# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # Each instance of this represents an IMAP client connected to # public-inbox-imapd. Much of this was taken from NNTP, but # further refined while experimenting on future ideas to handle # slow storage. # # data notes: # * NNTP article numbers are UIDs and message sequence numbers (MSNs) # * Message sequence numbers (MSNs) can be stable since we're read-only. # Most IMAP clients use UIDs (I hope), and we can return a dummy # message if a client requests a non-existent MSN. package PublicInbox::IMAP; use strict; use base qw(PublicInbox::DS); use fields qw(imapd logged_in ibx long_cb -login_tag -idle_tag -idle_max); use PublicInbox::Eml; use PublicInbox::DS qw(now); use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLIN EPOLLONESHOT); use Errno qw(EAGAIN); my $Address; for my $mod (qw(Email::Address::XS Mail::Address)) { eval "require $mod" or next; $Address = $mod and last; } die "neither Email::Address::XS nor Mail::Address loaded: $@" if !$Address; sub LINE_MAX () { 512 } # does RFC 3501 have a limit like RFC 977? my %FETCH_NEED_BLOB = ( # for future optimization 'BODY.PEEK[HEADER]' => 1, 'BODY.PEEK[TEXT]' => 1, 'BODY.PEEK[]' => 1, 'BODY[HEADER]' => 1, 'BODY[TEXT]' => 1, 'BODY[]' => 1, 'RFC822.HEADER' => 1, 'RFC822.SIZE' => 1, # needs CRLF conversion :< 'RFC822.TEXT' => 1, BODY => 1, BODYSTRUCTURE => 1, ENVELOPE => 1, FLAGS => 0, INTERNALDATE => 0, RFC822 => 1, UID => 0, ); my %FETCH_ATT = map { $_ => [ $_ ] } keys %FETCH_NEED_BLOB; # aliases (RFC 3501 section 6.4.5) $FETCH_ATT{FAST} = [ qw(FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE) ]; $FETCH_ATT{ALL} = [ @{$FETCH_ATT{FAST}}, 'ENVELOPE' ]; $FETCH_ATT{FULL} = [ @{$FETCH_ATT{ALL}}, 'BODY' ]; for my $att (keys %FETCH_ATT) { my %h = map { $_ => 1 } @{$FETCH_ATT{$att}}; $FETCH_ATT{$att} = \%h; } sub greet ($) { my ($self) = @_; my $capa = capa($self); $self->write(\"* OK [$capa] public-inbox-imapd ready\r\n"); } sub new ($$$) { my ($class, $sock, $imapd) = @_; my $self = fields::new($class); my $ev = EPOLLIN; my $wbuf; if ($sock->can('accept_SSL') && !$sock->accept_SSL) { return CORE::close($sock) if $! != EAGAIN; $ev = PublicInbox::TLS::epollbit(); $wbuf = [ \&PublicInbox::DS::accept_tls_step, \&greet ]; } $self->SUPER::new($sock, $ev | EPOLLONESHOT); $self->{imapd} = $imapd; if ($wbuf) { $self->{wbuf} = $wbuf; } else { greet($self); } $self->update_idle_time; $self; } sub capa ($) { my ($self) = @_; # dovecot advertises IDLE pre-login; perhaps because some clients # depend on it, so we'll do the same my $capa = 'CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 IDLE'; if ($self->{logged_in}) { $capa .= ' COMPRESS=DEFLATE'; } else { if (!($self->{sock} // $self)->can('accept_SSL') && $self->{imapd}->{accept_tls}) { $capa .= ' STARTTLS'; } $capa .= ' AUTH=ANONYMOUS'; } } sub login_success ($$) { my ($self, $tag) = @_; $self->{logged_in} = 1; my $capa = capa($self); "$tag OK [$capa] Logged in\r\n"; } sub auth_challenge_ok ($) { my ($self) = @_; my $tag = delete($self->{-login_tag}) or return; login_success($self, $tag); } sub cmd_login ($$$$) { my ($self, $tag) = @_; # ignore ($user, $password) = ($_[2], $_[3]) login_success($self, $tag); } sub cmd_logout ($$) { my ($self, $tag) = @_; delete $self->{logged_in}; $self->write(\"* BYE logging out\r\n$tag OK logout completed\r\n"); $self->shutdn; # PublicInbox::DS::shutdn undef; } sub cmd_authenticate ($$$) { my ($self, $tag) = @_; # $method = $_[2], should be "ANONYMOUS" $self->{-login_tag} = $tag; "+\r\n"; # challenge } sub cmd_capability ($$) { my ($self, $tag) = @_; '* '.capa($self)."