# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # Used throughout the project for reading configuration # # Note: I hate camelCase; but git-config(1) uses it, but it's better # than alllowercasewithoutunderscores, so use lc('configKey') where # applicable for readability package PublicInbox::Config; use strict; use warnings; require PublicInbox::Inbox; use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd); sub _array ($) { ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : [ $_[0] ] } # returns key-value pairs of config directives in a hash # if keys may be multi-value, the value is an array ref containing all values sub new { my ($class, $file) = @_; $file = default_file() unless defined($file); $file = ref $file ? $file : git_config_dump($file); my $self = bless $file, $class; # caches $self->{-by_addr} ||= {}; $self->{-by_name} ||= {}; $self->{-by_newsgroup} ||= {}; $self->{-no_obfuscate} ||= {}; $self->{-limiters} ||= {}; $self->{-code_repos} ||= {}; # nick => PublicInbox::Git object if (my $no = delete $self->{'publicinbox.noobfuscate'}) { $no = [ $no ] if ref($no) ne 'ARRAY'; my @domains; foreach my $n (@$no) { my @n = split(/\s+/, $n); foreach (@n) { if (/\S+@\S+/) { # full address $self->{-no_obfuscate}->{lc $_} = 1; } else { # allow "example.com" or "@example.com" s/\A@//; push @domains, quotemeta($_); } } } my $nod = join('|', @domains); $self->{-no_obfuscate_re} = qr/(?:$nod)\z/i; } if (my $css = delete $self->{'publicinbox.css'}) { $self->{css} = _array($css); } $self; } sub lookup { my ($self, $recipient) = @_; my $addr = lc($recipient); my $inbox = $self->{-by_addr}->{$addr}; return $inbox if $inbox; my $pfx; foreach my $k (keys %$self) { $k =~ m!\A(publicinbox\.[^/]+)\.address\z! or next; my $v = $self->{$k}; if (ref($v) eq "ARRAY") { foreach my $alias (@$v) { (lc($alias) eq $addr) or next; $pfx = $1; last; } } else { (lc($v) eq $addr) or next; $pfx = $1; last; } } defined $pfx or return; _fill($self, $pfx); } sub lookup_name ($$) { my ($self, $name) = @_; $self->{-by_name}->{$name} || _fill($self, "publicinbox.$name"); } sub each_inbox { my ($self, $cb) = @_; if (my $section_order = $self->{-section_order}) { foreach my $section (@$section_order) { next if $section !~ m!\Apublicinbox\.([^/]+)\z!; $self->{"publicinbox.$1.mainrepo"} or next; my $ibx = lookup_name($self, $1) or next; $cb->($ibx); } } else { my %seen; foreach my $k (keys %$self) { $k =~ m!\Apublicinbox\.([^/]+)\.mainrepo\z! or next; next if $seen{$1}; $seen{$1} = 1; my $ibx = lookup_name($self, $1) or next; $cb->($ibx); } } } sub lookup_newsgroup { my ($self, $ng) = @_; $ng = lc($ng); my $rv = $self->{-by_newsgroup}->{$ng}; return $rv if $rv; foreach my $k (keys %$self) { $k =~ m!\A(publicinbox\.[^/]+)\.newsgroup\z! or next; my $v = $self->{$k}; my $pfx = $1; if ($v eq $ng) { $rv = _fill($self, $pfx); return $rv; } } undef; } sub limiter { my ($self, $name) = @_; $self->{-limiters}->{$name} ||= do { require PublicInbox::Qspawn; my $max = $self->{"publicinboxlimiter.$name.max"}; PublicInbox::Qspawn::Limiter->new($max); }; } sub config_dir { $ENV{PI_DIR} || "$ENV{HOME}/.public-inbox" } sub default_file { my $f = $ENV{PI_CONFIG}; return $f if defined $f; config_dir() . '/config'; } sub git_config_dump { my ($file) = @_; my (%section_seen, @section_order); my @cmd = (qw/git config/, "--file=$file", '-l'); my $cmd = join(' ', @cmd); my $fh = popen_rd(\@cmd) or die "popen_rd failed for $file: $!