#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Helper script for installing/uninstalling packages for CI use # Intended for use on non-production chroots or VMs since it # changes installed packages use strict; my $usage = "$0 PKG_FMT PROFILE [PROFILE_MOD]"; my $pkg_fmt = shift; @ARGV or die $usage, "\n"; my @test_essential = qw(Test::Simple Plack::Test); # package profiles my $profiles = { # the smallest possible profile for testing # TODO: trim this, Plack pulls in Filesys::Notify::Simple, # and we don't need that for mda-only installs essential => [ qw( git perl Date::Parse Devel::Peek Digest::SHA Email::Simple Email::MIME Email::MIME::ContentType Encode ExtUtils::MakeMaker Filesys::Notify::Simple Plack URI::Escape ), @test_essential ], # everything optional for normal use optional => [ qw( BSD::Resource DBD::SQLite DBI IO::Compress::Gzip Inline::C Net::Server Plack::Middleware::Deflater Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy Search::Xapian Socket6 highlight.pm xapian-compact ) ], # optional developer stuff devtest => [ qw( IPC::Run XML::Feed curl w3m ) ], }; # account for granularity differences between package systems and OSes my @precious; if ($^O eq 'freebsd') { @precious = qw(perl curl Socket6 IO::Compress::Gzip IO::KQueue); } elsif ($pkg_fmt eq 'rpm') { @precious = qw(perl curl); } if (@precious) { my $re = join('|', map { quotemeta($_) } @precious); for my $list (values %$profiles) { @$list = grep(!/\A(?:$re)\z/, @$list); } push @{$profiles->{essential}}, @precious; } # bare minimum for v2 $profiles->{v2essential} = [ @{$profiles->{essential}}, qw(DBD::SQLite DBI) ]; # package names which can't be mapped automatically: my $non_auto = { 'perl' => { pkg => 'perl5' }, 'Date::Parse' => { deb => 'libtimedate-perl', pkg => 'p5-TimeDate', rpm => 'perl-TimeDate', }, 'Devel::Peek' => { deb => 'perl', # libperl5.XX, but the XX varies pkg => 'perl5', }, 'Digest::SHA' => { deb => 'perl', # libperl5.XX, but the XX varies pkg => 'perl5', }, 'Encode' => { deb => 'perl', # libperl5.XX, but the XX varies pkg => 'perl5', rpm => 'perl-Encode', }, 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => { deb => 'perl', # perl-modules-5.xx pkg => 'perl5', rpm => 'perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker', }, 'IO::Compress::Gzip' => { deb => 'perl', # perl-modules-5.xx pkg => 'perl5', rpm => 'perl-IO-Compress', }, 'DBD::SQLite' => { deb => 'libdbd-sqlite3-perl' }, 'Plack::Test' => { deb => 'libplack-perl', pkg => 'p5-Plack', rpm => 'perl-Plack-Test', }, 'URI::Escape' => { deb => 'liburi-perl', pkg => 'p5-URI', rpm => 'perl-URI', }, 'Test::Simple' => { deb => 'perl', # perl-modules-5.XX, but the XX varies pkg => 'perl5', rpm => 'perl-Test-Simple', }, 'highlight.pm' => { deb => 'libhighlight-perl', pkg => [], rpm => [], }, # we call xapian-compact(1) in public-inbox-compact(1) 'xapian-compact' => { deb => 'xapian-tools', pkg => 'xapian-core', rpm => 'xapian-core', # ??? }, # OS-specific 'IO::KQueue' => { deb => [], pkg => 'p5-IO-KQueue', rpm => [], }, }; my (@pkg_install, @pkg_remove, %all); for my $ary (values %$profiles) { $all{$_} = \@pkg_remove for @$ary; } $profiles->{all} = [ keys %all ]; # pseudo-profile for all packages # parse the profile