# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; my @mods = qw(DBI DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian); foreach my $mod (@mods) { eval "require $mod"; plan skip_all => "missing $mod for $0" if $@; }; require PublicInbox::SearchIdx; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use Email::MIME; my $tmpdir = tempdir('pi-search-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1); my $git_dir = "$tmpdir/a.git"; my ($root_id, $last_id); is(0, system(qw(git init --shared -q --bare), $git_dir), "git init (main)"); eval { PublicInbox::Search->new($git_dir)->xdb }; ok($@, "exception raised on non-existent DB"); my $rw = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($git_dir, 1); my $ibx = $rw->{-inbox}; $ibx->with_umask(sub { $rw->_xdb_acquire; $rw->_xdb_release; }); $rw = undef; my $ro = PublicInbox::Search->new($git_dir); my $rw_commit = sub { $rw->commit_txn_lazy if $rw; $rw = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($git_dir, 1); $rw->begin_txn_lazy; }; { # git repository perms is($ibx->_git_config_perm(), &PublicInbox::InboxWritable::PERM_GROUP, "undefined permission is group"); is(PublicInbox::InboxWritable::_umask_for( PublicInbox::InboxWritable->_git_config_perm('0644')), 0022, "644 => umask(0022)"); is(PublicInbox::InboxWritable::_umask_for( PublicInbox::InboxWritable->_git_config_perm('0600')), 0077, "600 => umask(0077)"); is(PublicInbox::InboxWritable::_umask_for( PublicInbox::InboxWritable->_git_config_perm('0640')), 0027, "640 => umask(0027)"); is(PublicInbox::InboxWritable::_umask_for( PublicInbox::InboxWritable->_git_config_perm('group')), 0007, 'group => umask(0007)'); is(PublicInbox::InboxWritable::_umask_for( PublicInbox::InboxWritable->_git_config_perm('everybody')), 0002, 'everybody => umask(0002)'); is(PublicInbox::InboxWritable::_umask_for( PublicInbox::InboxWritable->_git_config_perm('umask')), umask, 'umask => existing umask'); } $ibx->with_umask(sub { my $root = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Date => 'Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000', Subject => 'Hello world', 'Message-ID' => '', From => 'John Smith ', To => 'list@example.com', ], body => "\\m/\n"); my $last = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Date => 'Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000', Subject => 'Re: Hello world', 'In-Reply-To' => '', 'Message-ID' => '', From => 'John Smith ', To => 'list@example.com', Cc => 'foo@example.com', ], body => "goodbye forever :<\n"); my $rv; $rw_commit->(); $root_id = $rw->add_message($root); is($root_id, int($root_id), "root_id is an integer: $root_id"); $last_id = $rw->add_message($last); is($last_id, int($last_id), "last_id is an integer: $last_id"); }); sub filter_mids { my ($msgs) = @_; sort(map { $_->mid } @$msgs); } { $rw_commit->(); $ro->reopen; my $found = $ro->query('m:root@s'); is(scalar(@$found), 1, "message found"); is($found->[0]->mid, 'root@s', 'mid set correctly') if scalar(@$found); my ($res, @res); my @exp = sort qw(root@s last@s); $res = $ro->query('s:(Hello world)'); @res = filter_mids($res); is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, 'got expected results for s:() match'); $res = $ro->query('s:"Hello world"'); @res = filter_mids($res); is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, 'got expected results for s:"" match'); $res = $ro->query('s:"Hello world"', {limit => 1}); is(scalar @$res, 1, "limit works"); my $first = $res->[0]; $res = $ro->query('s:"Hello world"', {offset => 