#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2013-2020 all contributors
# License: AGPL-3.0+
use strict;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
open my $m, '<', 'MANIFEST' or die "open(MANIFEST): $!\n";
chomp(my @manifest = (<$m>));
my @EXE_FILES = grep(m!^script/!, @manifest);
my $v = {};
my $t = {};
# do not sort
my @RELEASES = qw(v1.5.0 v1.4.0 v1.3.0 v1.2.0 v1.1.0-pre1 v1.0.0);
$v->{news_deps} = [ map { "Documentation/RelNotes/$_.eml" } @RELEASES ];
my @dtxt = grep(m!\ADocumentation/[^/]+\.txt\z!, @manifest);
push @dtxt, 'Documentation/standards.txt';
push @dtxt, 'Documentation/flow.txt';
push @dtxt, @{$v->{txt}};
for my $txt (@dtxt) {
my $html = $txt;
$html =~ s/\.txt\z/.html/ or $html .= '.html';
$t->{"$html : $txt"} = [ "\$(txt2pre) <$txt" ];
$v->{t_slash_star_dot_t} = [ grep(m!\At/.*\.t\z!, @manifest) ];
my @scripts = qw(scripts/ssoma-replay); # legacy
my @syn = (@EXE_FILES, grep(m!^lib/.*\.pm$!, @manifest), @scripts);
@syn = grep(!/DSKQXS\.pm/, @syn) if !eval { require IO::KQueue };
@syn = grep(!/Unsubscribe\.pm/, @syn) if !eval { require Crypt::CBC };
@syn = grep(!/SaPlugin/, @syn) if !eval { require Mail::SpamAssasin };
$v->{syn_files} = \@syn;
$v->{my_syntax} = [map { "$_.syntax" } @syn];
$v->{-m1} = [ map { (split('/'))[-1] } @EXE_FILES ];
$v->{-m5} = [ qw(public-inbox-config public-inbox-v1-format
public-inbox-v2-format) ];
$v->{-m7} = [ qw(public-inbox-overview public-inbox-tuning) ];
$v->{-m8} = [ qw(public-inbox-daemon) ];
my @sections = (1, 5, 7, 8);
$v->{check_80} = [];
$v->{manuals} = [];
$v->{mantxt} = [];
for my $i (@sections) {
my $ary = $v->{"-m$i"};
$v->{"m$i"} = $ary;
for my $m (@$ary) {
my $pod = "Documentation/$m.pod";
my $txt = "Documentation/$m.txt";
$t->{"$m.$i : $pod"} = [ "\$(podman) -s$i $pod \$@" ];
$t->{"$txt : $pod"} = [ "\$(podtext) $pod \$\@+",
"touch -r $pod \$\@+",
"mv \$\@+ \$@" ];
$t->{"Documentation/$m.html : $txt"} = [ "\$(txt2pre) <$txt" ];
$t->{".$m.cols : $m.$i"} = [
"\@echo CHECK80 $m.$i;".
"COLUMNS=80 \$(MAN) ./$m.$i | \$(check_man)" ];
push @{$v->{check_80}}, map { ".$_.cols" } @$ary;
my $manuals = $v->{"man$i"} = [ map { "$_.$i" } @$ary ];
push @{$v->{manuals}}, @$manuals;
push @{$v->{mantxt}}, map { "Documentation/$_.txt" } @$ary;
push @dtxt, @{$v->{mantxt}};
$v->{docs} = [ @dtxt, 'NEWS' ];
$v->{docs_html} = [ map {;
my $x = $_;
$x =~ s/\.txt\z//;
} @{$v->{docs}} ];
$v->{gz_docs} = [ map { "$_.gz" } (@{$v->{docs}},@{$v->{docs_html}}) ];
$v->{rsync_docs} = [ @{$v->{gz_docs}}, @{$v->{docs}},
@{$v->{docs_html}}, qw(NEWS.atom NEWS.atom.gz)];