\r\n$tag OK\r\n"; } sub cmd_noop ($$) { "$_[1] OK NOOP completed\r\n" } # called by PublicInbox::InboxIdle sub on_inbox_unlock { my ($self, $ibx) = @_; my $new = ($ibx->mm->minmax)[1]; defined(my $old = $self->{-idle_max}) or die 'BUG: -idle_max unset'; if ($new > $old) { $self->{-idle_max} = $new; $self->msg_more("* $_ EXISTS\r\n") for (($old + 1)..($new - 1)); $self->write(\"* $new EXISTS\r\n"); } } sub cmd_idle ($$) { my ($self, $tag) = @_; # IDLE seems allowed by dovecot w/o a mailbox selected *shrug* my $ibx = $self->{ibx} or return "$tag BAD no mailbox selected\r\n"; $ibx->subscribe_unlock(fileno($self->{sock}), $self); $self->{-idle_tag} = $tag; $self->{-idle_max} = ($ibx->mm->minmax)[1] // 0; "+ idling\r\n" } sub cmd_done ($$) { my ($self, $tag) = @_; # $tag is "DONE" (case-insensitive) defined(my $idle_tag = delete $self->{-idle_tag}) or return "$tag BAD not idle\r\n"; my $ibx = $self->{ibx} or do { warn "BUG: idle_tag set w/o inbox"; return "$tag BAD internal bug\r\n"; }; $ibx->unsubscribe_unlock(fileno($self->{sock})); "$idle_tag OK Idle completed\r\n"; } sub cmd_examine ($$$) { my ($self, $tag, $mailbox) = @_; my $ibx = $self->{imapd}->{groups}->{$mailbox} or return "$tag NO Mailbox doesn't exist: $mailbox\r\n"; my $mm = $ibx->mm; my $max = $mm->num_highwater // 0; # RFC 3501 - "A good UIDVALIDITY value to use in # this case is a 32-bit representation of the creation # date/time of the mailbox" my $uidvalidity = $mm->created_at or return "$tag BAD UIDVALIDITY\r\n"; my $uidnext = $max + 1; # XXX: do we need this? RFC 5162/7162 my $ret = $self->{ibx} ? "* OK [CLOSED] previous closed\r\n" : ''; $self->{ibx} = $ibx; $ret .= <header_raw($x) // ($y ? $eml->header_raw($y) : undef) // return 'NIL'; my @x = $Address->parse($v) or return 'NIL'; '(' . join('', map { '(' . join(' ', _esc($_->name), 'NIL', _esc($_->user), _esc($_->host) ) . ')' } @x) . ')'; } sub eml_envelope ($) { my ($eml) = @_; '(' . join(' ', _esc($eml->header_raw('Date')), _esc($eml->header_raw('Subject')), addr_envelope($eml, 'From'), addr_envelope($eml, 'Sender', 'From'), addr_envelope($eml, 'Reply-To', 'From'), addr_envelope($eml, 'To'), addr_envelope($eml, 'Cc'), addr_envelope($eml, 'Bcc'), _esc($eml->header_raw('In-Reply-To')), _esc($eml->header_raw('Message-ID')), ) . ')'; } sub uid_fetch_cb { # called by git->cat_async my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $fetch_m_arg) = @_; my ($self, undef, $ibx, undef, undef, $msgs, $want) = @$fetch_m_arg; my $smsg = shift @$msgs or die 'BUG: no smsg'; $smsg->{blob} eq $oid or die "BUG: $smsg->{blob} != $oid"; $$bref =~ s/(?msg_more("* $smsg->{num} FETCH (UID $smsg->{num}"); $want->{'RFC822.SIZE'} and $self->msg_more(' RFC822.SIZE '.length($$bref)); $want->{INTERNALDATE} and $self->msg_more(' INTERNALDATE "'.$smsg->internaldate.'"'); $want->{FLAGS} and $self->msg_more(' FLAGS ()'); for ('RFC822', 'BODY[]', 'BODY.PEEK[]') { next unless $want->{$_}; $self->msg_more(" $_ {".length($$bref)."}\r\n"); $self->msg_more($$bref); } my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref); $want->{ENVELOPE} and $self->msg_more(' ENVELOPE '.eml_envelope($eml)); for my $f ('RFC822.HEADER', 'BODY[HEADER]', 'BODY.PEEK[HEADER]') { next unless $want->{$f}; $self->msg_more(" $f {".length(${$eml->{hdr}})."}\r\n"); $self->msg_more(${$eml->{hdr}}); } for my $f ('RFC822.TEXT', 'BODY[TEXT]') { next unless $want->{$f}; $self->msg_more(" $f {".length($$bref)."}\r\n"); $self->msg_more($$bref); } # TODO BODY/BODYSTRUCTURE, specific headers $self->msg_more(")\r\n"); } sub uid_fetch_m { # long_response my ($self, $tag, $ibx, $beg, $end, $msgs, $want) = @_; if (!@$msgs) { # refill @$msgs = @{$ibx->over->query_xover($$beg, $end)}; if (!