You have to specify correct -bind, -4 and -6 addresses. If -4/-6 is empty, then it won't be announced. Each second the current time, overall downloaded/uploaded traffic amount, number of active peers and current download/upload speed in KiB/sec will be shown. fifos subdirectory will be created with following FIFO files: * fifos/add -- expects newline delimited paths to .torrent files or magnet: links * fifos/del -- expects torrent's info hashes to remove torrents from the client * fifos/list -- prints coloured output of all registered torrents in the client. It shows: * info hash (that you can use in all other FIFOs) * name (name of the file or root directory as a rule) * total size * completion percentage * seed ratio * download/upload speeds in KiB/sec * number of: total/pending/active/seeder peers * (optionally) estimated completion time * fifos/dht -- prints DHT server statistics * fifos/files/HASH -- prints torrent's file list with completion ratio * fifos/peers/HASH -- prints torrent's connected peers information: * peer's ID * status flags, that are concatenated string of: i -- am interested c -- am chocking - E -- RC4 encryption e -- header encryption Tr -- tracker I -- incoming Hg -- DHT get_peers Ha -- DHT announce_peer X -- PEX M -- direct (through magnet:) U -- UTP - i -- he interested c -- he chocking * number of completed pieces * download/upload speeds in KiB/sec during current session * amount of downloaded/uploaded traffic during current session * remote address with port * client's name * fifos/top-seed -- list torrents sorted by total transfer data amount For each torrent, corresponding .torrent file will be created. Additional symbolic link with torrent's name will lead to HASH.torrent. file is piece completion database. HASH.tx contains overall outgoing payload traffic amount and it is updated each 10sec. If you massively add a bunch of unverified torrents, then will deal with them in parallel. That means hash verification is done in random order from HDD's point of view, that is rather slow. If you are going to seed many torrents, then it is highly advisable to pre-verify them in advance, by using -verify option with path to all .torrent files. Example usage for starting torrents seeding: $ cat > seedfile < fifos/add $ cat fifos/list