'); }; local $SIG{__WARN__} = 'DEFAULT'; $res = $cb->(GET('/v2test/a-mid@b/')); $raw = $res->content; like($raw, qr/^hello world$/m, 'got first message'); like($raw, qr/^hello world!$/m, 'got second message'); like($raw, qr/^hello ghosts$/m, 'got third message'); @from_ = ($raw =~ m/>From: /mg); is(scalar(@from_), 3, 'three From: lines'); foreach my $mid ('a-mid@b', $new_mid, $third) { like($raw, qr/<\Q$mid\E>/s, "Message-ID $mid shown"); } }); done_testing(); 1;