1}); is(scalar @$res, 1, "offset works"); my $second = $res->[0]; isnt($first, $second, "offset returned different result from limit"); } # ghost vivication $ibx->with_umask(sub { $rw_commit->(); my $rmid = ''; my $reply_to_ghost = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Date => 'Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000', Subject => 'Re: ghosts', 'Message-ID' => '', 'In-Reply-To' => $rmid, From => 'Time Traveler ', To => 'list@example.com', ], body => "-_-\n"); my $rv; my $reply_id = $rw->add_message($reply_to_ghost); is($reply_id, int($reply_id), "reply_id is an integer: $reply_id"); my $was_ghost = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Date => 'Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:01 +0000', Subject => 'ghosts', 'Message-ID' => $rmid, From => 'Laggy Sender ', To => 'list@example.com', ], body => "are real\n"); my $ghost_id = $rw->add_message($was_ghost); is($ghost_id, int($ghost_id), "ghost_id is an integer: $ghost_id"); my $msgs = $rw->{over}->get_thread('ghost-message@s'); is(scalar(@$msgs), 2, 'got both messages in ghost thread'); foreach (qw(sid tid)) { is($msgs->[0]->{$_}, $msgs->[1]->{$_}, "{$_} match"); } isnt($msgs->[0]->{num}, $msgs->[1]->{num}, "num do not match"); ok($_->{num} > 0, 'positive art num') foreach @$msgs }); # search thread on ghost { $rw_commit->(); $ro->reopen; # subject my $res = $ro->query('ghost'); my @exp = sort qw(ghost-message@s ghost-reply@s); my @res = filter_mids($res); is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, 'got expected results for Subject match'); # body $res = $ro->query('goodbye'); is(scalar(@$res), 1, "goodbye message found"); is($res->[0]->mid, 'last@s', 'got goodbye message body') if scalar(@$res); # datestamp $res = $ro->query('dt:20101002000001..20101002000001'); @res = filter_mids($res); is_deeply(\@res, ['ghost-message@s'], 'exact Date: match works'); $res = $ro->query('dt:20101002000002..20101002000002'); is_deeply($res, [], 'exact Date: match down to the second'); } # long message-id $ibx->with_umask(sub { $rw_commit->(); $ro->reopen; my $long_mid = 'last' . ('x' x 60). '@s'; my $long = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Date => 'Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000', Subject => 'long message ID', 'References' => ' ', 'In-Reply-To' => '', 'Message-ID' => "<$long_mid>", From => '"Long I.D." ', To => 'list@example.com', ], body => "wut\n"); my $long_id = $rw->add_message($long); is($long_id, int($long_id), "long_id is an integer: $long_id"); $rw_commit->(); $ro->reopen; my $res; my @res; my $long_reply_mid = 'reply-to-long@1'; my $long_reply = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Subject => 'I break references', Date => 'Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000', 'Message-ID' => "<$long_reply_mid>", # No References: # 'References' => ' <'.$long_mid.'>', 'In-Reply-To' => "<$long_mid>", From => 'no1 ', To => 'list@example.com', ], body => "no References\n"); ok($rw->add_message($long_reply) > $long_id, "inserted long reply"); $rw_commit->(); $ro->reopen; my $t = $ro->{over_ro}->get_thread('root@s'); is(scalar(@$t), 4, "got all 4 mesages in thread"); my @exp = sort($long_reply_mid, 'root@s', 'last@s', $long_mid); @res = filter_mids($t); is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, "get_thread works"); }); # quote prioritization $ibx->with_umask(sub { $rw_commit->(); $rw->add_message(Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Date => 'Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:01 +0000', Subject => 'Hello', 'Message-ID' => '', From => 'Quoter ', To => 'list@example.com', ], body => "> theatre illusions\nfade\n")); $rw->add_message(Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Date => 'Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:02 +0000', Subject => 'Hello', 'Message-ID' => '', From => 'Non-Quoter', To => 'list@example.com', ], body => "theatre\nfade\n")); my $res = $rw->query("theatre"); is(scalar(@$res), 2, "got both matches"); is($res->[0]->mid, 'nquote@a', "non-quoted scores higher") if scalar(@$res); is($res->[1]->mid, 'quote@a', "quoted result still returned") if scalar(@$res); $res = $rw->query("illusions"); is(scalar(@$res), 1, "got a match for quoted text"); is($res->[0]->mid, 'quote@a', "quoted result returned if nothing else") if scalar(@$res); }); # circular references $ibx->with_umask(sub { my $s = 'foo://'. ('Circle' x 15).'/foo'; my $doc_id = $rw->add_message(Email::MIME->create( header => [ Subject => $s ], header_str => [ Date => 'Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:01 +0000', 'Message-ID' => '', 'References' => '', 'In-Reply-To' => '', From => 'Circle ', To => 'list@example.com', ], body => "LOOP!\n")); ok($doc_id > 0, "doc_id defined with circular reference"); my $smsg = $rw->query('m:circle@a', {limit=>1})->[0]; is(defined($smsg), 1, 'found m:circl@a'); is($smsg->references, '', "no references created") if defined($smsg); is($smsg->subject, $s, 'long subject not rewritten') if defined($smsg); }); $ibx->with_umask(sub { my $str = eval { my $mbox = 't/utf8.mbox'; open(my $fh, '<', $mbox) or die "failed to open mbox: $mbox\n"; local $/; <$fh> }; $str =~ s/\AFrom [^\n]+\n//s; my $mime = Email::MIME->new($str); my $doc_id = $rw->add_message($mime); ok($doc_id > 0, 'message indexed doc_id with UTF-8'); my $msg = $rw->query('m:testmessage@example.com', {limit => 1})->[0]; is(defined($msg), 1, 'found testmessage@example.com'); is($mime->header('Subject'), $msg->subject, 'UTF-8 subject preserved') if defined($msg); }); { my $msgs = $ro->query('d:19931002..20101002'); ok(scalar(@$msgs) > 0, 'got results within range'); $msgs = $ro->query('d:20101003..'); is(scalar(@$msgs), 0, 'nothing after 20101003'); $msgs = $ro->query('d:..19931001'); is(scalar(@$msgs), 0, 'nothing before 19931001'); } # names and addresses { my $mset = $ro->query('t:list@example.com', {mset => 1}); is($mset->size, 6, 'searched To: successfully'); foreach my $m ($mset->items) { my $smsg = $ro->lookup_article($m->get_docid); like($smsg->to, qr/\blist\@example\.com\b/, 'to appears'); } $mset = $ro->query('tc:list@example.com', {mset => 1}); is($mset->size, 6, 'searched To+Cc: successfully'); foreach my $m ($mset->items) { my $smsg = $ro->lookup_article($m->get_docid); my $tocc = join("\n", $smsg->to, $smsg->cc); like($tocc, qr/\blist\@example\.com\b/, 'tocc appears'); } foreach my $pfx ('tcf:', 'c:') { my $mset = $ro->query($pfx . 'foo@example.com', { mset => 1 }); is($mset->items, 1, "searched $pfx successfully for Cc:"); foreach my $m ($mset->items) { my $smsg = $ro->lookup_article($m->get_docid); like($smsg->cc, qr/\bfoo\@example\.com\b/, 'cc appears'); } } foreach my $pfx ('', 'tcf:', 'f:') { my $res = $ro->query($pfx . 