@$msgs) { $self->write(\"$tag OK Fetch done\r\n"); return; } $$beg = $msgs->[-1]->{num} + 1; } my $git = $ibx->git; $git->cat_async_begin; # TODO: actually make async $git->cat_async($msgs->[0]->{blob}, \&uid_fetch_cb, \@_); $git->cat_async_wait; 1; } sub cmd_uid_fetch ($$$;@) { my ($self, $tag, $range, @want) = @_; my $ibx = $self->{ibx} or return "$tag BAD No mailbox selected\r\n"; if ($want[0] =~ s/\A\(//s) { $want[-1] =~ s/\)\z//s or return "$tag BAD no rparen\r\n"; } my %want = map {; my $x = $FETCH_ATT{uc($_)} or return "$tag BAD param: $_\r\n"; %$x; } @want; my ($beg, $end); my $msgs = []; if ($range =~ /\A([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\z/s) { ($beg, $end) = ($1, $2); } elsif ($range =~ /\A([0-9]+):\*\z/s) { ($beg, $end) = ($1, $ibx->mm->num_highwater // 0); } elsif ($range =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/) { my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($range) or return "$tag OK\r\n"; push @$msgs, $smsg; ($beg, $end) = ($range, 0); } else { return "$tag BAD\r\n"; } long_response($self, \&uid_fetch_m, $tag, $ibx, \$beg, $end, $msgs, \%want); } sub uid_search_all { # long_response my ($self, $tag, $ibx, $num) = @_; my $uids = $ibx->mm->ids_after($num); if (scalar(@$uids)) { $self->msg_more(join(' ', '', @$uids)); } else { $self->write(\"\r\n$tag OK\r\n"); undef; } } sub uid_search_uid_range { # long_response my ($self, $tag, $ibx, $beg, $end) = @_; my $uids = $ibx->mm->msg_range($beg, $end, 'num'); if (@$uids) { $self->msg_more(join('', map { " $_->[0]" } @$uids)); } else { $self->write(\"\r\n$tag OK\r\n"); undef; } } sub cmd_uid_search ($$$;) { my ($self, $tag, $arg, @rest) = @_; my $ibx = $self->{ibx} or return "$tag BAD No mailbox selected\r\n"; $arg = uc($arg); if ($arg eq 'ALL' && !@rest) { $self->msg_more('* SEARCH'); my $num = 0; long_response($self, \&uid_search_all, $tag, $ibx, \$num); } elsif ($arg eq 'UID' && scalar(@rest) == 1) { if ($rest[0] =~ /\A([0-9]+):([0-9]+|\*)\z/s) { my ($beg, $end) = ($1, $2); $end = ($ibx->mm->minmax)[1] if $end eq '*'; $self->msg_more('* SEARCH'); long_response($self, \&uid_search_uid_range, $tag, $ibx, \$beg, $end); } elsif ($rest[0] =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/s) { my $uid = $rest[0]; $uid = $ibx->over->get_art($uid) ? " $uid" : ''; "* SEARCH$uid\r\n$tag OK\r\n"; } else { "$tag BAD\r\n"; } } else { "$tag BAD\r\n"; } } sub args_ok ($$) { # duplicated from PublicInbox::NNTP my ($cb, $argc) = @_; my $tot = prototype $cb; my ($nreq, undef) = split(';', $tot); $nreq = ($nreq =~ tr/$//) - 1; $tot = ($tot =~ tr/$//) - 1; ($argc <= $tot && $argc >= $nreq); } # returns 1 if we can continue, 0 if not due to buffered writes or disconnect sub process_line ($$) { my ($self, $l) = @_; my ($tag, $req, @args) = split(/[ \t]+/, $l); if (@args && uc($req) eq 'UID') { $req .= "_".(shift @args); } my $res = eval { if (my $cmd = $self->can('cmd_'.lc($req // ''))) { defined($self->{-idle_tag}) ? "$self->{-idle_tag} BAD expected DONE\r\n" : $cmd->($self, $tag, @args); } elsif (uc($tag // '') eq 'DONE' && !defined($req)) { cmd_done($self, $tag); } else { # this is weird auth_challenge_ok($self) // "$tag BAD Error in IMAP command $req: ". "Unknown command\r\n"; } }; my $err = $@; if ($err && $self->{sock}) { $l =~ s/\r?\n//s; err($self, 'error from: %s (%s)', $l, $err); $res = "$tag BAD program fault - command not performed\r\n"; } return 0 unless defined $res; $self->write($res); } sub long_step { my ($self) = @_; # wbuf is unset or empty, here; {long} may add to it my ($fd, $cb, $t0, @args) = @{$self->{long_cb}}; my $more = eval { $cb->($self, @args) }; if ($@ || !