" zsh file completion caller " Maintainer: Sergey Matveev " License: GNU General Public License version 3 of the License or later if exists("*zshfe") | finish | endif if !exists("g:zshfe_path") let g:zshfe_path=expand(":p:h") . "/zshfe.zsh" endif function! s:zshfe(query, opencmd) silent let result = systemlist(g:zshfe_path . " " . a:query) if len(result) == 0 | return | endif exec a:opencmd . " " . result[0][:-2] endfunction command! -nargs=1 Fe call s:zshfe(, "edit") command! -nargs=1 Fsp call s:zshfe(, "split") command! -nargs=1 Fvs call s:zshfe(, "vsplit") nmap e :Fe nmap :Fsp nmap v :Fvs