# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # git fast-import-based ssoma-mda MDA replacement # This is only ever run by public-inbox-mda and public-inbox-learn, # not the WWW or NNTP code which only requires read-only access. package PublicInbox::Import; use strict; use warnings; use Fcntl qw(:flock :DEFAULT); use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(spawn); use PublicInbox::MID qw(mid_mime mid2path); use PublicInbox::Address; use PublicInbox::ContentId qw(content_id); use Date::Parse qw(str2time); use Time::Zone qw(tz_offset); sub new { my ($class, $git, $name, $email, $ibx) = @_; my $ref = 'refs/heads/master'; if ($ibx) { $ref = $ibx->{ref_head} || 'refs/heads/master'; $name ||= $ibx->{name}; $email ||= $ibx->{-primary_address}; } bless { git => $git, ident => "$name <$email>", mark => 1, ref => $ref, inbox => $ibx, path_type => '2/38', # or 'v2' ssoma_lock => 1, # disable for v2 }, $class } # idempotent start function sub gfi_start { my ($self) = @_; return ($self->{in}, $self->{out}) if $self->{pid}; my ($in_r, $in_w, $out_r, $out_w); pipe($in_r, $in_w) or die "pipe failed: $!"; pipe($out_r, $out_w) or die "pipe failed: $!"; my $git = $self->{git}; my $git_dir = $git->{git_dir}; my $lockfh; if ($self->{ssoma_lock}) { my $lockpath = "$git_dir/ssoma.lock"; sysopen($lockfh, $lockpath, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT) or die "failed to open lock $lockpath: $!"; # wait for other processes to be done flock($lockfh, LOCK_EX) or die "lock failed: $!\n"; } local $/ = "\n"; chomp($self->{tip} = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse --revs-only), $self->{ref})); my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$git_dir", qw(fast-import --quiet --done --date-format=raw)); my $rdr = { 0 => fileno($out_r), 1 => fileno($in_w) }; my $pid = spawn(\@cmd, undef, $rdr); die "spawn fast-import failed: $!" unless defined $pid; $out_w->autoflush(1); $self->{in} = $in_r; $self->{out} = $out_w; $self->{lockfh} = $lockfh; $self->{pid} = $pid; $self->{nchg} = 0; binmode $out_w, ':raw' or die "binmode :raw failed: $!"; binmode $in_r, ':raw' or die "binmode :raw failed: $!"; ($in_r, $out_w); } sub wfail () { die "write to fast-import failed: $!" } sub now_raw () { time . ' +0000' } sub norm_body ($) { my ($mime) = @_; my $b = $mime->body_raw; $b =~ s/(\r?\n)+\z//s; $b } # only used for v1 (ssoma) inboxes sub _check_path ($$$$) { my ($r, $w, $tip, $path) = @_; return if $tip eq ''; print $w "ls $tip $path\n" or wfail; local $/ = "\n"; defined(my $info = <$r>) or die "EOF from fast-import: $!"; $info =~ /\Amissing / ? undef : $info; } sub check_remove_v1 { my ($r, $w, $tip, $path, $mime) = @_; my $info = _check_path($r, $w, $tip, $path) or return ('MISSING',undef); $info =~ m!\A100644 blob ([a-f0-9]{40})\t!s or die "not blob: $info"; my $blob = $1; print $w "cat-blob $blob\n" or wfail; local $/ = "\n"; $info = <$r>; defined $info or die "EOF from fast-import / cat-blob: $!"; $info =~ /\A[a-f0-9]{40} blob (\d+)\n\z/ or die "unexpected cat-blob response: $info"; my $left = $1; my $offset = 0; my $buf = ''; my $n; while ($left > 0) { $n = read($r, $buf, $left, $offset); defined($n) or die "read cat-blob failed: $!"; $n == 0 and die 'fast-export (cat-blob) died'; $left -= $n; $offset += $n; } $n = read($r, my $lf, 1); defined($n) or die "read final byte of cat-blob failed: $!"; die "bad read on final byte: <$lf>" if $lf ne "\n"; my $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($buf); my $cur_s = $cur->header('Subject'); $cur_s = '' unless defined $cur_s; my $cur_m = $mime->header('Subject'); $cur_m = '' unless defined $cur_m; if ($cur_s ne $cur_m || norm_body($cur) ne norm_body($mime)) { return ('MISMATCH', $cur); } (undef, $cur); } # used for v2 (maybe) sub checkpoint { my ($self) = @_; return unless $self->{pid}; print { $self->{out} } "checkpoint\n" or wfail; undef; } # used for v2 sub get_mark { my ($self, $mark) = @_; die "not active\n" unless $self->{pid}; my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start; print $w "get-mark $mark\n" or wfail; defined(my $oid = <$r>) or die "get-mark failed, need git 2.6.0+\n"; $oid; } # returns undef on non-existent # ('MISMATCH', Email::MIME) on mismatch # (:MARK, Email::MIME) on success # # For v2 inboxes, the