# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path); use Cwd qw(abs_path); use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(which); require_git(2.6); require_cmd('curl'); local $ENV{HOME} = abs_path('t'); use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError); # Integration tests for HTTP cloning + mirroring require_mods(qw(Plack::Util Plack::Builder HTTP::Date HTTP::Status Search::Xapian DBD::SQLite)); use_ok 'PublicInbox::V2Writable'; use PublicInbox::InboxWritable; use PublicInbox::Eml; use PublicInbox::Config; # FIXME: too much setup my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $pi_config = "$tmpdir/config"; { open my $fh, '>', $pi_config or die "open($pi_config): $!"; print $fh <<"" or die "print $pi_config: $!"; [publicinbox "v2"] ; using "mainrepo" rather than "inboxdir" for v1.1.0-pre1 WWW compat below mainrepo = $tmpdir/in address = test\@example.com close $fh or die "close($pi_config): $!"; } local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = $pi_config; my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new($pi_config); my $ibx = $cfg->lookup('test@example.com'); ok($ibx, 'inbox found'); $ibx->{version} = 2; $ibx->{-no_fsync} = 1; my $v2w = PublicInbox::V2Writable->new($ibx, 1); ok $v2w, 'v2w loaded'; $v2w->{parallel} = 0; my $mime = PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<''); From: Me To: You Subject: a Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 my $old_rotate_bytes = $v2w->{rotate_bytes}; $v2w->{rotate_bytes} = 500; # force rotating for my $i (1..9) { $mime->header_set('Message-ID', "<$i\@example.com>"); $mime->header_set('Subject', "subject = $i"); ok($v2w->add($mime), "add msg $i OK"); } my $epoch_max = $v2w->{epoch_max}; ok($epoch_max > 0, "multiple epochs"); $v2w->done; { my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art(1); like($smsg->{lines}, qr/\A[0-9]+\z/, 'lines is a digit'); like($smsg->{bytes}, qr/\A[0-9]+\z/, 'bytes is a digit'); } $ibx->cleanup; local $ENV{TEST_IPV4_ONLY} = 1; # plackup (below) doesn't do IPv6 my $rdr = { 3 => tcp_server() }; my @cmd = ('-httpd', '-W0', "--stdout=$tmpdir/out", "--stderr=$tmpdir/err"); my $td = start_script(\@cmd, undef, $rdr); my ($host, $port) = tcp_host_port(delete $rdr->{3}); @cmd = (qw(-clone -q), "http://$host:$port/v2/", "$tmpdir/m"); run_script(\@cmd) or xbail '-clone'; for my $i (0..$epoch_max) { ok(-d "$tmpdir/m/git/$i.git", "epoch $i cloned"); } @cmd = ("-init", '-j1', '-V2', 'm', "$tmpdir/m", 'http://example.com/m', 'alt@example.com'); ok(run_script(\@cmd), 'initialized public-inbox -V2'); my @shards = glob("$tmpdir/m/xap*/?"); is(scalar(@shards), 1, 'got a single shard on init'); ok(run_script([qw(-index -j0), "$tmpdir/m"]), 'indexed'); my $mibx = { inboxdir => "$tmpdir/m", address => 'alt@example.com' }; $mibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new($mibx); is_deeply([$mibx->mm->minmax], [$ibx->mm->minmax], 'index synched minmax'); for my $i (10..15) { $mime->header_set('Message-ID', "<$i\@example.com>"); $mime->header_set('Subject', "subject = $i"); ok($v2w->add($mime), "add msg $i OK"); } $v2w->done; $ibx->cleanup; my @new_epochs; my $fetch_each_epoch = sub { my %before = map { $_ => 1 } glob("$tmpdir/m/git/*"); run_script([qw(-fetch --exit-code -q)], undef, {-C => "$tmpdir/m"}) or xbail '-fetch fail'; is($?, 0, '--exit-code 0 after fetch updated'); my @after = grep { !