#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Generates NEWS, NEWS.atom, and NEWS.html files using release emails # this uses unstable internal APIs of public-inbox, and this script # needs to be updated if they change. use strict; use PublicInbox::Eml; use PublicInbox::View; use PublicInbox::Hval qw(fmt_ts); use PublicInbox::MsgTime qw(msg_datestamp); use PublicInbox::MID qw(mids mid_escape); END { $INC{'Plack/Util.pm'} and warn "$0 should not have loaded Plack::Util\n" } my $dst = shift @ARGV or die "Usage: $0 "; # newest to oldest my @releases = @ARGV; my $dir = 'Documentation/RelNotes'; my $base_url = 'https://public-inbox.org/meta'; my $html_url = 'https://public-inbox.org/NEWS.html'; my $atom_url = 'https://public-inbox.org/NEWS.atom'; my $addr = 'meta@public-inbox.org'; my $latest = shift(@releases) or die 'no releases?'; my $mtime; my $mime_latest = release2mime($latest, \$mtime); my $tmp = "$dst+"; my $out; if ($dst eq 'NEWS') { open $out, '>:encoding(utf8)', $tmp or die; mime2txt($out, $mime_latest); for my $v (@releases) { print $out "\n" or die; mime2txt($out, release2mime($v)); } } elsif ($dst eq 'NEWS.atom' || $dst eq 'NEWS.html') { open $out, '>', $tmp or die; my $ibx = My::MockObject->new( description => 'public-inbox releases', over => undef, search => 1, # for WwwStream::html_top base_url => "$base_url/", ); $ibx->{-primary_address} = $addr; my $ctx = { ibx => $ibx, -upfx => "$base_url/", -hr => 1, }; if ($dst eq 'NEWS.html') { html_start($out, $ctx); mime2html($out, $mime_latest, $ctx); while (defined(my $v = shift(@releases))) { mime2html($out, release2mime($v), $ctx); } html_end($out, $ctx); } elsif ($dst eq 'NEWS.atom') { my $astream = atom_start($out, $ctx, $mtime); for my $v (reverse(@releases)) { mime2atom($out, $astream, release2mime($v), $ctx); } mime2atom($out, $astream, $mime_latest, $ctx); print $out '' or die; } else { die "BUG: Unrecognized $dst\n"; } } else { die "Unrecognized $dst\n"; } close($out) or die; utime($mtime, $mtime, $tmp) or die; rename($tmp, $dst) or die; exit 0; sub release2mime { my ($release, $mtime_ref) = @_; my $f = "$dir/$release.eml"; open(my $fh, '<', $f) or die "open($f): $!"; my $mime = PublicInbox::Eml->new(\(do { local $/; <$fh> })); # Documentation/include.mk relies on mtimes of each .eml file # to trigger rebuild, so make sure we sync the mtime to the Date: # header in the .eml my $mtime = msg_datestamp($mime->header_obj); utime($mtime, $mtime, $fh) or warn "futimes $f: $!"; $$mtime_ref = $mtime if $mtime_ref; $mime; } sub mime2txt { my ($out, $mime) = @_; my $title = $mime->header('Subject'); $title =~ s/^\s*\[\w+\]\s*//g; # [ANNOUNCE] or [ANN] my $dtime = msg_datestamp($mime->header_obj); $title .= ' - ' . fmt_ts($dtime) . ' UTC'; print $out $title, "\n" or die; my $uline = '=' x length($title); print $out $uline, "\n\n" or die; my $mid = mids($mime)->[0]; print $out 'Link: ', $base_url, '/', mid_escape($mid), "/\n\n" or die; print $out $mime->body_str or die; } sub mime2html { my ($out, $eml, $ctx) = @_; my $smsg = $ctx->{smsg} = bless {}, 'PublicInbox::Smsg'; $smsg->populate($eml); $ctx->{msgs} = [ 1 ]; # for
in eml_entry print $out PublicInbox::View::eml_entry($ctx, $eml) or die; } sub html_start { my ($out, $ctx) = @_; require PublicInbox::WwwStream; $ctx->{www} = My::MockObject->new(style => ''); my $www_stream = PublicInbox::WwwStream::init($ctx); print $out $www_stream->html_top, '
' or die;

sub html_end {
	for (@$PublicInbox::WwwStream::CODE_URL) {
		print $out "	git clone $_\n" or die;
	print $out "
\n" or die; } sub atom_start { my ($out, $ctx, $mtime) = @_; require PublicInbox::WwwAtomStream; # WwwAtomStream stats this dir for mtime my $astream = PublicInbox::WwwAtomStream->new($ctx); delete $astream->{emit_header}; my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx}; my $title = PublicInbox::WwwAtomStream::title_tag($ibx->description); my $updated = PublicInbox::WwwAtomStream::feed_updated($mtime); print $out < $title$atom_url$updated EOF $astream; } sub mime2atom { my ($out, $astream, $eml, $ctx) = @_; my $smsg = bless {}, 'PublicInbox::Smsg'; $smsg->populate($eml); if (defined(my $str = $astream->feed_entry($smsg, $eml))) { print $out $str or die; } } package My::MockObject; use strict; our $AUTOLOAD; sub new { my ($class, %values) = @_; bless \%values, $class; } sub AUTOLOAD { my ($self) = @_; my $attr = (split(/::/, $AUTOLOAD))[-1]; $self->{$attr}; } 1;