content_id is returned instead of the msg # v2 callers should check with Xapian before calling this as # it is not idempotent. sub remove { my ($self, $mime, $msg) = @_; # mime = Email::MIME my $path_type = $self->{path_type}; my ($path, $err, $cur, $blob); my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start; my $tip = $self->{tip}; if ($path_type eq '2/38') { $path = mid2path(mid_mime($mime)); ($err, $cur) = check_remove_v1($r, $w, $tip, $path, $mime); return ($err, $cur) if $err; } else { $cur = content_id($mime); my $len = length($cur); $blob = $self->{mark}++; print $w "blob\nmark :$blob\ndata $len\n$cur\n" or wfail; } my $ref = $self->{ref}; my $commit = $self->{mark}++; my $parent = $tip =~ /\A:/ ? $tip : undef; unless ($parent) { print $w "reset $ref\n" or wfail; } my $ident = $self->{ident}; my $now = now_raw(); $msg ||= 'rm'; my $len = length($msg) + 1; print $w "commit $ref\nmark :$commit\n", "author $ident $now\n", "committer $ident $now\n", "data $len\n$msg\n\n", 'from ', ($parent ? $parent : $tip), "\n" or wfail; if (defined $path) { print $w "D $path\n\n" or wfail; } else { print $w "M 100644 :$blob d\n\n" or wfail; } $self->{nchg}++; (($self->{tip} = ":$commit"), $cur); } sub parse_date ($) { my ($mime) = @_; my $hdr = $mime->header_obj; my $date = $hdr->header_raw('Date'); my ($ts, $zone); my $mid = $hdr->header_raw('Message-ID'); if ($date) { $ts = eval { str2time($date) }; if ($@) { warn "bad Date: $date in $mid: $@\n"; } elsif ($date =~ /\s+([\+\-]\d+)\s*\z/) { $zone = $1; } } unless ($ts) { my @recvd = $hdr->header_raw('Received'); foreach my $r (@recvd) { $zone = undef; $r =~ /\s*(\d+\s+[[:alpha:]]+\s+\d{2,4}\s+ \d+\D\d+(?:\D\d+)\s+([\+\-]\d+))/osx or next; $zone = $2; $ts = eval { str2time($1) } and last; warn "no date in Received: $r\n"; } } $zone ||= '+0000'; # "-1200" is the furthest westermost zone offset, # but git fast-import is liberal so we use "-1400" if ($zone >= 1400 || $zone <= -1400) { warn "bogus TZ offset: $zone, ignoring and assuming +0000\n"; $zone = '+0000'; } $ts ||= time; $ts = 0 if $ts < 0; # git uses unsigned times "$ts $zone"; } # returns undef on duplicate # returns the :MARK of the most recent commit sub add { my ($self, $mime, $check_cb) = @_; # mime = Email::MIME my $from = $mime->header('From'); my ($email) = PublicInbox::Address::emails($from); my ($name) = PublicInbox::Address::names($from); my $date_raw = parse_date($mime); my $subject = $mime->header('Subject'); $subject = '(no subject)' unless defined $subject; my $path_type = $self->{path_type}; my $path; if ($path_type eq '2/38') { $path = mid2path(mid_mime($mime)); } else { # v2 layout, one file: $path = 'm'; } my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start; my $tip = $self->{tip}; if ($path_type eq '2/38') { _check_path($r, $w, $tip, $path) and return; } # kill potentially confusing/misleading headers $mime->header_set($_) for qw(bytes lines content-length status); # spam check: if ($check_cb) { $mime = $check_cb->($mime) or return; } my $blob = $self->{mark}++; my $str = $mime->as_string; print $w "blob\nmark :$blob\ndata ", length($str), "\n" or wfail; print $w $str, "\n" or wfail; $str = undef; # v2: we need this for Xapian if ($self->{want_object_id}) { chomp($self->{last_object_id} = $self->get_mark(":$blob")); } my $ref = $self->{ref}; my $commit = $self->{mark}++; my $parent = $tip =~ /\A:/ ? $tip : undef; unless ($parent) { print $w "reset $ref\n" or wfail; } # quiet down wide character warnings with utf8::encode if (defined $email) { utf8::encode($email); } else { $email = ''; warn "no email in From: $from\n"; } # git gets confused with: # "'A U Thor ' via foo" # ref: # if (defined $name) { $name =~ tr/<>//d; utf8::encode($name); } else { $name = ''; warn "no name in From: $from\n"; } utf8::encode($subject); print $w "commit $ref\nmark :$commit\n", "author $name <$email> $date_raw\n", "committer $self->{ident} ", now_raw(), "\n" or wfail; print $w "data ", (length($subject) + 1), "\n", $subject, "\n\n" or wfail; if ($tip ne '') { print $w 'from ', ($parent ? $parent : $tip), "\n" or wfail; } print $w "M 100644 :$blob $path\n\n" or wfail; $self->{nchg}++; $self->{tip} = ":$commit"; } sub run_die ($$) { my ($cmd, $env) = @_; my $pid = spawn($cmd, $env, undef); defined $pid or die "spawning ".join(' ', @$cmd)." failed: $!"; waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or die join(' ', @$cmd) .' did not finish'; $? == 0 or die join(' ', @$cmd) . " failed: $?