$before{$_} } glob("$tmpdir/m/git/*"); push @new_epochs, @after; }; $fetch_each_epoch->(); my $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:15@example.com'); is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'new message not found in mirror, yet'); ok(run_script([qw(-index -j0), "$tmpdir/m"]), 'index updated'); is_deeply([$mibx->mm->minmax], [$ibx->mm->minmax], 'index synched minmax'); $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:15@example.com'); is(scalar($mset->items), 1, 'found message in mirror'); # purge: $mime->header_set('Message-ID', '<10@example.com>'); $mime->header_set('Subject', 'subject = 10'); { my @warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ }; ok($v2w->purge($mime), 'purge a message'); my $warn = join('', @warn); like($warn, qr/purge rewriting/); my @subj = ($warn =~ m/^# subject .*$/mg); is_deeply(\@subj, ["# subject = 10"], "only rewrote one"); } $v2w->done; my $msgs = $mibx->over->get_thread('10@example.com'); my $to_purge = $msgs->[0]->{blob}; like($to_purge, qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40,}\z/, 'read blob to be purged'); $mset = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('m:10@example.com'); is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'purged message gone from origin'); $fetch_each_epoch->(); { $ibx->cleanup; PublicInbox::InboxWritable::cleanup($mibx); $v2w->done; my $cmd = [ qw(-index --prune -j0), "$tmpdir/m" ]; my ($out, $err) = ('', ''); my $opt = { 1 => \$out, 2 => \$err }; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), '-index --prune'); like($err, qr/discontiguous range/, 'warned about discontiguous range'); unlike($err, qr/fatal/, 'no scary fatal error shown'); } $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:10@example.com'); is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'purged message not found in mirror'); is_deeply([$mibx->mm->minmax], [$ibx->mm->minmax], 'minmax still synced'); for my $i ((1..9),(11..15)) { $mset = $mibx->search->mset("m:$i\@example.com"); is(scalar($mset->items), 1, "$i\@example.com remains visible"); } is($mibx->git->check($to_purge), undef, 'unindex+prune successful in mirror'); { my @warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ }; $v2w->index_sync; is_deeply(\@warn, [], 'no warnings from index_sync after purge'); } # deletes happen in a different fetch window { $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:1@example.com'); is(scalar($mset->items), 1, '1@example.com visible in mirror'); $mime->header_set('Message-ID', '<1@example.com>'); $mime->header_set('Subject', 'subject = 1'); ok($v2w->remove($mime), 'removed <1@example.com> from source'); $v2w->done; $ibx->cleanup; $fetch_each_epoch->(); PublicInbox::InboxWritable::cleanup($mibx); my $cmd = [ qw(-index -j0), "$tmpdir/m" ]; my ($out, $err) = ('', ''); my $opt = { 1 => \$out, 2 => \$err }; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), 'index ran'); is($err, '', 'no errors reported by index'); $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:1@example.com'); is(scalar($mset->items), 0, '1@example.com no longer visible in mirror'); } if ('sequential-shard') { $mset = $mibx->search->mset('m:15@example.com'); is(scalar($mset->items), 1, 'large message not indexed'); remove_tree(glob("$tmpdir/m/xap*"), glob("$tmpdir/m/msgmap.