list from the command-line for my $profile (@ARGV) { if ($profile =~ s/-\z//) { # like apt-get, trailing "-" means remove profile2dst($profile, \@pkg_remove); } else { profile2dst($profile, \@pkg_install); } } # fill in @pkg_install and @pkg_remove: while (my ($pkg, $dst_pkg_list) = each %all) { push @$dst_pkg_list, list(pkg2ospkg($pkg, $pkg_fmt)); } my @apt_opts = qw(-o APT::Install-Recommends=false -o APT::Install-Suggests=false); # OS-specific cleanups appreciated if ($pkg_fmt eq 'deb') { my @quiet = $ENV{V} ? () : ('-q'); root('apt-get', @apt_opts, qw(install --purge -y), @quiet, @pkg_install, # apt-get lets you suffix a package with "-" to # remove it in an "install" sub-command: map { "$_-" } @pkg_remove); root('apt-get', @apt_opts, qw(autoremove --purge -y), @quiet); } elsif ($pkg_fmt eq 'pkg') { my @quiet = $ENV{V} ? () : ('-q'); # FreeBSD, maybe other *BSDs are similar? # don't remove stuff that isn't installed: exclude_uninstalled(\@pkg_remove); root(qw(pkg remove -y), @quiet, @pkg_remove) if @pkg_remove; root(qw(pkg install -y), @quiet, @pkg_install) if @pkg_install; root(qw(pkg autoremove -y), @quiet); # TODO: yum / rpm support } elsif ($pkg_fmt eq 'rpm') { my @quiet = $ENV{V} ? () : ('-q'); exclude_uninstalled(\@pkg_remove); root(qw(yum remove -y), @quiet, @pkg_remove) if @pkg_remove; root(qw(yum install -y), @quiet, @pkg_install) if @pkg_install; } else { die "unsupported package format: $pkg_fmt\n"; } exit 0; # map a generic package name to an OS package name sub pkg2ospkg { my ($pkg, $fmt) = @_; # check explicit overrides, first: if (my $ospkg = $non_auto->{$pkg}->{$fmt}) { return $ospkg; } # check common Perl module name patterns: if ($pkg =~ /::/ || $pkg =~ /\A[A-Z]/) { if ($fmt eq 'deb') { $pkg =~ s/::/-/g; $pkg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; return "lib$pkg-perl"; } elsif ($fmt eq 'rpm') { $pkg =~ s/::/-/g; return "perl-$pkg" } elsif ($fmt eq 'pkg') { $pkg =~ s/::/-/g; return "p5-$pkg" } else { die "unsupported package format: $fmt for $pkg\n" } } # use package name as-is (e.g. 'curl' or 'w3m') $pkg; } # maps a install profile to a package list (@pkg_remove or @pkg_install) sub profile2dst { my ($profile, $dst_pkg_list) = @_; if (my $pkg_list = $profiles->{$profile}) { $all{$_} = $dst_pkg_list for @$pkg_list; } elsif ($all{$profile}) { # $profile is just a package name $all{$profile} = $dst_pkg_list; } else { die "unrecognized profile or package: $profile\n"; } } sub exclude_uninstalled { my ($list) = @_; my %inst_check = ( pkg => sub { system(qw(pkg info -q), $_[0]) == 0 }, deb => sub { system("dpkg -s $_[0] >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 }, rpm => sub { system("rpm -qs $_[0] >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 }, ); my $cb = $inst_check{$pkg_fmt} || die <<""; don't know how to check install status for $pkg_fmt my @tmp; for my $pkg (@$list) { push @tmp, $pkg if $cb->($pkg); } @$list = @tmp; } sub root { print join(' ', @_), "\n"; return if $ENV{DRY_RUN}; return if system(@_) == 0; warn 'command failed: ', join(' ', @_), "\n"; exit($? >> 8); } # ensure result can be pushed into an array: sub list { my ($pkg) = @_; ref($pkg) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$pkg : $pkg; }