\n"; } sub done { my ($self) = @_; my $w = delete $self->{out} or return; my $r = delete $self->{in} or die 'BUG: missing {in} when done'; print $w "done\n" or wfail; my $pid = delete $self->{pid} or die 'BUG: missing {pid} when done'; waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or die 'fast-import did not finish'; $? == 0 or die "fast-import failed: $?"; my $nchg = delete $self->{nchg}; # for compatibility with existing ssoma installations # we can probably remove this entirely by 2020 my $git_dir = $self->{git}->{git_dir}; my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$git_dir"); my $index = "$git_dir/ssoma.index"; if ($nchg && -e $index && !$ENV{FAST}) { my $env = { GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index }; run_die([@cmd, qw(read-tree -m -v -i), $self->{ref}], $env); } if ($nchg) { run_die([@cmd, 'update-server-info'], undef); eval { require PublicInbox::SearchIdx; my $inbox = $self->{inbox} || $git_dir; my $s = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($inbox); $s->index_sync({ ref => $self->{ref} }); }; eval { run_die([@cmd, qw(gc --auto)], undef) }; } $self->{ssoma_lock} or return; my $lockfh = delete $self->{lockfh} or die "BUG: not locked: $!"; flock($lockfh, LOCK_UN) or die "unlock failed: $!"; close $lockfh or die "close lock failed: $!"; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME PublicInbox::Import - message importer for public-inbox =head1 VERSION version 1.0 =head1 SYNOPSYS use Email::MIME; use PublicInbox::Git; use PublicInbox::Import; chomp(my $git_dir = `git rev-parse --git-dir`); $git_dir or die "GIT_DIR= must be specified\n"; my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir); my @committer = ('inbox', 'inbox@example.org'); my $im = PublicInbox::Import->new($git, @committer); # to add a message: my $message = "From: \n". "Subject: test message \n" . "Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000\n" . "Message-ID: \n". "\ntest message"; my $parsed = Email::MIME->new($message); my $ret = $im->add($parsed); if (!defined $ret) { warn "duplicate: ", $parsed->header_obj->header_raw('Message-ID'), "\n"; } else { print "imported at mark $ret\n"; } $im->done; # to remove a message my $junk = Email::MIME->new($message); my ($mark, $orig) = $im->remove($junk); if ($mark eq 'MISSING') { print "not found\n"; } elsif ($mark eq 'MISMATCH') { print "Message exists but does not match\n\n", $orig->as_string, "\n",; } else { print "removed at mark $mark\n\n", $orig->as_string, "\n"; } $im->done; =head1 DESCRIPTION An importer and remover for public-inboxes which takes L messages as input and stores them in a ssoma repository as documented in L, except it does not allow duplicate Message-IDs. It requires L and L to be installed. =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 new my $im = PublicInbox::Import->new($git, @committer); Initialize a new PublicInbox::Import object. =head2 add my $parsed = Email::MIME->new($message); $im->add($parsed); Adds a message to to the git repository. This will acquire C<$GIT_DIR/ssoma.lock> and start L if necessary. Messages added will not be visible to other processes until L is called, but L may be called on them. =head2 remove my $junk = Email::MIME->new($message); my ($code, $orig) = $im->remove($junk); Removes a message from the repository. On success, it returns a ':'-prefixed numeric code representing the git-fast-import mark and the original messages as an Email::MIME object. If the message could not be found, the code is "MISSING" and the original message is undef. If there is a mismatch where the "Message-ID" is matched but the subject and body do not match, the returned code is "MISMATCH" and the conflicting message is returned as orig. =head2 done Finalizes the L and unlocks the repository. Calling this is required to finalize changes to a repository. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 CONTACT All feedback welcome via plain-text mail to L The mail archives are hosted at L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2016 all contributors L License: AGPL-3.0+ L =cut