# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # represents an IMAPD (currently a singleton), # see script/public-inbox-imapd for how it is used package PublicInbox::IMAPD; use strict; use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::InboxIdle; use PublicInbox::IMAP; use PublicInbox::DummyInbox; my $dummy = bless { uidvalidity => 0 }, 'PublicInbox::DummyInbox'; sub new { my ($class) = @_; bless { mailboxes => {}, err => \*STDERR, out => \*STDOUT, # accept_tls => { SSL_server => 1, ..., SSL_reuse_ctx => ... } # pi_config => PublicInbox::Config # idler => PublicInbox::InboxIdle }, $class; } sub imapd_refresh_ibx { # pi_config->each_inbox cb my ($ibx, $imapd) = @_; my $ngname = $ibx->{newsgroup} or return; if (ref $ngname) { warn 'multiple newsgroups not supported: '. join(', ', @$ngname). "\n"; return; } elsif ($ngname =~ m![^a-z0-9/_\.\-\~\@\+\=:]! || $ngname =~ /\.[0-9]+-[0-9]+\z/) { warn "mailbox name invalid: newsgroup=`$ngname'\n"; return; } $ibx->over or return; $ibx->{over} = undef; my $mm = $ibx->mm or return; $ibx->{mm} = undef; # RFC 3501 - "A good UIDVALIDITY value to use in # this case is a 32-bit representation of the creation # date/time of the mailbox" defined($ibx->{uidvalidity} = $mm->created_at) or return; PublicInbox::IMAP::ensure_ranges_exist($imapd, $ibx, $mm->max // 1); # preload to avoid fragmentation: $ibx->description; $ibx->base_url; # ensure dummies are selectable my $dummies = $imapd->{dummies}; do { $dummies->{$ngname} = $dummy; } while ($ngname =~ s/\.[^\.]+\z//); } sub imapd_refresh_finalize { my ($imapd, $pi_config) = @_; my $mailboxes; if (my $next = delete $imapd->{imapd_next}) { $imapd->{mailboxes} = delete $next->{mailboxes}; $mailboxes = delete $next->{dummies}; } else { $mailboxes = delete $imapd->{dummies}; } %$mailboxes = (%$mailboxes, %{$imapd->{mailboxes}}); $imapd->{mailboxes} = $mailboxes; $imapd->{inboxlist} = [ map { my $no = $mailboxes->{$_} == $dummy ? '' : 'No'; qq[* LIST (\\Has${no}Children) "." $_\r\n] } sort { # shortest names first, alphabetically if lengths match length($a) == length($b) ? ($a cmp $b) : (length($a) <=> length($b)) } keys %$mailboxes ]; $imapd->{pi_config} = $pi_config; if (my $idler = $imapd->{idler}) { $idler->refresh($pi_config); } } sub imapd_refresh_step { # pi_config->iterate_start cb my ($pi_config, $section, $imapd) = @_; if (defined($section)) { return if $section !~ m!\Apublicinbox\.([^/]+)\z!; my $ibx = $pi_config->lookup_name($1) or return; imapd_refresh_ibx($ibx, $imapd->{imapd_next}); } else { # undef == "EOF" imapd_refresh_finalize($imapd, $pi_config); } } sub refresh_groups { my ($self, $sig) = @_; my $pi_config = PublicInbox::Config->new; if ($sig) { # SIGHUP is handled through the event loop $self->{imapd_next} = { dummies => {}, mailboxes => {} }; $pi_config->iterate_start(\&imapd_refresh_step, $self); PublicInbox::DS::requeue($pi_config); # call event_step } else { # initial start is synchronous $self->{dummies} = {}; $pi_config->each_inbox(\&imapd_refresh_ibx, $self); imapd_refresh_finalize($self, $pi_config); } } sub idler_start { $_[0]->{idler} //= PublicInbox::InboxIdle->new($_[0]->{pi_config}); } 1;