\n"; my %rv; local $/ = "\n"; while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) { chomp $line; my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $line, 2); my ($section) = ($k =~ /\A(\S+)\.[^\.]+\z/); unless (defined $section_seen{$section}) { $section_seen{$section} = 1; push @section_order, $section; } my $cur = $rv{$k}; if (defined $cur) { if (ref($cur) eq "ARRAY") { push @$cur, $v; } else { $rv{$k} = [ $cur, $v ]; } } else { $rv{$k} = $v; } } close $fh or die "failed to close ($cmd) pipe: $?"; $rv{-section_order} = \@section_order; \%rv; } sub valid_inbox_name ($) { my ($name) = @_; # Similar rules found in git.git/remote.c::valid_remote_nick # and git.git/refs.c::check_refname_component # We don't reject /\.lock\z/, however, since we don't lock refs if ($name eq '' || $name =~ /\@\{/ || $name =~ /\.\./ || $name =~ m![/:\?\[\]\^~\s\f[:cntrl:]\*]! || $name =~ /\A\./ || $name =~ /\.\z/) { return 0; } # Note: we allow URL-unfriendly characters; users may configure # non-HTTP-accessible inboxes 1; } # parse a code repo # Only git is supported at the moment, but SVN and Hg are possibilities sub _fill_code_repo { my ($self, $nick) = @_; my $pfx = "coderepo.$nick"; my $dir = $self->{"$pfx.dir"}; # aka "GIT_DIR" unless (defined $dir) { warn "$pfx.repodir unset"; return; } my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($dir); foreach my $t (qw(blob commit tree tag)) { $git->{$t.'_url_format'} = _array($self->{lc("$pfx.${t}UrlFormat")}); } if (my $cgits = $self->{lc("$pfx.cgitUrl")}) { $git->{cgit_url} = $cgits = _array($cgits); # cgit supports "/blob/?id=%s", but it's only a plain-text # display and requires an unabbreviated id= foreach my $t (qw(blob commit tag)) { $git->{$t.'_url_format'} ||= map { "$_/$t/?id=%s" } @$cgits; } } # TODO: support gitweb and other repository viewers? # TODO: parse cgitrc $git; } sub _fill { my ($self, $pfx) = @_; my $rv = {}; foreach my $k (qw(mainrepo filter url newsgroup infourl watch watchheader httpbackendmax replyto feedmax nntpserver indexlevel)) { my $v = $self->{"$pfx.$k"}; $rv->{$k} = $v if defined $v; } foreach my $k (qw(obfuscate)) { my $v = $self->{"$pfx.$k"}; defined $v or next; if ($v =~ /\A(?:false|no|off|0)\z/) { $rv->{$k} = 0; } elsif ($v =~ /\A(?:true|yes|on|1)\z/) { $rv->{$k} = 1; } else { warn "Ignoring $pfx.$k=$v in config, not boolean\n"; } } # TODO: more arrays, we should support multi-value for # more things to encourage decentralization foreach my $k (qw(address altid nntpmirror coderepo)) { if (defined(my $v = $self->{"$pfx.$k"})) { $rv->{$k} = _array($v); } } return unless $rv->{mainrepo}; my $name = $pfx; $name =~ s/\Apublicinbox\.//; if (!valid_inbox_name($name)) { warn "invalid inbox name: '$name'\n"; return; } $rv->{name} = $name; $rv->{-pi_config} = $self; $rv = PublicInbox::Inbox->new($rv); foreach (@{$rv->{address}}) { my $lc_addr = lc($_); $self->{-by_addr}->{$lc_addr} = $rv; $self->{-no_obfuscate}->{$lc_addr} = 1; } if (my $ng = $rv->{newsgroup}) { $self->{-by_newsgroup}->{$ng} = $rv; } $self->{-by_name}->{$name} = $rv; if ($rv->{obfuscate}) { $rv->{-no_obfuscate} = $self->{-no_obfuscate}; $rv->{-no_obfuscate_re} = $self->{-no_obfuscate_re}; each_inbox($self, sub {}); # noop to populate -no_obfuscate } if (my $ibx_code_repos = $rv->{coderepo}) { my $code_repos = $self->{-code_repos}; my $repo_objs = $rv->{-repo_objs} = []; foreach my $nick (@$ibx_code_repos) { valid_inbox_name($nick) or next; my $repo = $code_repos->{$nick} ||= _fill_code_repo($self, $nick); push @$repo_objs, $repo if $repo; } } $rv } 1;