$self->{sock}) { # something bad happened... delete $self->{long_cb}; my $elapsed = now() - $t0; if ($@) { err($self, "%s during long response[$fd] - %0.6f", $@, $elapsed); } out($self, " deferred[$fd] aborted - %0.6f", $elapsed); $self->close; } elsif ($more) { # $self->{wbuf}: $self->update_idle_time; # COMPRESS users all share the same DEFLATE context. # Flush it here to ensure clients don't see # each other's data $self->zflush; # no recursion, schedule another call ASAP, but only after # all pending writes are done. autovivify wbuf: my $new_size = push(@{$self->{wbuf}}, \&long_step); # wbuf may be populated by $cb, no need to rearm if so: $self->requeue if $new_size == 1; } else { # all done! delete $self->{long_cb}; my $elapsed = now() - $t0; my $fd = fileno($self->{sock}); out($self, " deferred[$fd] done - %0.6f", $elapsed); my $wbuf = $self->{wbuf}; # do NOT autovivify $self->requeue unless $wbuf && @$wbuf; } } sub err ($$;@) { my ($self, $fmt, @args) = @_; printf { $self->{imapd}->{err} } $fmt."\n", @args; } sub out ($$;@) { my ($self, $fmt, @args) = @_; printf { $self->{imapd}->{out} } $fmt."\n", @args; } sub long_response ($$;@) { my ($self, $cb, @args) = @_; # cb returns true if more, false if done my $sock = $self->{sock} or return; # make sure we disable reading during a long response, # clients should not be sending us stuff and making us do more # work while we are stream a response to them $self->{long_cb} = [ fileno($sock), $cb, now(), @args ]; long_step($self); # kick off! undef; } # callback used by PublicInbox::DS for any (e)poll (in/out/hup/err) sub event_step { my ($self) = @_; return unless $self->flush_write && $self->{sock}; $self->update_idle_time; # only read more requests if we've drained the write buffer, # otherwise we can be buffering infinitely w/o backpressure my $rbuf = $self->{rbuf} // (\(my $x = '')); my $r = 1; if (index($$rbuf, "\n") < 0) { my $off = length($$rbuf); $r = $self->do_read($rbuf, LINE_MAX, $off) or return; } while ($r > 0 && $$rbuf =~ s/\A[ \t]*([^\n]*?)\r?\n//) { my $line = $1; return $self->close if $line =~ /[[:cntrl:]]/s; my $t0 = now(); my $fd = fileno($self->{sock}); $r = eval { process_line($self, $line) }; my $pending = $self->{wbuf} ? ' pending' : ''; out($self, "[$fd] %s - %0.6f$pending", $line, now() - $t0); } return $self->close if $r < 0; my $len = length($$rbuf); return $self->close if ($len >= LINE_MAX); $self->rbuf_idle($rbuf); $self->update_idle_time; # maybe there's more pipelined data, or we'll have # to register it for socket-readiness notifications $self->requeue unless $self->{wbuf}; } sub compressed { undef } sub zflush {} # overridden by IMAPdeflate # RFC 4978 sub cmd_compress ($$$) { my ($self, $tag, $alg) = @_; return "$tag BAD DEFLATE only\r\n" if uc($alg) ne "DEFLATE"; return "$tag BAD COMPRESS active\r\n" if $self->compressed; # CRIME made TLS compression obsolete # return "$tag NO [COMPRESSIONACTIVE]\r\n" if $self->tls_compressed; PublicInbox::IMAPdeflate->enable($self, $tag); $self->requeue; undef } sub cmd_starttls ($$) { my ($self, $tag) = @_; my $sock = $self->{sock} or return; if ($sock->can('stop_SSL') || $self->compressed) { return "$tag BAD TLS or compression already enabled\r\n"; } my $opt = $self->{imapd}->{accept_tls} or return "$tag BAD can not initiate TLS negotiation\r\n"; $self->write(\"$tag OK begin TLS negotiation now\r\n"); $self->{sock} = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($sock, %$opt); $self->requeue if PublicInbox::DS::accept_tls_step($self); undef; } # for graceful shutdown in PublicInbox::Daemon: sub busy { my ($self, $now) = @_; ($self->{rbuf} || $self->{wbuf} || $self->not_idle_long($now)); } sub close { my ($self) = @_; if (my $ibx = delete $self->{ibx}) { if (my $sock = $self->{sock}) {; $ibx->unsubscribe_unlock(fileno($sock)); } } $self->SUPER::close; # PublicInbox::DS::close } # we're read-only, so SELECT and EXAMINE do the same thing no warnings 'once'; *cmd_select = \&cmd_examine; 1;