*")); my $cmd = [ qw(-index -j9 --sequential-shard), "$tmpdir/m" ]; ok(run_script($cmd), '--sequential-shard works'); my @shards = glob("$tmpdir/m/xap*/?"); is(scalar(@shards), 8, 'got expected shard count'); PublicInbox::InboxWritable::cleanup($mibx); $mset = $mibx->search->mset('m:15@example.com'); is(scalar($mset->items), 1, 'search works after --sequential-shard'); } if ('max size') { $mime->header_set('Message-ID', '<2big@a>'); my $max = '2k'; $mime->body_str_set("z\n" x 1024); ok($v2w->add($mime), "add big message"); $v2w->done; $ibx->cleanup; $fetch_each_epoch->(); PublicInbox::InboxWritable::cleanup($mibx); my $cmd = [qw(-index -j0), "$tmpdir/m", "--max-size=$max" ]; my $opt = { 2 => \(my $err) }; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), 'indexed with --max-size'); like($err, qr/skipping [a-f0-9]{40,}/, 'warned about skipping message'); $mset = $mibx->search->reopen->mset('m:2big@a'); is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'large message not indexed'); { open my $fh, '>>', $pi_config or die; print $fh <search->reopen->mset('m:2big@a'); is(scalar($mset->items), 0, 'large message not re-indexed'); } ok(scalar(@new_epochs), 'new epochs were created and fetched'); for my $d (@new_epochs) { is(xqx(['git', "--git-dir=$d", 'config', qw(include.path)]), "../../all.git/config\n", 'include.path set'); } if ('test read-only epoch dirs') { my @git = ('git', "--git-dir=$new_epochs[0]"); my $get_objs = [@git, qw(cat-file --buffer --batch-check --batch-all-objects)]; my $before = [sort xqx($get_objs)]; remove_tree(map { "$new_epochs[0]/$_" } qw(objects refs/heads)); chmod(0555, $new_epochs[0]) or xbail "chmod: $!"; # force a refetch unlink("$tmpdir/m/manifest.js.gz") or xbail "unlink: $!"; run_script([qw(-fetch -q)], undef, {-C => "$tmpdir/m"}) or xbail '-fetch failed'; ok(!-d "$new_epochs[0]/objects", 'no objects after fetch to R/O dir'); chmod(0755, $new_epochs[0]) or xbail "chmod: $!"; mkdir("$new_epochs[0]/objects") or xbail "mkdir: $!"; mkdir("$new_epochs[0]/refs/heads") or xbail "mkdir: $!"; my $err = ''; run_script([qw(-fetch -q)], undef, {-C => "$tmpdir/m", 2 => \$err}) or xbail '-fetch failed '.$err; is_deeply([ sort xqx($get_objs) ], $before, 'fetch restored objects once GIT_DIR became writable'); } { my $dst = "$tmpdir/partial"; run_script([qw(-clone -q --epoch=~0), "http://$host:$port/v2/", $dst]); is($?, 0, 'no error from partial clone'); my @g = glob("$dst/git/*.git"); my @w = grep { -w $_ } @g; my @r = grep { ! -w $_ } @g; is(scalar(@w), 1, 'one writable directory'); my ($w) = ($w[0] =~ m!/([0-9]+)\.git\z!); is((grep { m!/([0-9]+)\.git\z! or xbail "no digit in $_"; $w > ($1 + 0) } @r), scalar(@r), 'writable epoch # exceeds read-only ones'); run_script([qw(-fetch -q)], undef, { -C => $dst }); is($?, 0, 'no error from partial fetch'); remove_tree($dst); run_script([qw(-clone -q --epoch=~1..), "http://$host:$port/v2/", $dst]); my @g2 = glob("$dst/git/*.git") ; is_deeply(\@g2, \@g, 'cloned again'); is(scalar(grep { -w $_ } @g2), scalar(@w) + 1, 'got one more cloned epoch'); # make 0.git writable and fetch into it, relies on culled manifest chmod(0755, $g2[0]) or xbail "chmod: $!"; my @before = glob("$g2[0]/objects/*/*"); run_script([qw(-fetch -q)], undef, { -C => $dst }); is($?, 0, 'no error from partial fetch'); my @after = glob("$g2[0]/objects/*/*"); ok(scalar(@before) < scalar(@after), 'fetched after chmod 0755 0.git'); # ensure culled manifest is maintained after fetch gunzip("$dst/manifest.js.gz" => \(my $m), MultiStream => 1) or xbail "gunzip: $GunzipError"; $m = PublicInbox::Config->json->decode($m); for my $k (keys %$m) { # /$name/git/$N.git my ($nr) = ($k =~ m!