package torrent import ( "container/heap" "fmt" "time" "unsafe" "" "" ) type worseConnInput struct { BadDirection bool Useful bool LastHelpful time.Time CompletedHandshake time.Time GetPeerPriority func() (peerPriority, error) getPeerPriorityOnce sync.Once peerPriority peerPriority peerPriorityErr error Pointer uintptr } func (me *worseConnInput) doGetPeerPriority() { me.peerPriority, me.peerPriorityErr = me.GetPeerPriority() } func (me *worseConnInput) doGetPeerPriorityOnce() { me.getPeerPriorityOnce.Do(me.doGetPeerPriority) } type worseConnLensOpts struct { incomingIsBad, outgoingIsBad bool } func worseConnInputFromPeer(p *Peer, opts worseConnLensOpts) worseConnInput { ret := worseConnInput{ Useful: p.useful(), LastHelpful: p.lastHelpful(), CompletedHandshake: p.completedHandshake, Pointer: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), GetPeerPriority: p.peerPriority, } if opts.incomingIsBad && !p.outgoing { ret.BadDirection = true } else if opts.outgoingIsBad && p.outgoing { ret.BadDirection = true } return ret } func worseConn(_l, _r *Peer) bool { // TODO: Use generics for ptr to l := worseConnInputFromPeer(_l, worseConnLensOpts{}) r := worseConnInputFromPeer(_r, worseConnLensOpts{}) return l.Less(&r) } func (l *worseConnInput) Less(r *worseConnInput) bool { less, ok := multiless.New().Bool( r.BadDirection, l.BadDirection).Bool( l.Useful, r.Useful).CmpInt64( l.LastHelpful.Sub(r.LastHelpful).Nanoseconds()).CmpInt64( l.CompletedHandshake.Sub(r.CompletedHandshake).Nanoseconds()).LazySameLess( func() (same, less bool) { l.doGetPeerPriorityOnce() if l.peerPriorityErr != nil { same = true return } r.doGetPeerPriorityOnce() if r.peerPriorityErr != nil { same = true return } same = l.peerPriority == r.peerPriority less = l.peerPriority < r.peerPriority return }).Uintptr( l.Pointer, r.Pointer, ).LessOk() if !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot differentiate %#v and %#v", l, r)) } return less } type worseConnSlice struct { conns []*PeerConn keys []worseConnInput } func (me *worseConnSlice) initKeys(opts worseConnLensOpts) { me.keys = make([]worseConnInput, len(me.conns)) for i, c := range me.conns { me.keys[i] = worseConnInputFromPeer(&c.Peer, opts) } } var _ heap.Interface = &worseConnSlice{} func (me worseConnSlice) Len() int { return len(me.conns) } func (me worseConnSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return me.keys[i].Less(&me.keys[j]) } func (me *worseConnSlice) Pop() interface{} { i := len(me.conns) - 1 ret := me.conns[i] me.conns = me.conns[:i] return ret } func (me *worseConnSlice) Push(x interface{}) { panic("not implemented") } func (me worseConnSlice) Swap(i, j int) { me.conns[i], me.conns[j] = me.conns[j], me.conns[i] me.keys[i], me.keys[j] = me.keys[j], me.keys[i] }