# ==> /etc/systemd/system/public-inbox-imapd.socket <== # This contains 5 sockets for an public-inbox-imapd instance. # The TCP ports are well-known ports registered in /etc/services. # The /run/imapd.onion.sock entry is meant for the Tor hidden service # enabled by the following line in the torrc(5) file: # HiddenServicePort 143 unix:/run/imapd.onion.sock [Unit] Description = public-inbox-imapd sockets [Socket] ListenStream = ListenStream = ListenStream = /run/imapd.onion.sock # Separating IPv4 from IPv6 listeners makes for nicer output # of IPv4 addresses in various reporting/monitoring tools BindIPv6Only = ipv6-only ListenStream = [::]:143 ListenStream = [::]:993 Service = public-inbox-imapd@1.service [Install] WantedBy = sockets.target