# external manpages which we host ourselves, since some packages
# (currently just Xapian) doesn't host manpages themselves.
my @xman = qw(copydatabase.1 xapian-compact.1);
$v->{xdocs} = [ map { "Documentation/.$_.txt" } @xman ];
$v->{xdocs_html} = [ map { "Documentation/.$_.html" } @xman ];
for (@{$v->{xdocs}}) {
$t->{"$_:"} = [
'$(PERL) -w Documentation/extman.perl $@ >$@+',
'mv $@+ $@'
my $html = $_;
$html =~ s/\.txt\z/.html/;
$t->{"$html : $_"} = [ "\$(txt2pre) <$_" ];
$v->{gz_xdocs} = [ map { "$_.gz" } (@{$v->{xdocs_html}}, @{$v->{xdocs}}) ];
$v->{rsync_xdocs} = [ @{$v->{gz_xdocs}}, @{$v->{xdocs_html}}, @{$v->{xdocs}} ];
my $TGTS = join("\n", map {;
my $tgt_prereq = $_;
my $cmds = $t->{$_};
"$tgt_prereq\n".join('', map { "\t$_\n" } @$cmds);
} sort keys %$t);
my $VARS = join("\n", map {;
my $varname = $_;
join('', map { "$varname += $_\n" } sort @{$v->{$varname}});
} grep(!/^-/, sort keys %$v));
$VARS .= "\nRELEASES = ".join(' ', @RELEASES)."\n";
# Don't waste user's disk space by installing some pods from
# imported code or internal use only
my %man3 = map {; # semi-colon tells Perl this is a BLOCK (and not EXPR)
my $base = $_;
my $mod = $base;
$mod =~ s!/!::!g;
$mod =~ s/\.\w+\z//;
"lib/PublicInbox/$_" => "blib/man3/PublicInbox::$mod.3"
} qw(Git.pm Import.pm WWW.pod SaPlugin/ListMirror.pod);
NAME => 'PublicInbox',
VERSION => '1.5.0',
AUTHOR => 'Eric Wong ',
ABSTRACT => 'public-inbox server infrastructure',
# note: we use spamc(1), NOT the Perl modules
# We also depend on git.
# Keep this sorted and synced to the INSTALL document
# libperl$PERL_VERSION,
# `perl5' on FreeBSD
# perl-Digest-SHA on RH-based
'Digest::SHA' => 0,
# libperl$PERL_VERSION or libencode-perl on Debian,
# `perl5' on FreeBSD
'Encode' => 2.35, # 2.35 shipped with 5.10.1
# libperl$PERL_VERSION + perl-modules-$PERL_VERSION
'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => 0,
'Compress::Zlib' => 0,
'IO::Compress::Gzip' => 0,
# Plack is needed for public-inbox-httpd and PublicInbox::WWW
# 'Plack' => 0,
# TODO: this should really be made optional...
'URI::Escape' => 0,
# We have more test dependencies, but do not force
# users to install them. See INSTALL
# All Perl installs I know about have these, but RH-based
# distros make them separate even though 'perl' pulls them in
'File::Path' => 0,
'File::Temp' => '0.19', # for ->tmpdir support
'Getopt::Long' => 0,
'Exporter' => 0,
# ExtUtils::MakeMaker # this file won't run w/o it...
MAN3PODS => \%man3,
sub MY::postamble {
my $N = (`{ getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN || nproc; } 2>/dev/null` || 1);
$N += 1; # account for sleeps in some tests (and makes an IV)
<MANIFEST.gen 2>&1; then \\
diff -u MANIFEST MANIFEST.gen; fi
check-manifest : MANIFEST
# the traditional way running per-*.t processes:
check-each :: pure_all
\$(EATMYDATA) \$(PROVE) --state=save -bvw -j\$(N)
# lightly-tested way to run tests, relies "--state=save" in check-each
# for best performance
check-run :: pure_all
\$(EATMYDATA) \$(PROVE) -bvw t/run.perl :: -j\$(N)
check :: check-each
lib/PublicInbox/UserContent.pm :: contrib/css/216dark.css
\$(PERL) -I lib \$@ \$?
# Ensure new .pm files will always be installed by updating
# the timestamp of Makefile.PL which forces Makefile to be remade
Makefile.PL : MANIFEST
touch -r MANIFEST \$@
\$(PERLRUN) \$@