/git/([0-9]+)\.git\z!); ok(-w "$dst/git/$nr.git", "writable $nr.git in manifest"); } for my $ro (grep { !-w $_ } @g2) { my ($nr) = ($ro =~ m!/git/([0-9]+)\.git\z!); is(grep(m!/git/$nr\.git\z!, keys %$m), 0, "read-only $nr.git not in manifest") or xbail([sort keys %$m]); } } my $err = ''; my $v110 = xqx([qw(git rev-parse v1.1.0-pre1)], undef, { 2 => \$err }); SKIP: { skip("no detected public-inbox GIT_DIR ($err)", 1) if $?; # using plackup to test old PublicInbox::WWW since -httpd from # back then relied on some packages we no longer depend on my $plackup = which('plackup') or skip('no plackup in path', 1); require PublicInbox::Lock; chomp $v110; my ($base) = ($0 =~ m!\b([^/]+)\.[^\.]+\z!); my $wt = "t/data-gen/$base.pre-manifest"; my $lk = bless { lock_path => __FILE__ }, 'PublicInbox::Lock'; $lk->lock_acquire; my $psgi = "$wt/app.psgi"; if (!-f $psgi) { # checkout a pre-manifest.js.gz version my $t = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => 'g-XXXX', TMPDIR => 1); my $env = { GIT_INDEX_FILE => $t->filename }; xsys([qw(git read-tree), $v110], $env) and xbail 'read-tree'; xsys([qw(git checkout-index -a), "--prefix=$wt/"], $env) and xbail 'checkout-index'; my $f = "$wt/app.psgi.tmp.$$"; open my $fh, '>', $f or xbail $!; print $fh <<'EOM' or xbail $!; use Plack::Builder; use PublicInbox::WWW; my $www = PublicInbox::WWW->new; builder { enable 'Head'; sub { $www->call(@_) } } EOM close $fh or xbail $!; rename($f, $psgi) or xbail $!; } $lk->lock_release; $rdr->{run_mode} = 0; $rdr->{-C} = $wt; my $cmd = [$plackup, qw(-Enone -Ilib), "--host=$host", "--port=$port"]; $td->join('TERM'); open $rdr->{2}, '>>', "$tmpdir/plackup.err.log" or xbail "open: $!"; open $rdr->{1}, '>>&', $rdr->{2} or xbail "open: $!"; $td = start_script($cmd, { PERL5LIB => 'lib' }, $rdr); # wait for plackup socket()+bind()+listen() my %opt = ( Proto => 'tcp', Type => Socket::SOCK_STREAM(), PeerAddr => "$host:$port" ); for (0..50) { tick(); last if IO::Socket::INET->new(%opt); } my $dst = "$tmpdir/scrape"; @cmd = (qw(-clone -q), "http://$host:$port/v2", $dst); run_script(\@cmd, undef, { 2 => \(my $err = '') }); is($?, 0, 'scraping clone on old PublicInbox::WWW') or diag $err; my @g_all = glob("$dst/git/*.git"); ok(scalar(@g_all) > 1, 'cloned multiple epochs'); remove_tree($dst); @cmd = (qw(-clone -q --epoch=~0), "http://$host:$port/v2", $dst); run_script(\@cmd, undef, { 2 => \($err = '') }); is($?, 0, 'partial scraping clone on old PublicInbox::WWW'); my @g_last = grep { -w $_ } glob("$dst/git/*.git"); is_deeply(\@g_last, [ $g_all[-1] ], 'partial clone of ~0 worked'); chmod(0755, $g_all[0]) or xbail "chmod $!"; my @before = glob("$g_all[0]/objects/*/*"); run_script([qw(-fetch -v)], undef, { -C => $dst, 2 => \($err = '') }); is($?, 0, 'scraping fetch on old PublicInbox::WWW') or diag $err; my @after = glob("$g_all[0]/objects/*/*"); ok(scalar(@before) < scalar(@after), 'fetched 0.git after enabling write-bit'); $td->join('TERM'); } done_testing;