'Laggy'); is(scalar(@$res), 1, "searched $pfx successfully for From:"); foreach my $smsg (@$res) { like($smsg->from_name, qr/Laggy Sender/, "From appears with $pfx"); } } } { $rw_commit->(); $ro->reopen; my $res = $ro->query('b:hello'); is(scalar(@$res), 0, 'no match on body search only'); $res = $ro->query('bs:smith'); is(scalar(@$res), 0, 'no match on body+subject search for From'); $res = $ro->query('q:theatre'); is(scalar(@$res), 1, 'only one quoted body'); like($res->[0]->from_name, qr/\AQuoter/, 'got quoted body') if (scalar(@$res)); $res = $ro->query('nq:theatre'); is(scalar @$res, 1, 'only one non-quoted body'); like($res->[0]->from_name, qr/\ANon-Quoter/, 'got non-quoted body') if (scalar(@$res)); foreach my $pfx (qw(b: bs:)) { $res = $ro->query($pfx . 'theatre'); is(scalar @$res, 2, "searched both bodies for $pfx"); like($res->[0]->from_name, qr/\ANon-Quoter/, "non-quoter first for $pfx") if scalar(@$res); } } $ibx->with_umask(sub { my $part1 = Email::MIME->create( attributes => { content_type => 'text/plain', disposition => 'attachment', charset => 'US-ASCII', encoding => 'quoted-printable', filename => 'attached_fart.txt', }, body_str => 'inside the attachment', ); my $part2 = Email::MIME->create( attributes => { content_type => 'text/plain', disposition => 'attachment', charset => 'US-ASCII', encoding => 'quoted-printable', filename => 'part_deux.txt', }, body_str => 'inside another', ); my $amsg = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Subject => 'see attachment', 'Message-ID' => '', From => 'John Smith ', To => 'list@example.com', ], parts => [ $part1, $part2 ], ); ok($rw->add_message($amsg), 'added attachment'); $rw_commit->(); $ro->reopen; my $n = $ro->query('n:attached_fart.txt'); is(scalar @$n, 1, 'got result for n:'); my $res = $ro->query('part_deux.txt'); is(scalar @$res, 1, 'got result without n:'); is($n->[0]->mid, $res->[0]->mid, 'same result with and without') if scalar(@$res); my $txt = $ro->query('"inside another"'); is(scalar @$txt, 1, 'found inside another'); is($txt->[0]->mid, $res->[0]->mid, 'search inside text attachments works') if scalar(@$txt); my $art; if (scalar(@$n) >= 1) { my $mid = $n->[0]->mid; my ($id, $prev); $art = $ro->{over_ro}->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev); ok($art, 'article exists in OVER DB'); } $rw->unindex_blob($amsg); $rw->commit_txn_lazy; is($ro->lookup_article($art->{num}), undef, 'gone from OVER DB') if defined($art); }); my $all_mask = 07777; my $dir_mask = 02770; # FreeBSD does not allow non-root users to set S_ISGID, so # git doesn't set it, either (see DIR_HAS_BSD_GROUP_SEMANTICS in git.git) if ($^O =~ /freebsd/i) { $all_mask = 0777; $dir_mask = 0770; } foreach my $f ("$git_dir/public-inbox/msgmap.sqlite3", "$git_dir/public-inbox", glob("$git_dir/public-inbox/xapian*/"), glob("$git_dir/public-inbox/xapian*/*")) { my @st = stat($f); my ($bn) = (split(m!/!, $f))[-1]; is($st[2] & $all_mask, -f _ ? 0660 : $dir_mask, "sharedRepository respected for $bn"); } $ibx->with_umask(sub { $rw_commit->(); my $digits = '10010260936330'; my $ua = 'Pine.LNX.4.10'; my $mid = "$ua.$digits.2460-100000\@penguin.transmeta.com"; is($ro->reopen->query("m:$digits", { mset => 1})->size, 0, 'no results yet'); my $pine = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ Subject => 'blah', 'Message-ID' => "<$mid>", From => 'torvalds@transmeta', To => 'list@example.com', ], body => "" ); my $x = $rw->add_message($pine); $rw->commit_txn_lazy; is($ro->reopen->query("m:$digits", { mset => 1})->size, 1, 'searching only digit yielded result'); my $wild = $digits; for my $i (1..6) { chop($wild); is($ro->query("m:$wild*", { mset => 1})->size, 1, "searching chopped($i) digit yielded result $wild "); } is($ro->query("m:Pine m:LNX m:10010260936330", {mset=>1})->size, 1); }); done_testing(); 1;