package torrent import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "sync" "" "" "" pp "" "" ) type webseedPeer struct { client webseed.Client activeRequests map[Request]webseed.Request requesterCond sync.Cond peer Peer // Number of requester routines. maxRequests int } var _ peerImpl = (*webseedPeer)(nil) func (me *webseedPeer) connStatusString() string { return me.client.Url } func (ws *webseedPeer) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("webseed peer for %q", ws.client.Url) } func (ws *webseedPeer) onGotInfo(info *metainfo.Info) { ws.client.SetInfo(info) // There should be probably be a callback in Client instead, so it can remove pieces at its whim // too. ws.client.Pieces.Iterate(func(x uint32) bool { ws.peer.t.incPieceAvailability(pieceIndex(x)) return true }) } func (ws *webseedPeer) writeInterested(interested bool) bool { return true } func (ws *webseedPeer) _cancel(r RequestIndex) bool { active, ok := ws.activeRequests[ws.peer.t.requestIndexToRequest(r)] if ok { active.Cancel() } if !ws.peer.deleteRequest(r) { panic("cancelled webseed request should exist") } if ws.peer.isLowOnRequests() { ws.peer.updateRequests("webseedPeer._cancel") } return true } func (ws *webseedPeer) intoSpec(r Request) webseed.RequestSpec { return webseed.RequestSpec{ws.peer.t.requestOffset(r), int64(r.Length)} } func (ws *webseedPeer) _request(r Request) bool { ws.requesterCond.Signal() return true } func (ws *webseedPeer) doRequest(r Request) { webseedRequest := ws.client.NewRequest(ws.intoSpec(r)) ws.activeRequests[r] = webseedRequest func() { ws.requesterCond.L.Unlock() defer ws.requesterCond.L.Lock() ws.requestResultHandler(r, webseedRequest) }() delete(ws.activeRequests, r) } func (ws *webseedPeer) requester() { ws.requesterCond.L.Lock() defer ws.requesterCond.L.Unlock() start: for !ws.peer.closed.IsSet() { restart := false ws.peer.actualRequestState.Requests.Iterate(func(x uint32) bool { r := ws.peer.t.requestIndexToRequest(x) if _, ok := ws.activeRequests[r]; ok { return true } ws.doRequest(r) restart = true return false }) if restart { goto start } ws.requesterCond.Wait() } } func (ws *webseedPeer) connectionFlags() string { return "WS" } // TODO: This is called when banning peers. Perhaps we want to be able to ban webseeds too. We could // return bool if this is even possible, and if it isn't, skip to the next drop candidate. func (ws *webseedPeer) drop() {} func (ws *webseedPeer) handleUpdateRequests() { // Because this is synchronous, webseed peers seem to get first dibs on newly prioritized // pieces. ws.peer.maybeUpdateActualRequestState() } func (ws *webseedPeer) onClose() { ws.peer.logger.WithLevel(log.Debug).Print("closing") ws.peer.deleteAllRequests() for _, r := range ws.activeRequests { r.Cancel() } ws.requesterCond.Broadcast() } func (ws *webseedPeer) requestResultHandler(r Request, webseedRequest webseed.Request) { result := <-webseedRequest.Result close(webseedRequest.Result) // one-shot // We do this here rather than inside receiveChunk, since we want to count errors too. I'm not // sure if we can divine which errors indicate cancellation on our end without hitting the // network though. if len(result.Bytes) != 0 || result.Err == nil { // Increment ChunksRead and friends ws.peer.doChunkReadStats(int64(len(result.Bytes))) } ws.peer.readBytes(int64(len(result.Bytes))) defer if ws.peer.t.closed.IsSet() { return } if result.Err != nil { if !errors.Is(result.Err, context.Canceled) && !ws.peer.closed.IsSet() { ws.peer.logger.Printf("Request %v rejected: %v", r, result.Err) // // Here lies my attempt to extract something concrete from Go's error system. RIP. // cfg := spew.NewDefaultConfig() // cfg.DisableMethods = true // cfg.Dump(result.Err) log.Printf("closing %v", ws) ws.peer.close() } ws.peer.remoteRejectedRequest(ws.peer.t.requestIndexFromRequest(r)) } else { err := ws.peer.receiveChunk(&pp.Message{ Type: pp.Piece, Index: r.Index, Begin: r.Begin, Piece: result.Bytes, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } } } func (me *webseedPeer) isLowOnRequests() bool { return me.peer.actualRequestState.Requests.GetCardinality() < uint64(me.maxRequests) } func (me *webseedPeer) peerPieces() *roaring.Bitmap { return &me.client.Pieces } func (cn *webseedPeer) peerHasAllPieces() (all, known bool) { if !cn.peer.t.haveInfo() { return true, false } return cn.client.Pieces.GetCardinality() == uint64(cn.peer.t.numPieces()), true }