package torrent import ( "testing" pp "" qt "" ) func keysAsSlice(m map[Request]struct{}) (sl []Request) { for k := range m { sl = append(sl, k) } return } func makeTypicalRequests() map[Request]struct{} { m := make(map[Request]struct{}) for p := pp.Integer(0); p < 4; p++ { for c := pp.Integer(0); c < 16; c++ { m[Request{p, ChunkSpec{c * defaultChunkSize, defaultChunkSize}}] = struct{}{} } } return m } func TestLogExampleRequestMapOrdering(t *testing.T) { for k := range makeTypicalRequests() { t.Log(k) } } func TestRequestMapOrderingPersistent(t *testing.T) { m := makeTypicalRequests() // Shows that map order is persistent across separate range statements. qt.Assert(t, keysAsSlice(m), qt.ContentEquals, keysAsSlice(m)) } func TestRequestMapOrderAcrossInstances(t *testing.T) { // This shows that different map instances with the same contents can have the same range order. qt.Assert(t, keysAsSlice(makeTypicalRequests()), qt.ContentEquals, keysAsSlice(makeTypicalRequests())) }